I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 252 Furong: Rove, so you are a pervert!

Rove casually said something about the Mayflower, just wanting to dismiss Gabriel, but the little girl was very interested, and pulled his arm, yelling to listen.

Fu Rong smiled inwardly, feeling that Luo Fu's lie was going to be exposed, but the young man looked calm and said with eloquence:

"The Mayflower was originally a Muggle ship. It carried a group of persecuted Puritans from Plymouth in 1620. After arriving in North America, they established a colony there."

After Fleur translated it, Gabriel asked, "Where is Plymouth?"

Fu Rong didn't help her sister translate this question, because it was too simple and she could answer it.

With a little "prank" and "refined" mentality, the girl asked: "Gabriel asked you what is a Puritan?"

Puritans are related to the history of Muggles. Fleur, as a lover of magic history, went to look it up when she learned about this term, and finally found that it was a mess.

She didn't believe that Rove, a pure-blood wizard, would know this.

Rove glanced deeply at Fleur, he clearly heard "Plymouth", how could it be translated as Puritan in her mouth?

You know how to translate!

"If you want to understand the Puritans, you have to start with Christianity." The boy didn't expose the girl, he coughed his throat and said unhurriedly:

"At that time, as the Roman Empire split into the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, the two dioceses took different paths, with the western part being gradually Germanized from the Latin tradition, and the eastern part being Hellenistic.

By the eleventh century, it eventually split into Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. "

There are many reasons for this split, but to put it bluntly, they still compete for the right to speak, and they all want to be the other party's father, not call the other party's father.

The result was that after a fight, both parties expelled each other from the church, and then separated completely!

Along the corridor, the three of them passed a grand pendulum clock. The white dial was inlaid with Roman numerals for timekeeping, and the long and short hour hands were particularly divided on the white background.

Rove paused for a moment, then continued softly:

"In the sixteenth century there was another Reformation within the Roman Catholic Church."

"This religious reformation started in Germany, initiated by the priest Martin Luther, and quickly spread throughout almost all of Europe."

The fuse of the Catholic Reformation is also very simple, that is, the high level of corruption within the church.

In Christianity, people are born with original sin and need atonement throughout their lives. Jesus was crucified on the cross, which is equivalent to atonement for everyone.

Therefore, as long as you believe in Jesus, you can redeem your sins and be saved, and you will be called a "righteous person" by God at the last judgment.

In order to make atonement, the Atonement Roll was directly derived later.

It first appeared during the first Crusade, when Pope Urban II, in order to strengthen the religious beliefs of the Crusaders, announced that all those who joined the army could receive reduced punishment and release indulgences.

By the sixteenth century, the Atonement Scroll had been misused and became an important means for the church to make money.

The Pope wants to build a luxurious church, what should he do if he has no money? Then sell some indulgence rolls!

Of course, how can the church use such a vulgar word as "buying and selling", it has to be described as "voluntary donation".

For believers, if you want to atone for your sins, you have to pay for it. The more money you earn, the more faith you have, and the more the Lord will protect you... There is a sense of déjà vu that compares me to Buddha and not to poverty.

Even in order to mobilize the poor to donate money, the church will let the local rich and wealthy donate first, and then divide the accounts afterwards.

It can only be said that what is said is teaching, but what is in the heart is business.

"In order to solve this problem, Martin Luther proposed 'justification by faith', that is, as long as you sincerely believe in God in your heart, you can be saved." Rove said in a steady voice:

"Whether you follow the rules of the church, whether you buy the penitential rolls, whether you complete expensive religious ceremonies...all are not important."

Although the churches were unhappy and even excommunicated Martin Luther, ordinary believers were happy because they had no money after all... So Protestantism sprung up like mushrooms after rain and grew stronger in Europe.

Fu Rong forgot to translate for her sister, but stared at Luo Fu intently, urging: "And then?"

Rove glanced at the girl, raised his eyebrows and said, "Then... the Reformation caused the split of Catholicism, forming Protestantism, and Protestantism was further divided into Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism."

"Among them, Anglicanism became the state religion of England. The Puritans, a branch of Calvinism, also spread in England, but were persecuted by the state religion of Anglicanism."

Fu Rong let out a long cry, nodded slightly, and began to think silently.

Gabriel looked at her sister anxiously, and tugged at her sleeve... Why don't you translate, what are you doing there?

You are called to be an interpreter, not to chat with Rove!

After Fu Rong hastily translated it, she looked at the young man again and said strangely, "They are all Protestants. Why did the Anglican sect destroy the Puritans?"

Rove's clear blue eyes were shining, he stared at Fleur, and asked, "Is this Gabriel's problem?"


Fu Rong seemed a little embarrassed for a moment, she covered her guilt with a light smile, walked a few steps, then turned to Rove and said, "Gabriel really asked."

Rove glanced out the window, shrugged and said:

"The Puritans in England demanded a further purge of what remained of Roman ecclesiastical rites in the Church of England.

If the Anglican Church is the Reformed sect of the Roman Catholic Church, then the Puritans are the Reformed sect of the Anglican Church, that is, the Reformed sect of the Reformed sect.

Such a sect would of course be rejected by the slightly conservative state religion. "

When I was a reformist, of course I hated the conservatives, accusing them of being unprogressive and stubborn, but when I became the state religion, I began to resist the new reformers.

"So that's how it is!" Fu Rong couldn't help admiring, silently adding a point of impression to the boy in her heart.

Along the glossy black lacquered wood stairs, the three of them walked towards the restaurant downstairs. At the corner of the stairs, there was a marble statue, a Greek goddess with white teeth, as tall as a person.

Rove looked at the goddess statue and continued: "Actually, the persecution of the Puritans has a lot to do with wizards."

"What's the relationship?" Fu Rong couldn't help asking.

Seeing Rove looking at her again, she blushed and said simply: "This is my problem."

"With the advent of the Reformation, the persecution of witches ... especially witches reached a peak." Rove asked:

"Have you studied this part in History of Magic?"

Facing this boy who was two years younger than herself, Furong felt like a student, which made the girl a little upset, but she still nodded and said:


"Both Catholicism and Protestantism persecute witches, but the persecution of Puritans is particularly serious." Rove said softly:

"At that time, there was no Ministry of Magic, called the Magic Council...The wizards of the council united with King James I, and in turn persecuted the Puritans. In the end, the Puritans were forced to come to North America."

"On the Mayflower, there was a witch named Aesop Searle, who disguised herself as a Muggle boy and secretly boarded the ship."

Rove finally got to the point, he smiled and said:

"After Aesop Searle came to North America, he settled down and eventually established the founder of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"To commemorate this event, the Magical Congress of the United States later bought the Mayflower and transformed it into a magic ship to serve as a shipping ship for Europe and North America."

Gabriel tilted her head, admiringly said: "Wow, Rove, you know so much, even my sister doesn't know about it!"

Fu Rong curled her lips and ignored the last sentence when she was translating.

However, the girl still objectively gave the boy an evaluation of "proficient in Muggle history" in her heart.

After all, many pure-blood wizards are not even proficient in the history of magic. I didn't expect Rove to explain the history of Muggles clearly... It's surprising.

Fu Rong is also very interested in history. She finally met a peer with the same hobby, so she asked curiously: "Rove, are you very interested in history?"

"It's okay, I actually only understand a little bit." Luo Fu said modestly: "I only occasionally look through history books in private."

"Then what are you interested in?" Furong asked.

"Magical creature."


"I'm actually a beast...cough cough, therapist."

"If you and Gabriel are sick, you can also find me for treatment, and I will give you both a discount."

Rove turned his head, looked up and down at the pair of mixed-race Veela sisters, and said with a soft smile:

"Believe it or not, I have cured many students at Hogwarts, and I am known as a master of rejuvenation."


Fu Rong looked at the blond boy with clean eyebrows and clean eyes, with complicated emotions, and silently deducted 10 points for his impression.

Unexpectedly, he was still a pervert... Taking advantage of girls in the name of treatment!



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