Because Sheriff George was even ready to issue an order to kill Spider-Man on the spot.

Of course, all this has little to do with Shang. After all, he is just Abin. He can just squat behind and watch the surveillance camera and report his coordinates. There is almost no risk of exposure.

But seeing Parker being chased away like a dog by the police every day, Shang felt very unhappy.

Fortunately, it's just the most incompetent group of people competing now. If the FBI or even SHIELD gets involved, Parker won't be able to escape even if he really grows eight legs.

Once he is really caught, with Parker's character and background, he will be treated as a donkey of the production team and work hard for the rest of his life.

So, is it true that the Avengers are the ultimate destination for superheroes? Only by joining a team can we be strong, and even challenge the American government. If we fight alone, we can only be taken away by others.

Of course, if you want to be strong, you can’t sign up for a group alone, you must have money!

No matter when, only having money is the kingly way, so that those politicians who are accustomed to being aloof can only use their righteousness to persuade you instead of directly suppressing you with force.

In this country, having money means having power!

Sheriff George thought that chivalrous people use force to break the law, but now, Shang believes that great chivalrous people serve the country and the people. If this is the case, then why can't we have a certain say in this country.

After all, we have also shed blood and sweat for the stability of society. disagree?

Then you are a fake and a double-standard dog. With such a government, I will end your troubles sooner or later.

After thinking about this, Shang understood that he only had three primary tasks now, making money, making money, or really making money!

Where does the money come from? Shang actually already had an idea in his mind.

Under the night, a tall woman wearing a hood is walking on the dark street. She is a blonde beauty with an extremely attractive height and curves. Her walking posture makes people suspicious. She may have just become a woman.

Of course, for LSP, this woman's figure is enough to make them desperate, even if it is a new woman, it doesn't matter, there is no way out.

However, as this woman walked along the dark street, she didn't meet a single gangster. The street was as clean as if it were a ghost-clad main city.

Well, because this is the peace and quiet of Hell's Kitchen.

Soon, the woman came to a seemingly inconspicuous door, reached out and knocked on the door rhythmically a few times.

Squeak, the door opened quickly, and an Asian man stuck his head out and welcomed her in.

In the dim room, the woman sat in front of a table. Under the light, a delicate face appeared in the hood.

Besides her, there were five or six people in the room, one of whom was obviously a leader, an Asian man with a resolute face and a cold expression, sitting at the other end of the table, the surprise on his face fleeting.

"Hello, I am Wang. I don’t know what to call the lady?"

"No. 18."

The woman said calmly, her expression was calm and she looked like a robot.

"Hello, Ms. 18."

The king was not dissatisfied at all because of the false name. Instead, he asked expectantly,"Did you bring the things?""

""Of course." No. 18 took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and threw it directly to Wang opposite.

Wang had obviously practiced. He caught the USB flash drive with dexterity and handed it to the man wearing glasses next to him. Young man hung up on technology

"One by one, take a look"

"Yes, Team Wang."

The young man inserted the USB flash drive into his mobile phone's laptop, tapped it a few times, and then looked up.

"SB41 super alloy looks fine, but its specific performance still needs to be verified."

"I can wait until you complete the verification before paying."

When No. 18 spoke, not only his expressions, but also his body movements did not move at all. Even the determined Wang once again had the idea that this was a robot.

"No, we can pay the payment directly this time," Wang decided directly.

After receiving Wang's signal, the man with glasses named Yiyi was unambiguous and directly transferred money online.

Soon, No. 18 received the message on his mobile phone The news of the arrival of the account made a bunch of people dizzy.

"A pleasure to work with. Wang stood up and extended his hand to No. 18,"We have limited funds now, but it is not troublesome to mobilize funds. I look forward to our cooperation next time.""

No. 18 did not reach out or even stand up.

"No, no need for next time."

As soon as these words came out, several people behind the king became nervous instantly. Some were even ready to draw their guns, but the king was very calm.

"How to say?"

No. 18 took out a mobile hard drive again and threw it casually.

When he took the mobile hard drive that was about the size of a tortoise box, Wang's heart trembled violently, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

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