In this quiet night, Wu Gang was about to impart some advice to No. 13 beside him, but turned around and found that No. 13 had fallen asleep beside him, with slight snoring slowly flowing out.

"He really fell asleep all of a sudden"

"Wow, this is amazing, right?"

In an instant, No. 13, who had just closed his eyes, found that he was no longer in the car. Instead, he found that he was sitting on a transport plane flying through the sky.

"It turns out that this is what people call 'drug transportation'. I really wanted to see it with my own eyes."

As No. 13's excitement about participating in 'drug transportation' grew, a few kilometers away, in a suburban home in Queens, on the outskirts of Hell's Kitchen, an Asian teenager, tall but slightly thin, was closing his eyes. Lying on the bed. Suddenly, his eyelids trembled slightly

"Who was that person who came in just now? They look vaguely familiar."

High in the sky, Lin Haoshang was suspended between the clouds, looking down at the earth below.

Below him was a vast ocean, with several square grids of the same size neatly arranged on it. There was a square grid in each grid. Islands with exactly the same shape and appearance.

At this moment, the transport plane was flying over these islands, and countless small black dots jumped off the plane, which bloomed into parachutes in the sky.

Lin Haoshang frowned, he One of the grids is zoomed in. The scene within the grid is zoomed in, revealing the face of the person who just entered.

"Is this woman... Sharon Carter?"

Sharon Carter, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., is the niece of Peggy Carter and the ex-lover of Captain America. She is the nurse who lived opposite him when he woke up from his long sleep. Lin Haoshang, a time traveler traveler who has always had a keen interest in the Marvel Universe. Before his journey across time and space, he was particularly fascinated by one character in the movie. She was a stunning, blonde, long-legged foreign agent who, despite appearing in It was short, but she made a lasting impression on him.

So when he finally saw her face, he immediately recognized her identity

"It's only been ten days and SHIELD has already tracked me?"Lin Haoshang looked at Sharon Carter thoughtfully, stroking his chin with his hand. At the moment when Lin Haoshang traveled through time and space, it was just after the Marvel series"The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" became popular. This drama is for Sharon Carter. The prospect of a potential darkening of Len Carter's character has been foreshadowed, but her fate is still not entirely clear, leaving Lin with doubts about her future development.

However, he is now in the early stages of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tony Stark had just been kidnapped in the Big Moon Country in the Eastern Continent, and Iron Man had not yet made a name for himself. It seemed too early to speculate on events fifteen years later.

But after meeting Sharon Carter, an important figure from S.H.I.E.L.D. Afterwards, Lin Haoshang realized that he had attracted their attention.

But he was not worried at all.

Indeed, he is a time traveler. Although his current body is just an ordinary high school student, in this"Marvel" world , he felt almost like a god.

The details of Lin Haoshang's time travel were ordinary and unremarkable. Nonetheless, it was a great joy for him to find himself in the Marvel Universe."Becoming a superhero in a world with the Avengers In a world where many people dream of fighting side by side with the Alliance and creating chaos throughout the United States, Lin Haoshang, who has experienced time travel, has realized his deepest wish: the power of dream control.

With this new ability, he can create a dream world and attract the consciousness of sleeping people within a certain radius into this fictional reality. Here, he uses their emotional spectrum—joy, anger, sadness, reflection, grief, fear, and shock—to empower himself.

However, since Lin Haoshang is only at the first level, his ability is limited to creating dreams that closely resemble reality. This restriction did not dampen his enthusiasm. In the dream world, high emotional fluctuations and a larger population mean he can gain more power.

After careful consideration, he chose the"Battle Royale" game scene as his dream world. This environment, hated by members of the culinary underworld, was inspired by the popular global"battle royale" game in his previous life. In the dream kingdom constructed by Lin Haoshang, death is not the end, but it leaves unforgettable wounds deep in the hearts of the participants. These experiences called"scars" are not in vain, but are absorbed and transformed into energy by Lin Haoshang, the master of the dream world.

This energy not only strengthened Lin Haoshang's physical strength in the real world, but also gave his dream world vitality and richness. He is able to adjust the proportion of energy he absorbs because his purpose is not to harm, but to get what he needs like"shearing a sheep." Although Lin Haoshang felt no guilt in stripping away these criminal elements, he knew that without the"flock" to provide wool, his energy source would be reduced.

In the world envisioned by Lin Haoshang, each game has a unique twist: participants suffer varying degrees of psychological trauma in the order in which they die. The later he dies, the more severe the psychological damage will be. Lin Haoshang's ingenious design not only adds unpredictability to the game, but also intensifies the emotional investment of each participant, making every moment of survival seem precious.

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