The moment Odin's words came out was still a beat slow, and Thor's hand had already touched Jane's shoulder. At that moment, crimson energy burst out from where Thor touched, and the huge energy shook Thor's entire body. It flew out.

Jane also fainted because of the burst of energy, and Han Yu caught her just before she fell to the ground.

"Her body can't bear this level of energy burst, and the longer it takes, the worse it will be for her."

Jane's lips turned white, because the Reality Gem absorbed the manifestation of her vitality in her body, and every time this self-protective energy burst, her body couldn't bear it several times.

Hearing Han Yu's words, a trace of intolerance and helplessness flashed in Leishen's eyes. He had never been in contact with this kind of situation, and he didn't know how to solve it.

"If the dark elves still exist, there may be a chance to take them out, but the dark elves have been extinct since my father's generation."

Odin sighed. Even he had never been in contact with such a mysterious thing as the Infinity Gem, so he would never have imagined that it would be in his son's girlfriend's body now.

Han Yu said calmly, "No, they're not dead yet."

He knew that during that war, the leader of the dark elves, Malekith, and some of his confidants fled the battlefield, hid in a corner of the universe, and entered the dormant cabin to rest.

The opportunity for them to wake up is that the reality gem leaves the place where Asgard placed it, and the dark elves will be inspired to wake up.

At this time, they should already be planning how to attack Asgard.

Odin asked: "It's not over yet, how do you know that?"

When the dark elves appeared last time, human civilization on Earth had not yet formed. How could Han Yu, who seemed to be only in his twenties, know such things.

The green energy turned into strands of silk and touched Jane's body lightly. Han Yu ignored Odin's question. Jane's physical condition was not optimistic. It was impossible for an ordinary person to withstand the energy explosion brought by the infinite gem.

What's more, this reality gem has the ability to absorb the vitality of the host, so Jane's body will only get worse and worse. There is still a little "gold powder" in the green silk thread that Han Yu sent her, which was sent to her body together .

Thor asked, "What are you doing?"

"Save people."

After dozens of seconds passed, Jane's face changed from pale to rosy.

"What a magical technique, what kind of ability do you have?"

Odin asked, he has lived for so long, and it is the first time he has seen such an effective rescue method.

"It's mainly the effect of this kind of thing. It's called 'Xiandou'. No matter how serious the injury is, it can be treated. I improved it. It also has the effect of beautifying the skin and strengthening the body."

Han Yu opened his five fingers, and a broad bean-shaped bean was suspended in his palm. Because Jane couldn't swallow it, Han Yu used the energy of the green light to deliver the powder made of fairy beans to her, so that she could recover her complexion so quickly .

Hearing this, Thunder God had a look of surprise on his face. This kind of thing is very rare even for him, but Jane was convinced like this?

"Good thing, I heard that you are a grocery store merchant? Can you ship these things stably?"

A gleam of joy flashed across Odin's eyes, and he was a little moved. They don't have such a good thing in Asgard.

"Stable shipments are no problem, but the price is not cheap."

Han Yu smiled lightly, although it seems that he would take out the fairy beans casually every time he used them, but in fact, if this thing is bought in the market, its price will only increase all the way, and it cannot be lowered.

On the earth, the price of one piece can start at tens of billions. It is not an exaggeration at all. There will be many wealthy and powerful hidden tycoons who will pay a huge price just to buy one piece. There will always be money.

So no matter what kind of injury, this fairy bean can be cured as long as you eat it, and it also has the effect of beautifying and strengthening the body. No matter where it is placed, it will be sought after by countless people.

"You can set the price whatever you want."

Asgard is the place in charge of the Nine Realms, and things like money are really "dung" to Odin.

Han Yu rubbed his chin. Although he is still a clerk in the grocery store, in fact, he can set the price of all the items in the store. He has the final say on the high and low.

While he was thinking, Jane woke up slowly, and felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit strange, so she asked Thor in a low voice, and nodded when she learned the specific situation.

Jane asked Thor in a low voice: "Aren't you Asgardians gods, don't gods have some kind of self-healing ability?"

Thor shook his head and explained: "We Asgardians are not all gods. For your earth, we are just aliens with higher technology. We are many, many years ahead of the technology. When we came to the earth before, because You Earthlings don't understand this technology, that's why you call us 'gods'."

The Asgardians still suffered from birth, old age, sickness, death and injury. If the fairy beans in Han Yu's hand could be given to them regularly, it would greatly improve Asgardian's combat power.

Han Yu was able to lift his own hammer, and Thunder God had always been very uncomfortable. Now that the other party can come up with such a fetish that even Asgard doesn't have, it makes him feel even more uncomfortable.

Seeing Han Yu thinking, Odin said to Thor: "Take this lady to rest first, and I will talk to him in another place."

In this regard, Thor knew that he couldn't help much, so he took Jane and found a room for her to rest first.

Odin brought Han Yu to the reception room, which was a gorgeous room. A round table was placed in the center of the room, and there were some strange fruits on it, which looked delicious.

"Well, I want the command and command of the Asgard guard."

Han Yu's words are really shocking. Can the Asgard guards be given at will? Every fighter is selected. In the entire Asgard, there are less than a hundred guards. Members are enough to see its rarity.

Odin frowned, and was about to speak, Han Yu waved his hands and continued, "I don't want your soldiers for my own selfish desires. For the Asgard guards, my fairy beans can be provided in unlimited quantities. There is only one The condition is that when the earth is invaded by other forces, I can command them to save the earth, that's all."

"Also, your lifespan seems to have come to an end, right?"

These words are the real words that are not astonishing. Odin stared wide-eyed and looked at him in disbelief, surprised why he knew.

Even his wife next to his pillow didn't know about this matter, and it really surprised him that Han Yu knew about it.

As Thor said, the Asgardians are just aliens with super technology. Although their individual lives have been promoted to more than a thousand years, and their physical functions are completely exhausted, they will eventually die one day.

Odin's battle in the Nine Realms has long been scarred. His life is indeed, as Han Yu said, gradually coming to an end, and it is during this time.

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