I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 294 Seven shots in the back...suicide?

Rove squatted on the ground, looking at the man who had been shot seven times in a row.

He just came to look for Margaery, but he didn't expect to see this scene as soon as he entered the room.

Rove thought this guy had escaped, and felt a little regretful, but he didn't expect that Margaery would touch him and kill him.

I can only say that I am happy.

But isn't this way of death too insulting to a wizard...especially a dark wizard?

Let's not say that he died from "Avada eating a big melon", even if he died from the magic of "Disarm", it was magic anyway.

The wizard was shot... I couldn't hold back.

Is this the witch hunter of the new era? Burning with fire is already an outdated way of death in the Middle Ages, but now we have to keep pace with the times, and shooting and artillery are popular?

Well, let’s just shoot... These two black wizards poisoned the tribe first, and then attacked the tribe, killing many of Dana’s clansmen. The death method was the same as Kennedy’s, which was considered cheap for them.

In fact, Rove and Margaery didn't have much psychological burden on killing the dark wizard.

Rove is a time traveler, and his mentality has long been mature. He has long known that in the face of this kind of dark wizard, either you will die, or they will die... It's a very straightforward thing.

Margaret Roff is still commonplace. Her father is the head of the Auror office and has offended many dark wizards and scavengers.

Their home had been attacked before, and Margaery, who was a young child, had seen death.

Therefore, Rove squatted beside the corpse, thought for a while, and finally said in a rather regretful tone:

"This guy actually... shot himself in the Muggle way."


Margaery looked at Rove in surprise, and she was slandering in her heart, thinking that Rove could open his eyes and tell nonsense better than her sister.

Since Rove said suicide, it must be suicide. Margaret thought for a while and asked, "Where are those Indians?"

"The dead are being collected." Rove sighed. Compared with these two dark wizards, they are the real innocents.

The boy told Margaret everything that happened in the square, including the strange Feathered Serpent egg.

Margaery took the egg from Rove, and she observed it curiously, but no matter how she looked at it, it was a fossil.

"How do you feel?" Rove asked, "Did you feel the beating of your heart?"

"No." Margaery shook her head and said, "I just feel as hard as a rock."

"It seems that it needs the magic of those Indians before it can be awakened." Rove said softly.

Margaret held up the Feathered Serpent egg and asked curiously, "What are you going to do with it?"

"Of course it was returned to Dana and the others." Rove said calmly.

Of course he wanted to take it back and study it, but it was a fetish that the Indians had worshiped for centuries.

Isn't it nonsense to ask people to donate "voluntarily" and reward them with five hundred Galleons and a pennant?

If Rove is taken away by force, what is the difference from the guy who was "suicided" lying on the ground.

Rove considers himself an "honest person" with a relatively high moral bottom line, and of course he disdains to do things that are plundering.

Besides, in order to awaken this egg, the magic of the Indians is needed, and he can't even speak their language, so it's useless to take it away.

Even if he has learned the language, if he wants to gain that powerful power again, he needs to sacrifice his life, who will he sacrifice to?

After hearing Rove's reason, Margaery nodded slightly, but she still reminded:

"It may not be a good thing for them if they really stay. Since they are missed by others, maybe someone will come to snatch them again in the future."

"I will remind Dana to pay more attention." Rove said softly:

"But no matter how they deal with it, it's their own choice, and we can only respect it."

The two stopped talking about this matter, and began to count the Creeper's property, which was an extra gain tonight.

There was still a lot of gold, which was divided in half by Rove and Margaery, and those animal skins were all made by creepers and used to use the magic of skinwalker to transform.

But most of them are too big for Rove, so he can't use many.

After finishing everything, they left the room and walked towards the pyramid.

At this time, a raging fire ignited on the Pyramid Square again, and the firewood crackled, spit sparks into the night sky.

Beside the bonfire, the corpses of the dead were piled up. After being re-bathed by the tribe, they wore the clothes they had lived in and were sprinkled with sesame oil.

The Indians raised the torches and set the dead clansmen on fire. The smoke gradually rose, and the singing sounded again, this time it was a funeral dirge.

The chanting gradually died down, followed by complete silence,

Rove and Margot sat on the steps not far away, quietly watching the funeral.

When the first light appeared on the horizon, the funeral was over and a new leader was elected.

The new patriarch was the thin, tall wizard. After being thrown out by the Thunderbird, he did not die, and his bravery won everyone's love.

It's over now, and Rove and Margaery are about to say goodbye and leave.

Dana came to see them off, and she brought a large bag of herbs.

"Rove, I wrote the secret recipe of the potion on the parchment."

"Thank you, Dana." Rove thanked, "If you have any questions, please write to this place. My grandfather is a magizoologist, and he can help you solve many problems."

"I will keep it in mind." Dana felt her face was wet and cool, she wiped away her tears, and hugged the two of them one by one.

After the farewell, Rove and Margery walked to the jeep, beside the car, the Thunderbird was still tethered.

This thunderbird was very obedient, even though the iron chain around its neck had been removed by Rove and it was not tied to the ground...it still didn't run away.

Obviously, this thunderbird has been domesticated since he was a child, and he has already become very obedient.

There are still serious injuries on it, except for the injuries suffered during the battle last night, most of them are injuries accumulated on weekdays.

Between its back and broad wings, there were old scars strewn all over, and the pale scars stood out against the beautiful feathers.

Therefore, it would be very troublesome for Rove to treat this Thunderbird. It was not only physically injured, but also psychologically tortured.

These days, a qualified veterinarian must also have a job in psychological guidance. It can only be said that this industry...is seriously involved!

Now that they had the Thunderbird, neither Rove nor Margery planned to take the jeep anymore, but rode it home directly, which would be faster.

They climbed onto Thunderbird's back, and it spread its wings, kicking up sand and dust, blurring Dana's eyes, but through piercing tears, she still saw the beast fly out of the tribe.

The Thunderbirds headed west, flying over rolling sand dunes and Gobi Desert, over the Grand Canyon and the Kaibab Plateau.

They eventually arrive at a wizarding village shrouded in dark clouds all year round.

The ptarmigan ended up in front of a house on the edge of the village.

Margery jumped off the Thunderbird, walked to the door, and knocked hard. The door was quickly opened, and out came a witch with gray hair and purple knots.

"Grandma!" Margaery put her arms around the old man, rubbed her head against the witch's arms, and said coquettishly, "Did you miss me?"

"Margaery!" Tina laughed, reaching out to pat the girl on the head and giving her a soft, wrinkled smile.

A fat cat raccoon, smelling the scent, got out of the house and threw itself into Rove's arms.

Rove was almost thrown down. He touched the fat cat and lizi, and said with a smile:

"Mo Le, long time no see, you...why are you so fat?"

The cat lizi was still tender and tender just now, but now it has arched its back and screamed at the boy, then raised its paw, and slapped him hard on the head.




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