Indeed, Lin Haoshang’s experience of entering Zhongcheng High School seemed like a chapter in a fantasy story. The school is known for producing outstanding alumni, including superheroes like the agile Spider-Man Peter Parker, the tenacious Jessica Jones and the powerful agent Venom and Flash Thompson. What's amazing is that these iconic characters are not just legends in the books, but real classmates of Lin Haoshang, who walked the same corridors together and shared the same space.

The presence of these extraordinary characters in Lin Haoshang's life marks a bizarre departure from the established timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, Peter Parker's memory echoes Andrew Garfield's performance in The Amazing Spider-Man. This similarity adds a hint of possibility to their coexistence in Lin Haoshang's reality, blurring the line between fiction and reality.

Perhaps Lam Ho-Shang’s world is a complex extension of the Marvel Cinematic Legends, weaving its own unique story. Garfield's portrayal of Peter Parker, a character that Lin Haoshang loved deeply, is profound. Parker is not only his favorite Spider-Man, but also the character he can relate to the most. Lin Haoshang felt deeply proud and surprised to be in the same room with such a legendary figure. As the old saying goes:"You have never truly experienced the Marvel world unless you become classmates with Spider-Man."

However, the original Lin Haoshang seems to have kept a distance from Parker and others. Although they share the same classroom, their interactions are minimal and limited to the boundaries of casual friends. This dynamic is perhaps not surprising for a person of Chinese descent in such a diverse and distinguished environment.

In addition, there is a famous student in their class, Gwen Stacey, who was the silent admirer of Lin Haoshang's predecessor. He admired her from a distance, hiding under his inferiority complex and silent love.

However, this unrequited love is a relic of Lin Haoshang's past, left behind as he travels through time and space. In a Marvel Universe filled with charismatic characters, why should his focus be fixed on Gwen Stacy? Although her beauty conforms to Eastern aesthetics and her charming personality, Lin Haoshang has no intention of pursuing her. In his eyes, no god, no matter how sacred, could shake his steadfast spirit.

In the original narrative, Lin Haoshang's story is about creation and discovery. He has the ability to create dreams, but cannot create beings with unknown powers. Guided by Sharon's consciousness, he began to seek knowledge, hoping to use wisdom and skills to enhance his newfound physical abilities. His life moves forward with an introverted and introspective classmate.

In those moments, Lin Haoshang could have chosen to socialize with other girls in the class. For example, the quiet, introverted girl wearing glasses always looks hesitant and shy in her eyes.

As Lin Haoshang set foot on the road to school, his mind was buzzing with the lessons taught by Sharon's consciousness. He has the unique ability to create fantastic realms, yet he is unable to summon beings beyond his understanding.

If he could simply do that, he could summon the Avengers: Endgame -era Iron Man, making Tony Stark's intervention unnecessary.

In the past ten days, Lin Haoshang has been carefully observing those gang members, whose shooting skills are only slightly better than Uncle Hei. He learned and practiced his shooting skills through trial and error.

But under Sharon's guidance, he no longer felt like he was sailing blindly through uncharted waters. Just one night of coaching was more effective than his previous ten days of hard work.

Waking up from that enlightening experience, Lin Haoshang was still basking in the afterglow of his newfound knowledge, hungry for more.

Although he didn't have a firearm to practice his shooting skills with, the combat skills he'd learned over the past two hours were immediately applicable.

Lin Haoshang arrived at school early and quietly slipped into a small forest to practice the moves he had mastered. Only then does he become truly aware of the changes taking place in his body, which are heightened by the emotional energy he absorbs.

Initially, when he first traveled to this world, Lin Haoshang was very weak and felt exhausted even after running 400 meters. But now, the outlines of muscles are clearly visible on his arms. His strength and stamina increased many folds, a testament to his remarkable transformation.

In the tranquility of the early morning, Lin Haoshang even surprised himself. Where once he struggled to do even a few push-ups, now he easily completes twenty, not taking a breath when he gets up. Such an achievement, both ten days ago and before the start of his extraordinary journey, was beyond his wildest dreams. After adapting to his newfound strength, Lin Haoshang became familiar with his body through rigorous practice. He began to recall and imitate the movements and techniques he had learned before, using a small tree as a practice object. He was grateful for this lonely, early morning moment; without the curious eyes of passers-by, he could avoid their ridicule and judgment. Being of Asian descent, especially Chinese, in this country often means facing unwanted scrutiny and isolation. Any deviation from the norm, no matter how small, is enough to attract unwanted attention.

But for Lin Haoshang, the opinions of those who unfortunately misunderstood him did not matter to him. He often said:"Call me weird, and I won't care; avoid me, and I will still dream of sparring with Sister Sharon at home."

However, for those who dare to openly laugh at or bully him, he silently warns:" Don't mistake my patience for weakness. I will let you know that the martial arts of the people of Xia are no illusion. I can turn your nightmares into reality and make sleep the most feared part of your day."

Although bullying has not It's directed at Lin Ho-sang, but it's like a shadow everywhere in the country's schools. As he continued practicing, the tranquility was suddenly broken by distant noises. A group of voices shouting,"Eat! Eat! Eat!" interrupted his concentration, drawing his attention to a new scene in the distance. Amidst the hustle and bustle of cheers, a young man's powerful voice penetrated the noise, full of youthful vitality

"Eat your vegetables, Gordon! Come on, come on!"

Before Lin Hao even got close, the energetic young man turned his attention to another person and shouted with the same passion

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