During the holidays, John tried his hand at wizard's chess.

The rules of this kind of chess are similar to chess, but it is more entertaining. Seeing his queen being smashed by Ron's knight, John just chuckled.

John, who originally suspected that he was a poor chess player, was relieved after seeing Harry kneel down eighteen times.

It was snowing outside, and John hadn't forgotten his training.

After the magic power is upgraded, the power of the spell will also increase accordingly.

This is easy to understand. Magic is like a faucet. The water in the faucet determines the size of the water.

His magic power was not enough before, and the spells he released were not very powerful.

The power of spells after level 3 has been greatly improved, and John can learn more attack spells.

But the first thing he learned was a defensive spell.


This is a defensive spell used to ward off aggression and can be used to neutralize most attacks.

It's a very practical magic spell.

After coming out of the Room of Requirement, John returned to his dormitory.

When I woke up early the next morning, Basil beside the bed had returned with gifts.

He opened a present from Mrs. Wick.

It was a pair of warm gloves, knitted by Mrs. Wick herself.

The second one is Dad Watson Wick. The gift package is a four-sided cube.

After shaking it, I realized it couldn't fit a mouse inside.

Opening the gift, John saw a bottle of hot sauce inside.

When he was confused, he saw the name of this hot sauce.

Lao Ganma?!

(Trivia: Laoganma was established in 1984)

Along with the gift came a letter from Old Wick.

After opening it, the father knew that his son liked food from that mysterious country in the East, so he asked many connections and finally got a bottle of Lao Ganma.

John couldn't wait to open Lao Ganma, picked up a little with a fork and put it into his mouth.

The familiar taste after eleven years bloomed on the tip of his tongue, and John almost burst into tears at that time.

Even the gifts from Hagrid and Hermione became unimportant.

in the hall.

Harry looked at the strange bottle in John's hand curiously and asked aloud: What is this? It smells strange?

This is chili sauce, you can try it. John said a spoonful of Lao Gan Ma can be used to dip everything.

Ron changed into a dark purple hand-knitted sweater and curiously tried Lao Ganma. The weird flavor blooming from his taste buds contained the heritage of the ancient Eastern country.

The taste is very strange, a little spicy and a little strange.

Although he said this, Ron still tried to dip the chicken legs like John.

The moment you eat it, it feels like a new world has opened.

Seeing Ron like this, Harry also tried curiously.

Immediately, like Ron, he couldn't resist the strange smell.

Ron also gave John fudge, which tasted delicious and sweet.

John opened the chocolate frog sent by Hermione, and the chocolate frog inside almost jumped away.

The twins were wearing the same hand-knitted sweaters as Ron, except they were blue and had different letters on them.

At the Christmas party, John's old godmother successfully attracted more people's attention.

Wearing a bonnet with flowers on his head, Dumbledore took a taste, but judging from his expression, he must have been disappointed that this thing was not sweet.

After the Christmas banquet, both professors and students were very happy.

In the Room of Requirement, John found a rare resting place.

Taking out the chocolate frog given by Hermione, John grabbed the frog and took a bite.

A wizard card fell from the box.

Above is Dumbledore.

John didn't take it to heart at first, and glanced at it casually, his eyes staying on the card.

Albus Dumbledore, current Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Recognized as the greatest wizard of our time,

Dumbledore's most well-known contributions include:

Defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945,

Discover twelve uses for the fire dragon's blood.

Effective in alchemy with partner Nico Flamel,

Professor Dumbledore loved chamber music and bowling.

Looking at the card blankly, John's eyes fell on Nico Flamel's name.


Touching his chin, John remembered that he had seen something very unnatural in the records of alchemy.

It's called...the Philosopher's Stone?

Chapter 21 Invisibility Cloak and Magic Mirror

Eternal life is pursued wherever it is.

The Philosopher's Stone can do it. Although it is not immortality in the strict sense, it is enough.

If I have a magic stone, it will be of great help to me in refining things.

Of course, John was just thinking about it.

The Philosopher's Stone seems to be a legendary thing, and no one has ever seen it in reality.

But this reminded John that he could start with alchemy and perhaps master Fairy Forging faster.

There may be some in the forbidden book area. I can go and have a look.

Just do it, John cast a layer of illusion spell on himself.

He left the Room of Requirement and approached the library on the fifth floor.

To make sure he wouldn't get caught, John took out the Marauder's Map.

Harry's out?

John saw Harry coming out of Gryffindor Tower and guessed that he was out for a night out.

Looking at his direction, it seems that he has the same purpose as himself.

But when he arrived at the forbidden book area, John didn't see Harry.

To his surprise, he saw the door latch of the restricted book area open automatically.

Invisibility cloak.

With the answer in his mind, John remembered that Harry had an invisibility cloak, and now it seemed that he had received it.

John followed behind before the door closed.

He had the intention of teasing him, so he was not in a hurry to reveal himself, but watched Harry take off the invisibility cloak.

The lantern in Harry's hand swung back and forth on the bookshelf, looking for traces of Nicolas Flamel. He was so nervous that he even heard faint whispers from the books, and he didn't know whether it was an illusion or reality.

Searching among the vast bookshelves, Harry had to find a place to start.

He carefully placed the lamp on the ground and looked along the bottom of the bookshelf, trying to find an interesting book.

Suddenly he saw a large black and silver book and pulled it out without thinking.


It was too late for John to stop it when he saw the book. Harry was startled when he heard the low voice and subconsciously opened the book.


A shrill, blood-curdling scream pierced the silence.

The whole book screamed, and Harry felt his ears sting and slammed the book shut.

But it was too late, the screams did not stop, Harry backed away nervously and knocked down the lamp.

In panic, he could no longer care about the voice that had just spoken.

Putting the book back on the shelf, he put on his invisibility cloak and ran outside.

Filch came over upon hearing the noise, with fury in his eyes, and Harry passed right under his outstretched arms.

Harry, who was running wildly all the way, was in a panic and couldn't tell where he was without the lantern.

Finally, he stopped in front of a tall suit of armor, and the sound of Filch's whistle could still be heard in his ears.

Snape and Filch came around the corner, and Harry could only step back step by step, carefully squeezing through an open door on the left without making a sound.

Harry, who was leaning against the wall, listened to the footsteps that were getting further away, took a deep breath, relaxed, and took off his invisibility cloak.

Just when he thought it was all right and wanted to take a look at the room, the ajar wooden door was opened.

Harry didn't see anyone come in, and he felt like it was haunted.

The hair on his body stood up and he backed away in fear.

Suddenly, Harry's shoulder was touched. He opened his mouth wide and was about to scream, but his mouth was covered with a hand.

Shh, you'll get us points deducted if you do this.


Harry heard a familiar voice and turned around to see that John seemed to appear out of thin air.

John was helpless. He had known that he had been so naughty just now, but now Snape knew that someone had been wandering around the library.

That voice just now was you? How did you do it? Do you also have an invisibility cloak?

After asking three questions in a row, it was clear how surprised Harry was. John was a little confused and changed the subject and said, How about we take a look at this place first? I haven't been here yet.

After hearing what he said, Harry started to pay attention to this place.

It looked like an abandoned classroom, with many desks and chairs stacked against the wall, creating a large dark shadow.

There was also an upside-down wastebasket, and on the wall facing them there was something that was incompatible with the surroundings.

John also noticed the mirror. It was a very impressive mirror, very high, almost as high as the ceiling.

The gorgeous golden frame is supported by two claw-shaped feet.

There was another line at the top, which John read out, Eris Stella Oheru Ayite Ubi Kafulu Ayiteon Voorhees.

A very weird mirror.

As a Gryffindor, Harry walked over without fear.

The next second, Harry stood in front of the mirror, horrified.

What's wrong?

John walked over and didn't understand why. Harry's breathing became rapid and the color on his face quickly faded.

There are many people in the mirror, at least a dozen, and they are all behind me.

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