The key to this cave. Perhaps it can lead us to a way out. "

Flame Messenger: (nodding) "Let's join forces and see if there is a way to activate it." The

three Guardians began to use their respective elemental powers to try to activate the crystal stone. The power of water, fire and wind fused together, finally making the crystal stone emit a dazzling light. The dark power in the cave also began to gradually dissipate.

A mysterious voice came from the crystal stone: (Melodious) "You are the first challenger, choose cooperation over fighting. Now that you've obtained the light door that opens into the depths of the cave

, Xue Zhiyi and her fellow guardians find themselves in a whole new environment. The place is shrouded in a thick mist, and in front of it lies a seemingly endless forest, tall and ancient, their roots and whiskers intertwined, forming a labyrinthine forest passage.

Water Witch: (Gazes at the mist and forest in the distance) "The energy here feels a little different, full of mysterious atmosphere. Messenger

of Flame: (looking around, warily saying) "After we came in, the light door closed. Maybe we have to find some way to get back.

Windbringer: (looking deep into the woods and whispering) "We have only the way forward." But let's move forward carefully, one step at a time. "

They slowly moved through the forest, along a labyrinth of tree passages. The fog became thicker and thicker, and every now and then, mysterious voices sounded in the wind, as if conveying some kind of message to them.

Mysterious voice: (melodious and ancient) "Brave, you have entered the ancient forest, which is full of trials and wisdom. Only those who can solve the mystery of the forest can find their way to the next challenge.

Xue Zhiwei: (contemplating, seemingly thinking about the next move) "We must solve the mystery of the forest in order to move forward. Perhaps, we need to look for clues or some kind of hint. Messenger

of Flame: (nodding) "Yes, we need to keep an eye on our surroundings and find the key points. "

Just as they were going deep into the forest, they suddenly came to a clear stream. The crystal clear stream reflects the shadows of the surrounding trees, and an ancient stone tablet stands next to the stream.

Water Witch: (looking closely at the stele) "Maybe there are clues on this stele. Let me see.

She gently touched the stone tablet, and suddenly, the symbols on the inscription began to glow, casting a beam of light that pointed in a certain direction in the forest.

Wind Messenger: (surprised) "Look, that beam is pointing ahead. Maybe that's where we need to go.

Xue Zhiwei: (Firmly) "Let's follow that beam of light and find the answer to the mystery of the forest." Deep

in the forest, beams of light led them through the thick trees and finally to a mysterious little spring. The clear spring water gurgles and exudes a tranquil atmosphere.

Water Witch: (gazing at the clear spring) "This spring seems to contain some kind of special energy. "

Flame Messenger: (carefully feeling the atmosphere around him)"Perhaps this is an important clue. Wind

Messenger: (looking around) "We need to find a way to interpret this energy, and maybe it will guide us forward." Just

as they were thinking about it, suddenly from among the trees came a faint but clear sound of music, what seemed to be an ancient melody.

Mystical Music: (Melodious and Ancient) "By the tranquil spring, the wise seek clues, and the heart will be enlightened. "

It's an old ballad, maybe it's the key to solving the puzzle." "

Water Witch: (Moment of contemplation) "Maybe we need to perform some special rituals next to the spring to feel its true power. "

Messenger of Flame: (awe-inspiring) "Let's try it together." So

they began a mysterious ritual around the spring and according to an ancient song. With the melody of the song, the spring water emitted a shimmering light, gradually forming a flickering rune array.

Wind Messenger: (looking in shock) "This... What a magical power this is! The

rune array gradually expanded, surrounding them, and then suddenly, they seemed to merge into the rune array. A warm force spread throughout the body, and the heart was deeply enlightened.

Xue Zhiwei: (Eyes shining with wisdom) "This is the inheritance of ancient wisdom, and we have gained new strength. Messenger

of Fire: (proudly) "Let's move on, we're ready." On

the way forward, Xue Zhiyi and his companions found an ancient stone tablet carved with mysterious symbols and words.

Water Witch: (Intently observing the stone tablet) "These symbols look ancient and complex, and they must be hiding some kind of message. "

Messenger of Flame: (carefully studying the text) "Maybe these are the clues to the destination, and we must decipher them. "

Wind Messenger: (Try to read the symbols)" and so on, these words seem to be related to the ballad of the spring. Xue

Zhiwei: (thinking for a moment, recalling the lyrics of the ballad) "You are right, the ballad mentions 'wise men looking for clues', maybe we need to use our wisdom to solve this puzzle." So

they began to seriously analyze the meaning of each symbol and word. After hard work, they finally came to a conclusion.

Water Witch: (excitedly) "I see, these symbols represent the four elements: water, fire, wind, and earth. "

Messenger of Flame: (nodding in agreement) "Yes, we got the power of water from the spring, and here should be the clue to the fire. "

Wind Messenger: (pointing to the distant mountains)"Look, there is fire burning in that mountain, and there must be clues we need. Xue

Zhiwei: (full of confidence) "Let's head to the mountains and find clues to the power of fire." They

gradually approached the Flaming Mountain Range, feeling the blazing breath and the burning sound of the fire.

Water Witch: (frowning) "The temperature here is unbearably high. Messenger

of Fire: (laughs) "This is exactly the symbol of the power of fire that we need. We have to go to the depths of the Flaming Mountains and find clues. "

Wind Messenger: (warily observing the mountains) "It doesn't seem to be friendly here, the Flaming Mountains seem to be full of danger.

Xue Zhiwei: (Firmly) "No matter how difficult it is, we must move forward. Clues to the power of fire must be waiting for us deep in the mountains. "

They decided to bravely enter the Flame Mountain Range, requiring caution at every step. In the depths of the Flame Mountain Range, they encountered a huge river of magma, blocking ahead.

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