Sleel Hawkeye, the Sentinel Captain of the Steeltooth Gnoll Tribe, and the third son of the Steelfang Chief. It is named "Eagle Eye" because of its sharp eyes.

The Steeltooth Gnoll tribe is a medium-sized tribe of several hundred people, built on a small natural canyon that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Although it is a medium-sized tribe, several large tribes in the Desperate Mountain Range will not provoke the Steel Tooth Tribe, because the Steel Tooth Tribe is one of the few tribes in the Desperate Mountain Range that survived the "Red Moon Disaster" a hundred years ago.

Although the number of people has plummeted to become a medium-sized tribe, the tribe's heritage is relatively intact. What's more, the Steeltooth Tribe's chieftain, Snar Charm Bloodthirsty, is a Rank 7 Gnoll War Lord with a full set of green-level equipment. Even an eighth-order opponent may not be able to win the Snarl Charm, and most of the chieftains of the large tribes are seventh-order, and few are eighth-order.

Not only out of respect for the survivors of the "Red Moon Disaster", but also out of admiration for the strong strength of Snarlmei. Several major tribes are tacitly friendly with them, and even if the hunting party of the tribe meets, there will be no conflict.

But something strange has happened recently, the animal activity in the forest has become less, and the small tribes in some places have disappeared inexplicably, and sometimes they will encounter some black savages and monsters, their eyes are red, they are extremely aggressive, and they are much stronger than ordinary savages and monsters. Because of these strange creatures, the last few hunts have caught fewer prey, and many hunters have been injured.

In order to investigate the matter, Sluer was entrusted by his father to go out with a team of sentinels to find out the cause.

Slull was lucky and unlucky, fortunately, he learned that the culprit of these recent strange events was a demon mage, and everything was caused by the other party to summon demons for sacrifice. Unfortunately, Sler was discovered by the other party, and the strength of the other party exceeded his expectations.

A loud explosion and flickering white light attracted the attention of Slull and his group of gnolls, and when they arrived near the source of the sound, Slull immediately ordered to hide, because he saw the iconic dorsal fin of the lightning python from afar, and to his surprise, the lightning python's body was covered with charred burn marks and claw marks.

The lightning python, a seventh-order demonic beast, has steely scales that make it impossible to start, and the extremely destructive lightning can turn those who dare to fight its ideas into charcoal.

Sreel was a little incredulous, what was it that made the top predators in this area so embarrassed?

Sreel smelled a pungent stench, similar to the one he had smelled when he had been on a trip to the Rotten Moss Troll Tribe a few years ago and saw a small volcano erupt.

Tribal rituals say that the smell is produced by something called "sulfur", and that the smell is emitted by either living beings living in volcanic areas or beings who are disgusted by all living beings.

Sreel hid behind the bushes and looked at the battle ahead, there were all kinds of monster remains around the scarred lightning python, the fourth-order spiked porcupine, the fifth-order flame tiger, the third-order sage-tailed wolf, and the fourth-order savage, but without exception, their corpses were all black, and the blood flowing out was purple and black, which was not normal at all.

Maybe the corpse was scorched by lightning, but it was impossible to change the color of the blood, especially the sage-tailed wolf, whose blood turned green due to the effects of its own toxin!"

A low, hoarse laugh rang out from behind the tall corpse of a savage, and a figure with two horns and a red mage's cloak stepped out from behind the corpse. "You miscalculated, stupid beast. "


"Qualified offerings. The demon mage stood back, "Kill this stupid snake." "

Roar!" As if in response to the Demon Mage's words, a sheep-headed demon more than three meters tall with huge bat-wings on his back rushed out of the forest wielding a huge battle axe with flames, and the nearby vegetation was ignited by the flames.

The lightning python's vertical pupils shrank, and it recognized something that looked exactly the same except for its size. The plague of the Red Moon a hundred years ago, the monster that killed its mother!

White lightning raged on the lightning python,

and the lightning python was enraged by the double stimulation of the painful wound and the hatred that it was aroused.

To hell with the so-called survival experience! None of the people present today will survive! The

lightning python spat out a large amount of lightning towards the sheep-headed demon and rushed towards the sheep-headed demon at the same time.

Warcraft is quite vindictive, and if there is no special reason, it is basically unstoppable.

Demons have a certain resistance to magic, not to mention that the lightning python has just experienced a battle, and the lightning only made the sheep-headed demon stop for a while, but it is enough for the lightning python to rush in front of the other party.

The sheep-headed demon raised his battle axe and slashed at the lightning python, the lightning python nimbly dodged the burning battle axe, and then wrapped the sheep-headed demon around, the lightning python used its remaining strength to contract the snake's body, and the arc of electricity that jumped on its body made the sheep-headed demon roar again and again but there was nothing to do.

The strength of the snake strangulation coupled with the paralysis of the lightning, the sheep-headed demon could not break free at all, the demon mage thought that the strength of the lightning python would decrease after being injured, but he did not expect that the lightning python would be as crazy as seeing a mortal enemy, completely ignoring the consumption.

In fact, he was also blamed for his bad luck, if it was other kinds of demons, maybe the lightning python would not be so crazy.

The sheep-headed demon's battle axe fell to the ground, and he lost his strength due to the paralysis of lightning, and he fell to the ground unsteadily.

The sheep-headed demon's wings had been crushed, and the sound of bones being squeezed could be heard from his body. It wouldn't be long before the sheep-headed demon would die, but the lightning python had clearly forgotten that there was also a demon mage next to him.

A huge fireball smashed into the lightning python's head, causing it to spin and the snake's body to loosen a little.

Two black fourth-order savages rushed forward, pulling the lightning python left and right despite the arc that was still jumping.

Unexpectedly, despite being in a state of vertigo, out of battle instinct, the lightning python was still subconsciously entangled.

"Ah, annoying brute. The demon mage looked impatient and pointed the staff in his hand at the lightning python's head.

A dark green fire blade flew towards the head of the lightning python, this is a demon's unique sixth-order magic "vicious fire blade", the fire blade can easily cut through the armor made of Mithril like cutting paper, and what is more deadly is that the unique fire poison in the fire blade can even poison eighth-order creatures, even a tenth-order dragon will not want to eat this toxin, it is currently known that only the elven water of life can detoxify.

Seeing that the fire blade was about to cut off half of the lightning python's head, the lightning python finally barely woke up.

But the fire blade was already approaching, and the lightning python only had time to stagger its head, and the fire blade still cut off part of the dorsal fin of the lightning python, and the fire poison quickly blackened the lightning python's wound and began to spread.

"For the price of upsetting me, I'll cut off your head for a collection. Haha-" The demon mage's laughter stopped abruptly as he saw that the lightning python's wound had condensed into ice, and the erosion of the fire poison had been suppressed

, "This damn long worm is actually a rare dual-attribute demonic beast!" "

Although the fire poison is domineering, it will still be suppressed by the opposing attributes, and for people and demonic beasts who can use ice-based magic, although it cannot be removed, it is still possible to suppress the spread of toxins.

Taking advantage of the demon mage's stunned, a cloud of cold ice suddenly appeared on the ground, and then exploded two lifeless savages, and with the dust kicked up, the lightning python quickly fled the scene, and the sheep-headed demon that was entangled by it had been pierced through the head by an ice pick, and the dead could not die again.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!" The demon mage hiding in the red shield was a little embarrassed, although the magic just now was only at the level of the fifth order, but the incident happened suddenly, it still hurt him, after all, the probability of the appearance of dual-attribute demonic beasts is much lower than the probability of appearing dual-attribute mages, it can be said to be one in ten million.

Not only was he injured, but he also lost a sixth-order demon axeman, and he didn't get anything but a dorsal fin that was dyed black and red by fire poison.

"Since it failed. The demon mage suddenly raised his head and looked at the hiding place of Sreel's group of gnolls with a fierce expression, "Then let's make up for you!"

Sleel was so frightened that the other party had already discovered him, but he didn't take them seriously.

Two fourth-order savages who hadn't died yet roared and rushed over, and many black demonic beasts of different grades appeared in all directions.

"Run, scatter, run, whoever runs away, hurry back and warn the clansmen!" Sluer yelled.

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