I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 644 Christmas Ball (2)

No matter what age women are, their love for jewelry may increase or decrease, but it will never disappear, there is no doubt about it.

But this also brings a problem: the more luxurious jewelry, the more difficult it is for ordinary girls to hold back.

When the temperament and appearance can't match it, it often gives people a kind of vulgarity like nouveau riche. or

The wearer is distracted and all eyes are on the jewelry.

This is similar to solid-color clothes. Black and white are fine, but if you encounter red and green, two vulgar colors, if you can't do it yourself, no matter how good the style is, you can easily become a village girl when you wear it.

Of course Shirley didn't have this kind of situation. She was already extremely beautiful. After wearing that gorgeous gemstone necklace, she added a bit of extravagance, which made her even more beautiful.

The girl stood in front of the fitting mirror, looked at the gemstones on her neck, and exclaimed, "This necklace is so beautiful."

"Yeah, it's really beautiful." Rove stared at the slim young girl with burning eyes, as if admiring a very beautiful thing.

"Its name is the Treasure of Nadia, and it was a jewelry made by King Ragnac I himself."

"Nadia's Treasure." Shirley repeated in a murmur, then turned her head and asked, "It must be very expensive, right?"

The young man said lightly, "It's okay, it's not expensive."

Rove said it was easy, but in fact...it was really easy.

When he went to the Kingdom of Nadia to buy things, he spent Professor Hufflepuff's gold instead of his own money, so of course he didn't feel bad about being extravagant.

As for whether Professor Hufflepuff is distressed, Rove is not very clear, but when she took her astronomical IOU, she seemed to be trembling.

As for Shirley, although Rove said it was not expensive, she couldn't take it seriously, and accepted it with peace of mind.

She is no longer the ignorant girl who just entered Hogwarts and was so ignorant that she couldn't even use a magic well. Naturally, her eyesight is not what it used to be.

Not to mention the entire necklace, just the huge sapphire on it is already a sky-high price.

This was made by the goblin Ragnac I himself, and it was the most outstanding blacksmith of that era... It is not an exaggeration to say that this necklace is invaluable.

Rove seemed to know what the girl was thinking. He smiled and asked, "Shirley, do you know what I was thinking when I saw this necklace for the first time?"

Shirley froze for a moment, shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"I was standing on the pyramid, watching the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkle the gemstones on the necklace red, like the color of your ponytail, and then I thought of you."

Rove stretched out his hand and helped Snow Maiden smooth a strand of wine-red hair behind her ear, and said with a smile:

"I was thinking that you would be beautiful wearing it and standing in the sunset."

"So I told myself." Rove stretched out his hand to gently stroke the gemstone on Shirley's neck, and said softly:

"I'll definitely go back and help you put on this necklace myself, and see if it's as I thought...it's so beautiful."

Rove flicked her smooth forehead with his finger, and said, "So, you must not refuse my longing from a thousand years ago."

At this moment, Shirley looked at Luo Fu obsessively, she suddenly raised her fair neck, and asked with a sweet smile: "Then am I beautiful?"

Rove raised a bright smile and said softly, "It's so beautiful!"

"That's good." Shirley reached out to hold Rove's face, looked into his eyes, eyes full of love, and said, "I accept your thoughts."

She kissed his lips.

At the critical moment when the two of them were burning with firewood, the door was suddenly opened.

Margaery walked into the room swaggeringly, and then saw this picture.

Seeing Margaery coming in, Shirley quickly let go of the boy.

Rove licked his lips, sighed, "Margery, remember to knock on the door next time!"

"Sorry, my fault." Margaery whistled with great interest, and said with a smirk:

"But the two of you can continue, as if I don't exist, which step should we proceed?"

Rove rolled his eyes at Margaery, while Xue Li's pretty face was blushing, and water dripped from her fragile skin.

Seeing that the two of them were not going to continue, Margaery disappointed her who wanted to observe them closely.

Rove asked, "Margery, why are you looking for me?"

"I'm not here to look for you." Margaery said softly, "I'm here to look for Shirley."

"When I was in the bathroom just now, she asked me to teach me how to do hairstyles, but I couldn't find anyone when I came back, so I came to your room to have a look."

"Oh, I accidentally forgot." Shirley stuck out her tongue, and hurriedly ran towards Margaery.

Rove reluctantly asked, "How long will it take for you to finish it?"

"It will be fine in a while." Margaery blinked.

Rove raised his eyebrows sensitively and said, "How long is one hour?"

"Only two or three hours."




Gryffindor Tower,

Harry, Ron, Seamus and Dean were in the dormitory, changing into their robes.

Everyone else was quite happy, only Ron was in a bad mood. He looked at himself in front of the long mirror in the corner, with a frightened expression on his face.

Harry hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Ron, did you mix up and bring Ginny's dress?"

In fact, not only Harry had this doubt, but everyone else thought so too.

No way, who made Ron's gown look like a skirt, even on the cuffs and hem, there are pieces of lace and patterns.

"It's definitely not Ginny's, how can she wear such a big dress." Ron looked sad.

"You're not going to wear it to the dance, are you?" Seamus asked.

"Then what should we do?" Ronson asked indifferently.

"Maybe we can use a cutting spell to cut away those folds and lace." Dean suggested, "It will be much better."

Ron agreed with Dean's idea, and the four began to modify the dress.

However, after a wave of operations, the lace is indeed gone, but there are a lot of raw edges on the neckline and cuffs, and the two sleeves are not as long as usual.

Ron felt that it would be better not to change it!

Just then George and Fred entered.

George smiled and asked, "Are you ready? We're going to the auditorium."

Ron looked at the two with puzzled expressions. Both of them were in new dresses. Although they looked plainer, at least the style was normal.

"Why are your dresses different from mine?" Ron asked, "Mom actually bought you new dresses?!"

"Of course not." George explained, "We bought it again with the money we earned from purchasing."

"That's right." Fred looked at the dress on Ron and said with a smile:

"You don't think the two of us would wear this to a prom, do you? Give it to the ghoul in your room, the old stuff would hate it."




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