
The Nine-Tails roared hard inside Naruto Uzumaki! !

Feel the multiplying horror chakra.

At this time, it only felt that with a slight wave, it could easily break the so-called gossip seal!


Madara Uchiha: "Things seem to be starting to go in interesting directions!Nine-Tails!Let's go crazy!"].

[Thousand Hands Pillar: "Nine-Tails really answered correctly?!Aban, don't you fall into the well at this time?!What should I do?!What should I do?!Oudoudou! You have a good head, what should you do at this time?"].

[Thousand Hands: "Think of me at this time?"


[Thousand Hands Pillar: "Oudoudou, what should I do?!"].

In the Pure Land space.

The Thousand Hands Pillar is really in a hurry at this moment.

With a thought, he instantly came to Madara Uchiha's side.

"Madara, what should we do? We are in the Pure Land World, and we can't affect the real world..."

Senju Pillar looked at Madara Uchiha and said anxiously.

"Hey, it's just a broken Konoha leaf, even if it's destroyed by the Nine-Tails?" Madara Uchiha tilted his head, slanting his eyes at the Thousand Hands Pillar.

"No, what a broken Konoha is?!This is not a broken Konoha ha!" said in a heavy voice among the Thousand Hands Pillar.

"This is the village you and I created!"

"This is our bond!".

"This is the Konoha you named for our bond!".

"I'm not going to let the Nine-Tails destroy this bond... Never!".

The voices between the Thousand Hands Pillar began to be a little hoarse, and even their eyes turned red.


"Our fetters ..."

Madara Uchiha's heart shook violently at this time, and his pupils shrank.

This guy....

It's still so eloquent!

Sometimes, he wants to be beaten up by a stupid mouth, but sometimes...

"Panic what?!" Madara Uchiha took a deep breath.

Give a reassuring look to the Thousand Hands Pillar.

"Don't worry, even if the Nine-Tails can break through the seal, I won't let it break it at will..."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to help you, I'm just just looking at the Nine-Tails upset!".

Madara Uchiha hugged his arms and said with a proud face.

"Banda..."Senjutsu almost choked up.

The venue of the Chunin exam.

The surface of Naruto Uzumaki's body suddenly erupted with a crimson nine-tailed chakra!!

In the gossip seal in the body.

The Nine Lamas' whole body was releasing an extremely terrifying crimson chakra!

Ten times the chakra increase, this is no joke!

"Bang !!".

Nine-tails slapped a paw directly on the iron door of the gossip seal.


"This kind of seal, it is impossible to seal the current me!".

"I'm free!".

"Ah! I already smell freedom!".

"When Uncle Ben goes out, he will definitely kill everyone in Konoha Village!!".

The sound of the Nine-Tails had already penetrated the seal, and the Nine-Tails Chakras that were being released on Naruto's body had begun to transform into the appearance of the Nine-Tails.

"Bang !!".

The gossip seal was once again violently shaken by the nine tails!

This time, it could clearly feel that the gossip seal had loosened a lot again!

"Not good!".

"The Nine-Tails are about to break through the seal!!".

At this time, above the venue of the Zhongnin exam, a white-haired man in a red coat fell from the sky!

Fell directly in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

[Bo Feng Shuimen: "Teacher!!"].

[Uzumaki Kushina: "Jiraiya-sama!!"].

After Jiraiya appeared, he took three steps and two steps, and quickly came to Naruto Uzumaki.

At this time, Kakashi also thought of something, and a dodge disappeared in place, waiting for him to reappear again.

There's one more person around, the Captain of the Dark Army, Yamato!

"Yamato, if necessary, please help!".

Kakashi said solemnly to Yamato beside him.

"Yes!Kakashi-senpai!" Yamato nodded quickly and began to use the wooden chakra in his body.

"Hahaha! You people are not enough for Uncle Ben!".

The Nine-Tails, who had blurred into the sky, suddenly roared.

The gossip seal in Naruto Uzumaki's body was once again bombarded violently!


"Bang !!".



A crisp sound seemed to appear in everyone's ears.

Nine-Tails, about to break the gossip seal?!

That's the number one thought on everyone's mind right now!!!

"Hahaha! Ye is coming out!".


"The breath of freedom!!".


The Nine Lamas threw their heads up and laughed.

It has never been so eager to be free!

"Bang !!".

"Boom !!


In the next second, the huge claws of the Nine-Tails were mixed with a strong chakra, and they slammed on the Bagua Seal!

The gossip seal collapsed with a bang!!


The Nine Lamas kicked open the big iron door sealed by the gossip!

The mind moves.

Naruto Uzumaki's consciousness was suddenly pulled into his body by the Nine-Tails.

"Little Devil!!".


"Uncle Ben said, when I come out of your body, the first one will kill you!".

Naruto Uzumaki swallowed his saliva and scratched his head as he looked at the huge Nine-Tails in front of him.

"Nine Lamas, if you kill me, how will we be friends in the future?"

"Nine Lamas, why don't we be friends together!".

"Aren't you the most eager for friends, just like I used to be..."

"Hey, hey, but look, I have a lot of friends now!"

"Nine Lamas, come, be friends with us!".

Although Naruto Uzumaki was scared at the moment, he thought that he would become good friends with the Nine Lamas in the future.

He didn't feel scared anymore.

The big screen of the middle ninja exam venue, and even the big screen of the entire ninja world, suddenly changed the picture to the current picture inside the body of the whirlpool Naruto.

In this way, everyone can clearly see what is going on inside Naruto Uzumaki.

Of course, this is controlled by Bai Yu with the highest authority.

After Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking.

The nine lamas in front of him suddenly raised their heads and laughed!

"Hahaha! How can there be a stupid little ghost like you in this world?!".

"Uncle Ben said, the first one is going to kill you!!".

The chakra on the Nine Lamas' body exploded with a bang!!

Swinging his right paw, he suddenly swung towards Naruto Uzumaki!!

Just at the last moment!

Two angry shouts suddenly exploded directly in the entire ninja world!


"Nine-tails, you dare to !!."

"Nine-tails, you dare to !!."

A golden flash of light suddenly appeared directly in the spiritual space in Naruto Uzumaki's body!

And this time, he didn't come alone, his right hand led the whirlpool Kushina, and they descended to the spiritual space together!!


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