I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 623 Christmas Ball

As Malfoy and others left the Forbidden Forest and entered St. Mungo's Hospital, the first project of the Triwizard Tournament finally came to an end.

Compared with the student group, the Death Eater group was bloodier, more violent, and had a higher death rate.

Here is the highlight of the benefits of being fully enclosed. There is no live broadcast, no viewers, no reports, and it is easy to operate in the dark, not to mention that dead warriors can be dealt with coldly.

Of course, some rumors spread, after all, the parents of some students were warriors, such as Malfoy.

He even led Gore and Crabbe to publicize desperately, trying to let everyone only know that many people died in the Triwizard Tournament, and it was full of shady scenes and crimes.

But unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him at all. All the attention of the little wizards was attracted by another gossip, so that they were a little absent-minded even in class.

In the Transfiguration class on Wednesday, Professor McGonagall also noticed that the students were distracted. She stood on the podium and had to raise her voice:

"When transforming across species, in addition to obeying Gamp's basic law of transformation, you must also abide by the third principle of Portolemia's transformation—that is, creatures that transform across species must satisfy their physiological structure and habits—"

Professor McGonagall waved his wand, and with a slight poof, the guinea fowl transformed into a butterfly.

"Then, who can tell me what's wrong with this arrow ring butterfly?"

Rove observed the arrow ring butterfly, raised his hand and replied:

"Butterflies stand erect when at rest, but this butterfly's wings are flat on its back, which is the habit of moths."

"Very good, very careful observation, two points for Hufflepuff." Professor McGonagall said, "Is there any more?"

For a while, no one spoke in the classroom. Rove looked at the butterfly. Although he felt that it was a little out of place, he couldn't think of anything wrong for a while.

He lightly touched Shirley with his elbow, and asked in a low voice, "You know?"

Shirley nodded, and when she was about to answer, Professor McGonagall, who noticed this scene, asked first, "Miss Swinton?"

The girl with ponytail had no choice but to stand up, and replied softly:

"The ratio of the body length of the arrow ring butterfly to the length of the spread of the wings seems to be close to one to one, but the real length ratio should be approximately PHI—0.618."

Rove raised his eyebrows, no wonder he always felt a little disobedient, it turned out that it didn't conform to the golden section.

"Very good, very good, five points for Ravenclaw." Professor McGonagall looked at Shirley with satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"The cross-species deformation is different from the deformation of objects. The deformation of objects can have any shape, but the cross-species deformation must conform to the biological structure.

You want to be a cat, but you have a dog's tail. This is a mistake, and it is an easy mistake to not meet the golden section. "

"In fact, most animals in nature—the ratio of the diameter of each rib to the diameter of adjacent ribs in a nautilus, the divisions in insects—follow the golden ratio exactly."

"When you are in the sixth grade, when you come into contact with the deformation of the human body, you will still focus on this law-the three bones of each human finger form a golden ratio, and the shape of a human ear is designed as a perfect spiral, just like Nautilus."

"This is also the reason why many wizards are seen through at a glance when they become other people, which is not in line with anthropology..."

Many students took notes in a hurry, but more little wizards didn't start writing, they were still whispering, not paying attention to the class at all.

Rove saw Professor McGonagall pursing his lips tightly. This small movement was obviously a precursor to getting angry.

Sure enough, the next second, an angry voice crackled like a whip in the classroom.

"To be honest, I think my lecture is quite exciting, there are not too many boring things." Professor McGonagall looked around and said angrily:

"Why are you all so absent-minded, you don't even take notes, do you know it?"

The students immediately took out their quills and began to write, Professor McGonagall called by name:

"Miss Abbott, you've been whispering to Susan Burns the whole class, what are you two talking about, so devoted?"

Hannah stood up tremblingly and said, "I'm sorry, Professor, we were just talking about the Triwizard Tournament..."

"The first round of competition has been over for many days, isn't there enough for you two to discuss?!"

"It's not about the competition, but..." Hannah hesitated and confessed, "It's about the dance. We heard that Hogwarts is going to hold a dance."

"Who did you hear from?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Everyone says that." Hannah asked boldly, "Professor, is it true?"

Professor McGonagall didn't want to say anything, but seeing the students staring at her expectantly, he nodded and said:

"Yes, the ball will be held in the Great Hall at eight o'clock on Christmas evening and ends at twelve midnight - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and a great opportunity for us to mingle with foreign guests."

The students burst into thunderous cheers with excitement, which immediately resounded throughout the classroom.

Xue Li was also taken aback when she heard the words. She heard the roommate in the dormitory talk about the prom. She thought it was false news, but she didn't expect it to be true.

From the corner of the corner of the girl's eyes, the girl with ponytail glanced at someone beside him, but Rove was keeping his head down, taking notes.

"Professor McGonagall," a Ravenclaw male student sitting in the back raised his hand and asked hopefully, "Is there any limit to who can invite a dance partner?"

"No." Professor McGonagall shook his head and said, "You can invite anyone, preferably students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Of course, our junior and senior students are also fine..."

Justin whistled and asked, "Can you invite boys?"

Everyone laughed, and some people applauded him.

"Of course, Mr. Justin Finch, this is your freedom." Professor McGonagall rarely joked:

"But I have to give you... and some advice from those who have experienced it."

"You'd better choose your favorite dance partner as soon as possible, and then send out the invitation directly. You have been hesitating until the ball is about to start a few days ago, and you will find that the good girl has been invited away by someone else."

The girls smiled knowingly and kept nodding, as if they were the good girl that Professor McGonagall said.

The boys looked at each other thoughtfully, and some glanced at Shirley who was sitting in the first row.

"It's the same for girls." Professor McGonagall blinked. "Excellent boys are very sought-after. Don't hesitate."

Rove immediately felt a group of hot gazes resting on him, as well as whispers and laughter one after another.

"One more thing," Professor McGonagall looked at Rove and Shirley, and said, "According to tradition, the dance is started by the warriors and their partners."

"Scamander and Miss Swinton, you two cannot miss the Yule Ball, and you must invite your partners to the opening dance."

Rove knew about this a long time ago, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but Neville on the side couldn't wait to ask:

"Rove, who are you going to invite?"

Shirley, who was only looking at the boy out of the corner of her eye, immediately turned her head and looked at Rove.

Neville continued: "Shirley, Hermione or the Delacour sisters?

Or, the twin Patils, I think they're both pretty, and Ginny from the Weasleys, who seems to visit you a lot too, and Slytherin Linda Avery, who's a big fan of yours, Also set up a Scamander workshop in Slytherin..."

Rove: "..."



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