I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 224 Hey, come out!

Intuition told Hermione that Rove was in Gryffindor Tower, maybe even hiding in a small corner of the lounge, watching her secretly.

The girl wanted to shout out:

"Hey, come out!"

But there are other students in the lounge, so I'm afraid they won't be regarded as crazy if they shout like that.

Hermione looked around until Professor McGonagall rushed to the lounge and drove the girls back to their dormitories, but she couldn't find Rove.

Hermione climbed the stairs, took one last glance into the lounge, and stowed the Bowtruckle into her dormitory.

Rove was also speechless. His consciousness was attached to the Bowtruckle. This small body faced Hermione, just like a little monster facing Ultraman, being tightly controlled.

Hermione quickly lay back on the bed, drew the curtains, and slipped out of the Bowtruckle again, placing it in front of her face.

The girl rubbed Rove's head, as if teasing a pet, and kept teasing him with her fingers.

Tired from playing, Hermione put Rove next to her pillow, and carefully covered him with a handkerchief.

The girl smiled and said:

"Okay, sleep here tonight, and I'll return you to your irresponsible master tomorrow. Be honest, don't run around, don't drill around... Good night!"

Rove lay on the pillow in a daze, watching the girl beside him fall asleep with her eyes closed, and he could still hear the slight sound of breathing.

Ten minutes later, Rove's consciousness left the Bowtruckle and returned to himself.

Easy Walker's time is limited, and he can only last for more than forty minutes at most.

The boy lay on the bed and sighed softly. The duration was still too short, so he had to step up his practice... Otherwise, wouldn't this delay the daily exploration work? !



next morning,

As soon as Rove entered the auditorium, he saw Hermione sitting at the Ravenclaw dining table, whispering to Shirley. When she saw the boy, she waved quickly.

Rove walked over slowly and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. Hermione couldn't wait to interrogate and asked, "Where did you go last night?"

Rove poured himself a glass of milk, he pretended to be stupid and said, "I'm in my dormitory, what's wrong?"

"Fake it, look what this is?" Hermione pointed to a not far away where a Bowtruckle was sitting on the table eating.

Groot yelled aggrievedly at the boy twice.

"You've always had Groot's with you, and it showed up in the Gryffindor lounge last night, and you said you weren't there?"

Both Hermione and Shirley stared at him, as if they wanted to see how he could argue.

Of course, it was impossible for Rove to admit that his consciousness was on Groot last night, and he was still lying on someone's pillow for a while. He was still young and didn't want to be hacked to death.

The young man who had already prepared his speech lowered his voice and said, "Last night, I asked Groot to go to the Gryffindor lounge to monitor a student. Why did it go to your place?"

"Spy on students?"

"That's right." Rove nodded and said, "I went to the school hospital, found Malfoy with Veritaserum, and asked about the Chamber of Secrets and the attacker..."

"How was the result?" Both girls pricked up their ears.

"Malfoy really doesn't know who the attacker is." Rove said in a low voice, "I asked him to call out Dobby, his house elf, and gave him Veritaserum."

"Dobby told me that everything was caused by Lucius Malfoy. He gave a black diary to...Percy Weasley."

"Percy?" Hermione said incredulously, "He's a prefect...it's unlikely."

"Hermione, there is black magic in that diary." Rove didn't explain in too much detail, but said softly: "It can confuse the holder."

"Then let's go to Professor McGonagall and tell her about it!" Hermione said seriously: "There was another attack in Gryffindor last night, and Dean Thomas was injured!"

"Is that so?" Rove snorted, and said calmly, "Let's see what Groot said, it was watching Percy last night."

Rove leaned over to the Bowtruckle, pretended to listen for a while, and said with a serious expression: "It's terrible."

"What's wrong?"

"Groot told me it didn't find the diary in Percy's dorm last night."

"Maybe it's hidden somewhere else?"

"But when Dean was attacked, Percy was sleeping in his dormitory." Rove shrugged.

Shirley and Hermione exchanged a look, and they both fell silent...In this case, Percy is basically ruled out!

"The veritaserum was used, so it's impossible for Dobby to lie." Shirley thought for a while, then said softly, "The diary was either lost by Percy Weasley, or given away by him."

It's easy to give it away, but it's troublesome if you accidentally lose it... Who knows where he lost it?

Hermione was silent for a moment, and took the initiative to say: "It's not an option to guess like this, or I'll ask Percy?"

"Okay." Rove nodded.

After a while, Hermione trotted back and said:

"Percy said...he did see a black diary during the summer with Tom Riddle's name written on it."

"He has seen this name in the list of male student chairmen and prize showrooms in the past, so he didn't discard it, thinking about bringing it back to school at the beginning of school, but...

The last few days of summer vacation suddenly disappeared! "

"Is that what was lost at their house?"

Rove narrowed his eyes, he felt that he was about to touch the truth, but he was short of the last bit of evidence.



The news of the attack on Dean Thomas plunged the entire school into a weird atmosphere of silence.

In the past, everyone thought that only wizards who were alone would be attacked, and that they would be safe if they didn't run around in the lounge.

But I never expected that even sleeping in the dormitory in the middle of the night would cause accidents, so how can there be any safety in Hogwarts?

Everyone was in danger for a while, and everyone booked train tickets one after another, waiting for the arrival of the Easter holiday and taking the express train home.

There are even students who want to take a long vacation and won't come back for the time being. Even so, they have been approved by Professor McGonagall.

She wanted to close the school and use the fireplace to switch to online classes.

In order to ensure safety, even the journey from the castle to the greenhouse is escorted by a teacher.

After Potions class was over, Snape yelled at the class, "Hurry up, I'm going to take you all to Herbology class."

Then, everyone left the classroom in two columns, walked through the vegetable field, and walked towards the greenhouse.

The atmosphere of the herbal medicine class was also very depressing. Although the mandrakes that were about to mature were laughing and laughing, no one paid any attention to them.

Professor Sprout didn't say much, just arranged for everyone with a worried face, pruning Abyssinian shrunken figs.

This is a very simple task, which can make everyone feel a little easier.

After class, Professor Sprout escorted the students back to the castle.

Rove left the team, went to the school hospital on the second floor, walked to the bathroom where Mrs. Pince was attacked, and was about to check again.

Standing at the door, he suddenly heard the sound of ping-pong-pong from inside.



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