I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 657: Harry's Nightmare

Standing in the foyer, Rove and Harry listened to Ron lamenting the twins' misdeeds, and they both gave him sympathy.

However, when they heard that Ron was going to take revenge on the twins and make the two of them pay the price, Rove and Harry exchanged glances, and neither of them spoke tacitly.

It's not that he doesn't support it, but that Ron obviously doesn't have that ability and IQ. If he wants to take revenge on the twins, he will probably end up humiliating himself.

Seeing no one around, Harry said suddenly:

"Rove, when I went to the Potions Office yesterday, I saw Headmaster Karkaroff and Snape, talking furtively in the corridor."

Rove snorted and asked, "Did you hear what they were talking about?"

Harry shook his head and said, "I was in a hurry to save Ron, but I only vaguely heard what Karkaroff said...It became more and more obvious...Snape let him escape."

Rove narrowed his eyes, Karkaroff was probably saying that the Dark Mark was becoming more and more obvious.

On each Death Eater's arm, there is the Dark Mark, which is both Voldemort's symbol and the way he summoned his servants.

After Voldemort's "death", the Dark Mark was silent for more than ten years, but with the recovery of his power, the Dark Mark became active again.

When Karkaroff saw this situation, of course he would be afraid. Who made him a traitor and harmed many of his own people.

"The two of them should be plotting something." Harry guessed, "But Karkaroff was afraid of being exposed, so Snape let him escape."

"Maybe it has something to do with the Triwizard Tournament." Ron also gave full play to his imagination, "Durmstrang has never won a championship, and he definitely wants to win this time.

He found Snape, presumably to inquire about the content of the second project. "

Speaking of the Triwizard Tournament, Ron rolled his eyes, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Rove, have you unlocked the secret of the golden egg?"

Rove shook his head. "No."

Harry and Ron were a little disappointed when they heard the news. They both expected to get information from Rove.

It is true that Rove has not solved the secret of the golden egg, but this is not the focus of his concern at the moment. He looked at Harry and asked:

"Have you had any pain from your recent scar?"

As a semi-finished Horcrux, a piece of Voldemort's soul resides on the scar on Harry's forehead.

Whenever Voldemort was emotionally active, Harry's scar would ache, and his consciousness would be forced through the soul, into Voldemort's body, and watch what he did.

In many cases, Harry's "dream" can be regarded as important information to speculate on Voldemort's movements.

"It hurt." Harry hesitated for a moment, and said, "I dreamed about Voldemort before Christmas, and the scar hurt very badly that night."

Rove lifted his spirits and asked, "What is he doing?"

"Voldemort seems to be with a woman." Harry tried to recall: "They were talking, but I can't remember the content, only see...the gravestones all around."


Rove's expression became serious. Could it be that Voldemort really went to the cemetery in Godric's Hollow to find Lily's bones as he guessed?

At this moment, footsteps were heard not far away, and the three of them turned their heads to look, and saw Shirley and Hermione walking straight towards them.

Harry knew that the two of them must have come to find Rove, he thought about it, and asked curiously:

"Rove, the three of you are going to the library to study early in the morning, right?"

"No." Rove said, "We're going to Hogsmeade...I'll go first, we'll talk later."

Harry nodded, while Ron looked at Shirley and Hermione eagerly. He also wanted to find an excuse to follow them to Hogsmeade.

But Ron didn't dare to say it in the end, he could only watch Rove leave the hall with Shirley and Hermione in a daze, showing envy.



The three left the castle, boarded the Thestral carriage, and went straight to Hogsmeade.

The carriage finally stopped at the door of the Pig's Head Bar. Rove got out of the car and saw an old man standing at the door of the bar.

"Hey, Aberforth." Rove walked over and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Installing the damn sign." Aberforth held a frozen salt fish in his left hand, and a battered wooden sign with a picture of a severed boar's head in his right.

"It was blown away by the wind and snow last night. I searched for it all morning and found it in the Shrieking Shack—Hey, Shirley, Hermione, good morning you two."

Shirley and Hermione also said hello, and then hurried forward to help Aberforth install the signboard on a hanging bracket.

After finishing all this, the four of them walked towards the bar. Aberforth glanced at Rove and asked:

"I received your Christmas present yesterday. If you have any more, give me some more."

Rove raised his eyebrows. What he sent was an Indian specialty—a curry made from water from the Ganges River and cow urine—is Aberforth so strong?

"I have a little more." Rove asked curiously, "Aberforth, do you like curry very much?"

"I don't like it." The old man shook his head.

"Then why do you still want it?"

"Give it to Albus." Aberforth pushed open the door of the bar and replied blankly:

"I mixed some curry into his meal this morning. I saw him go to the toilet a few times, so I wanted to have some more of that."


"So, is Professor Dumbledore still in the bar?" Rove asked cautiously.

"It's already gone." Aberforth snorted coldly, and said in a strange way:

"Great Dumbledore, left England half an hour ago to save the wizards in Austria."

"Austria?" Rove was stunned, and secretly said:

"Dumbledore didn't go to Nurmengard again to find Grindelwald, did he?"

The young man glanced at Aberforth's expression, confirming this idea even more.

He couldn't help sighing: Against the objections of his family, he had a transnational relationship, and one of them had a criminal record, and was in a labor camp... It's completely full of buffs, isn't this true love?

The four of them walked into the bar. The room was still as messy as ever, but the fire in the fireplace was burning, making the room very warm.

Aberforth walked in front and asked gruffly, "This place is far from Godric's Hollow, how are you three going to get there?"

"We're going to take the Knight Bus," Rove said.

"That's a lot of trouble. Use the fireplace. The fireplace here leads to our old house in Godric's Hollow."

As Aberforth said, he took out a key from his pocket and threw it to Rove. He said with a straight face:

"After the three of you go in, don't touch anything, you know?!"

"Thank you, Aberforth." Rove smiled. He took the key and asked again:

"By the way, what do you want me to bring to Bathilda Bagshot?"

Aberforth walked to the bar. He reached out his wand and tapped on an old wooden cash drawer. The drawer slid open automatically, and something spit out and fell heavily on the floor.

When Rove looked at that thing, his pupils dilated instantly, showing a shocked expression.



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