I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 661 Attack of the Dark Wizard

Rove has had close contact with the wooden coffin in Ravenclaw's tomb, and he has tried various methods, including but not limited to the Fiercefire Curse...

Not to mention destroying the coffin, not even a single scratch was made.

But there was a huge gap in the wooden coffin in front of him. Rove was very curious as to who made it out by what method.

Bagshot stood up again, hunched over, and walked to the wooden coffin. She stroked the gap with her fingers, and said slowly:

"This wooden coffin was jointly built by humans, goblins, centaurs and giants, and according to records, it is invulnerable.

To cause this level of damage, I am afraid that only the weapon that dismembered the ancient wizard back then could do it. "

"But it's a pity." Bagshot let out a sigh full of regret.

"Following the bizarre death of Andal VI, the last king of Giant City, the brilliant civilization of giants has long been lost in the long river of history, and the weapon is also missing."

Rove narrowed his eyes, and he suddenly remembered that he met Corvinus Gaunt at the site of the Upper Barnton Giant Tribe near his home half a year ago.

Gunter was excavating the Giant City, and he took Rove, Shirley, and Newt deep into the ruins, and saw the remains of the last king Andal VI.

Looking back now, his real purpose is probably to find that weapon, right?

Since Corvinus Gaunt was looking for the weapon, it couldn't have been him who split the coffin...could it have been his ancestor Salazar Slytherin? !

After all, Slytherin has always wanted to get the body of the ancient wizard together.

Just as Rove was thinking, Shirley suddenly asked:

"Mrs. Bagshot, you just said that the wizard got three wooden coffins, and the centaur got one wooden coffin... What about the other coffin?"

Bagshot's cloudy eyes moved towards the ponytailed girl's face, and she said hoarsely:

"During that war, due to the snatching by various forces, it accidentally sank into the sea, and has never been heard from since then."

The old man found a book from the bookshelf behind him, waved it and said:

"In the thousands of years since then, there have been endless sightings—many wizards and Muggles have seen a wooden coffin floating in the sea—but no one actually got it."

Shirley and Hermione looked at Rove for a moment, Bagshot saw this, and asked with a puzzled face: "Son, what, have you seen that wooden coffin?"

Rove nodded:

"Last summer, when I traveled to the United States on the Mayflower, I encountered a ghost ship. Behind the ship, I was dragging a wooden coffin with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows engraved on it."

"This kind of experience is rare." Bagshot envied:

"In fact, when I was young, I heard that someone had witnessed it, and I searched for a long time in the nearby sea, but I didn't come across the wooden coffin."

"It seems that it can only be encountered accidentally, and when you really want to look for it, you can't find it." Bagshot said regretfully.

Rove wanted to ask more questions, but suddenly heard an explosion in the distance. He immediately walked to the window and looked out, and found a ball of orange fireballs leaping into the sky.

Rove handed the box in his hand to Shirley behind him, and explained:

"The two of you stay here to protect Mrs. Bagshot. When you encounter enemies, hide in the box...I'll go check and see what happened."

After the boy finished speaking, he opened the window and flew towards the sky.




Rows of tombstones stand in the middle of the snow, with dazzling red, gold and green rays of light shuttled among them, those spells are like the projection of stained glass on the snow.

Tonks felt a green light whizzing past her left ear, and she could not help hiding behind the tombstone, raising her wand at the same time and shouting:


Red light shot from her wand, hitting a hooded wizard who fell backwards into a snowdrift.

"There are three enemies left, Mundungus!" Tonks shouted into the distance, "Don't get too far away from us, and be careful not to be defeated one by one..."

A short, fat man with an unshaven beard and a tattered coat was lying behind a grave. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a series of burning bright lights flashing past his head.

A strong wind made Mundungus's hair flutter, and he retreated into the tomb again, saying in fear:

"No, there are too many enemies, we can't fight them...I'll call someone, Tonks, you stay here...I...I'll go first..."

After Mundungus finished speaking, he disappeared in place with a harsh sound.

"Mundungus, I'm going to kill you!" Tonks cursed angrily.

But the sound revealed her position, several spells hit her, and the tombstone in front of her exploded.

Tonks had no choice but to turn over and hide in the other side of the grave, moving like a monkey.

A wizard gestured to his companions to draw attention from the front, while he leaned forward and cautiously walked behind Tonks, preparing for a sneak attack.

He quickly came to the back of Tonks and saw a snowman standing in front of a tomb, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He tiptoed around the tomb and moved towards Tonks.


Weird footsteps sounded, and the man turned his head abruptly, seeing the snowman move.

The moment the four eyes met, the snowman flew towards the man like a sharp arrow, knocking him to the ground.

The man felt the snow rub against his shaggy beard and chapped lips.

Hearing the movement of the snowman he arranged, Tonks turned around abruptly and waved his wand.

"All petrified!"

The man stopped moving, and his body was frozen in the snow like an ice sculpture.

But in the next second, Tonks felt a curse cut through the air and hit her on the back of the head. She felt dizzy and couldn't even remember how she fell.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on the ground, her ears were ringing, and her mouth was covered with blood. She reached out to find a support to get up, but when her fingers touched... nothing.

A witch came over, she stared at Tonks, giggled and said:

"I know you, dead Auror. Many of my companions were taken into Azkaban by you. Today you fall into my hands. I guarantee that your life will be worse than death."

She raised her wand and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Crucio—"

Tonks knew what was waiting for her next, she slowly closed her eyes, but after waiting for a while, she didn't feel any pain, instead she heard a woman's scream.

Tonks quickly opened his eyes, and saw the woman with her feet off the ground, hanging head and foot in mid-air, writhing in pain.

Through the figure of a woman, she stared blankly at the sky, only to see a handsome young man descending from the sky and floating towards him.

Rove glanced at Tonks whose mouth was covered with blood, then looked at the witch who was hanging in mid-air, and said with a smile:

"You dark wizards, it's really interesting, you even found your own graveyard.

good good good good!

Since it's Christmas, I'll make your wishes come true! "

He raised his wand and said:




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