I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 6 I am inseparable from sin! (Seeking for further reading)

In the auditorium, the high walls reached to the ceiling, candles floated in the air, and the enchanted ceiling reflected the sky outside.

Orange-red light filled the entire hall.

Shine on everyone.

But they didn't feel warm.

On the contrary, the entire auditorium, whether it was the young wizard or the professors, or even the ghosts floating in the air, fell into deathly silence.

One that can drive the Sorting Hat crazy.

Irving can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

His conversation with the hat attracted the attention of all the professors and little wizards present.

The deans of the three major colleges.

Campus staff, including Principal Dumbledore, also looked at him with suspicion.

It's just that the original smile on the old principal's face is fading.

The atmosphere suddenly turned serious.

Dumbledore stared at Owen.

He can ignore most of the little guy's words.

Little kids - talking nonsense, it's not a big deal.

He has even seen a young Muggle-born wizard whose first reaction when seeing the Sorting Hat is to grab it and dig into the hat.

Because they think there will be a rabbit in the hat.

But there were some words that, as a British person, as a principal, as a teacher, and as a Hogwarts person, he had to take them seriously.

This is why those professors and ghosts are angry.

That is, Owen seems to be questioning Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

What he said - it was as if Hogwarts was an evil place that specialized in cultivating dark wizards.

"Mr. Sanchez."

The old principal stood up slowly and dignifiedly: "I must correct you on one point."

"It's a personal choice who you want to be."

"The environment can influence a person, but it cannot determine a person."

Behind the guest of honor, Dumbledore, wearing a purple robe and standing in front of a big gold chair, whispered in a rather oppressive voice.

Anyone who sees the principal looking like this will probably feel terrified.

However, Irving is definitely not in this category.

He knew Dumbledore too well.

For a week, most of his energy was spent studying this greatest wizard. Owen clearly knew where Dumbledore's bottom line was as the principal.

Even if he dropped out of school in the fifth grade, he would be among the Death Eaters in the sixth grade.

Dumbledore still didn't kill him.

Maybe the old principal didn't think he was hopeless.

However, it is more likely that Albus has a happier life!

After all, Ms. Albus, who was born in the Fertile Plains and is upright, warm, kind and gentle, is a standard good girl.

"But——Principal." Owen was possessed by the demon, and he refused to bow his head and insisted on continuing to flourish.

"I think what you said is wrong. Just like the potion that grows in the crater of a volcano cannot stand the cold. The potion that grows in the glacier cannot stand the high temperature. People cannot ignore their environment. The impact of the environment on people is continuous and deep-rooted. of."

"Just like if a person stays in a humid place for a long time, his bones will have problems. Do you think so?"

Owen struck a heartbreaking blow at Dumbledore.

The injury was unknown, but the corners of Old Dengtou's mouth twitched slightly.


Boy, you'd better talk about what's at hand.

"No one will stay in a wet place forever." Dumbledore's eyes further focused on Owen.

"Unless it's forced." Owen continued.

"Mr. Sanchez." Dumbledore pointed to the rest of the young wizards under the guest of honor who were waiting to be sorted. "I don't know what your bias is against Hogwarts, but it's obvious that everyone is hungry."

"Minerva, put the hat back on Mr. Sanchez's head."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall didn't wait for Owen to continue to talk, and directly grabbed the sorting hat and placed it on his head.

And when the Sorting Hat was placed on Owen's head again, there was a buzzing and whispering in the restaurant, which was like the hissing of fire.

Many little wizards raised their necks, trying to see his appearance clearly. Suddenly, Owen was more eye-catching than Harry Potter.

"Okay! Brat. Since you know Hogwarts so well, which house do you think you are suitable for?" The sorting hat covered his head like a deflated balloon and said listlessly.

"Well - I have been kind since I was a child, and I am sworn in with sin!"

"Really?" Hat suddenly chuckled. It was like hearing some funny story.

"In that case, as you wish."


Owen heard the hat shouting the name to the entire restaurant, and then he felt his head light up. Under the serious eyes of Professor McGonagall, he walked towards the Hufflepuff table in confusion.

Everyone was very surprised by this result.

A certain unnamed red-haired twin from the future had discussed this matter, and they believed that Owen should go to Gryffindor because no one was bolder than him.

As the head of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief.

And began to sympathize with Professor Pomona Sprout.

"Hi, hello, my name is Owen, Owen Sanchez."

"Hmm~ Hello, I am Gabriel Truman, prefect of Hufflepuff."

The prefect of Hufflepuff has a round face, glasses, and shaggy hair. Even if he looks at Owen with a slightly cold look, he can't hide his good-natured temperament engraved in his bones.

"Nice to meet you." Owen shook hands with him. Then he began to put his verbal skills to full use, "I heard that Hufflepuff students are the best friends."

"I'm very honored to be a part of it."

"I hope you can adapt." Gabriel Truman said unconfidently.

After saying that, he turned around and returned to his seat.

He had no idea that Owen would be sorted into Hufflepuff.

Shouldn’t the wizard who dares to drive the Sorting Hat crazy at the opening ceremony go to Gryffindor?

Or Ravenclaw.

At least he couldn't think of a way to drive the Sorting Hat crazy.

Looking at the lonely back of the Hufflepuff prefect. The corners of Owen's mouth raised slightly, and the word "it doesn't matter" was written all over his face.

He didn't care at all which college he would be assigned to.

All Irving needs is to grow up as quickly as possible.

He has no shortage of magic spells, fighting skills, and ancient secrets.

Even if he enters another college, it doesn't seem to affect his future plans.

And getting into Hufflepuff was part of his plan.

It can be regarded as the fulfillment of someone’s dream.


On the other side, the sorting ceremony continues.

Others, those little wizards who are destined to leave their names in the history of magic, have entered their colleges as originally written.

And Harry.

Because of Owen's intervention on the train, Draco did not have any conflict with him.

Ron didn't have time to tell him how bad Slytherin was.

But he still chose Gryffindor.

Owen guessed that he must have been influenced by Ron and Hermione, because those two were sorted into Gryffindor before him.

Nothing has changed.

The opening ceremony is officially over.

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