I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 173 Now is fantasy time!

Man is a complex, dynamic, and subjective animal... Many times, even a slight change can change a person's mind.

The secret room was burned, the basilisk was taken away, and even the person holding the diary was no longer Ginny...Because of Rove's butterfly effect, this is more than a minor change.

Tom Riddle is not a fixed program, and of course what he thinks and does will change.

But the problem is that although Tom varies from time to time, what he does has a clear goal and is not arbitrary.

Just like when the original time and space opened the secret room and released the basilisk, he just wanted to kill people... the same goal as fifty years ago.

Although it failed in the end, it was just that the students were lucky.

But now that he could kill Filch, Tom didn't do so, which only shows that his goal has changed, and he seems to have other ideas.

And in this idea, Filch might not be able to die!

Of course, no matter what the goal is, finding the person who holds the diary is the most important thing.

From the current point of view, Rove still feels that Lockhart is the most suspicious.

He wasn't in his office when the trophy room was attacked, and he was alone in the campus hospital during the Halloween dinner, so he had time to commit crimes.

Lockhart is like Dagu, every time a monster appears, he disappears for three minutes... It looks so suspicious!

Rove planned to sneak into the Defense Against the Dark Arts office one day while he was in class, looking for a diary.

Hermione saw that the boy was in a daze, and leaned over with her fluffy head, and asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

When Rove came back to his senses, he slightly raised the book in his hand, revealing the thick gold-plated cover.

"Britain's Complete Collection of Pure-Blooded Families?" Hermione asked in surprise, "How do you think about this?"

Without raising his head, Rove continued to read, "Check the information."

Hermione was slightly surprised, and casually picked up a book that Rove collected from the bookshelf from the table, and read it silently.

After a while, the girl probably saw something puzzled, poked the boy's arm with her elbow, and asked:

"Isn't your family pure blood?"

"It's pure blood." Rove nodded slightly.

"Then why does this book include the so-called twenty-eight pure-blood families, but not Scamander?" Hermione narrowed her eyes.

Rove raised his head, glanced at the "Pure Blood List" in the girl's hand, and said with a soft smile:

"I heard my grandpa mentioned this matter. He had offended the author of this book, Cantanclus Noether, when he wrote this book, he didn't include our family in it."

Shirley, who was writing the spell homework, also stopped writing, raised her head and asked curiously: "How did you offend me?"

"When Cantanclus Noter wrote this book, it was in the 1930s, because of Grindelwald's rise, that was the time when blood theory was the most serious."

Rove said slowly: "My grandfather refuted those pure-blood comments in the "Daily Prophet". He said that only pet dogs can talk about bloodlines."

"In short, this remark also offended Cantanclus Knott, a pure-blood fanatical admirer, and Scamander was 'expelled' from the pure-blood family by him." Rove shrugged.

Hermione was amused by this statement. After she learned the insulting meaning of the word "mudblood", she had been depressed for several days. She couldn't understand why pure-blood families discriminated against Muggle-born students.

At this moment, all the little troubles in my heart that were not worth mentioning dissipated.

After all, only pet dogs talk about pedigree.

"Rove, what does Grandpa Ni usually look like?" Hermione asked curiously, "Is he kind, like Professor Dumbledore? Or serious, like Professor McGonagall?"

"I've said it many times." Rove said softly, "My grandfather and I are almost autistic, and don't like to talk much."

"Well, pretend I didn't ask you!" Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to look at Shirley.

"Shirley, you are staying in Romania during the summer vacation, you should understand?"

"I can't say well, Mr. Scamander is a very kind old man." Shirley mused:

"But it's really a bit taciturn, cherishing words like gold, talking to him... It's like charging by words."

The description was so vivid that Rove couldn't help laughing.

"Shirley, I will write to my grandfather and pass on your evaluation to him."

The girl with the ponytail smiled, her willow-leaf eyebrows curved, as if she was admitting her mistake and begging for mercy, or acting like a spoiled child:

"Rove, don't tell me this, right?"

"If you want me to shut up, it depends on your performance."

Shirley bit her lip and said weakly, "Then how do you want me to behave?"

Rove placed a thick stack of books beside the two of them.

"I'm looking for information on the Smith family. If you two are free, help me find it."


Hermione raised her eyebrows and said, "What are you looking for?"

"There was a house-elf with Hufflepuff that left a portrait before it died," Rove explained:

"I want to find a portrait to ask about Hufflepuff, and this Smith family is Hufflepuff's distant relatives."

"Okay, hurry up and help." Rove stretched his waist and smiled at the two girls:

"After finding a few books, we can all go back to sleep early."




It is indeed very difficult for a person to search for information about the Smith family in a large number of books. There are two free laborers beside him.

However, this is destined to be a long-term work, and the three of them only collected it slowly.

With Halloween over and entering November, the Quidditch match is finally about to start.

Because of Quirrell, the finals of the last school year were eventually canceled, resulting in Hufflepuff and Slytherin not being able to tell the winner, and fighting for several months.

The first game of the new school year is these two teams, whoever can win the game will have the right to speak in the second half of the year.

After all, the winner is the one who can give the loser a hard time!

The little snakes are very confident.

Under the sponsorship of the school manager's father, the Slytherin Quidditch team replaced the brand-new light wheel 2001.

In the era when other academies still commonly used Nimbus 1500, Nimbus 2001, although a bit of an IQ tax, would undoubtedly crush the other teams in terms of performance.

This is equivalent to fighting against Xiaomi plus a rifle with all-American equipment. I really have the advantage!

How could the flying dragon lose by riding on the face!

As fantasy time, the Slytherin students are no longer drinking champagne for this game, they even pre-book this year's Quidditch Cup.

In the words of Professor Snape taunting Professor McGonagall during a certain breakfast time:

"You are all here to fight for the runner-up!"



(Thanks to "Su Yi Cuckoo", "Just Love Wailing Water" and "Hua Yu in the Field" for their rewards.)

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