I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 465 The background of consciousness

Stewart Island, New Zealand.

In a pure wizard town called Lakiura.

The two wizards sailed to the sea in a sailboat.

The purpose of their trip was to the Australian island of Tasmania.

Early August is the most famous fishing season in the Tasman Sea, and of course the wizard's fishing boat is not catching ordinary creatures.

But the legendary sea beast, Leviathan.

An evil sea monster, usually with the appearance of a whale.

This sea beast is only active during the southern hemisphere winter, with August being the final fishing season.

Of course, the purpose of the two wizards is not a magical creature like Leviathan. Their purpose is to find a lost ship of the United Wizards Association in the Tasman Sea, which is 1,500 kilometers across the sea between Australia and New Zealand.


The boat under the wizard's feet sailed from Tassie, a pure wizard town on the Australian island of Tasmania.

Now heading back to Australia from Stewart Island in New Zealand.


"Is this creature difficult to catch?"

On the ship, everyone from the captain to the crew members had satisfied smiles on their faces.

I think they have gained a lot in these few days.

As the ship sailed into the sea, the joyful sound slowly died down.

Owen appears on deck.

He leaned against the boat pole and looked at the seascape in the distance.

Next to him was an old wizard. His angular face recorded the beatings and experience of wind and waves, and his sharp mind had not yet been soaked by rum.

With a smile on his face and the sea breeze blowing, the old man felt very comfortable in his heart.

"If you ask me, in our line of work, it's all about luck."

A hint of cunning flashed in the old wizard's eyes.

"You may not encounter a creature like Leviathan for several years. If you don't look at how many fishing boats are sailing on this sea, there can be thousands of them in a summer. They are all idiots who want to get rich overnight. "

"I have been doing this for forty years, and I have only seen seven Leviathans, and I have only successfully caught them three times."

"Uh-" Owen rubbed his chin, "Then let's think about it- even if a Leviathan can be sold for ten thousand galleons, it only takes thirty thousand galleons for forty years. Uh- what a loss!"

"What should I do with this time?"

"That's right! You think so too." The old man said with a smile on his face, "But there are still a lot of fools who have to get involved every year."

Owen shook his head noncommittally.

Although this old guy's mouth was full of disgust, the smile on his face never stopped. There must be some ulterior motives behind it, otherwise who would foolishly fish for forty years just to make that little money.

However, the fishing season seems to be during the winter months in the southern hemisphere. They must have other jobs, and they cannot spend all their time on the boat throughout the year.

"By the way, you have been floating on the sea during this period. Did you encounter any storms or anything strange?"


The old man shook his head.

“It’s been calm for a few weeks, and then it’s mid-August.”

"Really?" Owen frowned slightly. Nothing unexpected happened, so where else could a ship as big as the Camelot go?

Even if it was stolen, how would he transport it away?

A normal infinite stretch spell can't fit into such a big ship.

As he said this, a certain wizard's exclamation suddenly came from the other side of the deck.

"Look, there's fog on the sea."

"what happened?"

"It was calm just now, why did it suddenly become foggy?"

"No - the color of the fog is wrong. It might be poisonous smoke. Should we turn the ship around?"

"It's too late. The fog has already arrived."

The noisy voice suddenly stopped.

Then everyone saw the cloud-like lavender smoke rushing towards them at an extremely fast speed. Swallowed them all at once.

"what happened?"

The old wizard next to Owen didn't care to talk to him anymore.

He stood up and walked to the middle of the deck.

"I don't know." His first mate responded. "It doesn't seem to be poisonous or magical. It has no effect on us. Maybe it's some kind of natural phenomenon?"

The first mate guessed, then looked at the captain.

"Fart - I have been on this sea for forty years and I have never seen anything like this!"

The old wizard is the captain of the Moon Chaser.

He cursed and pulled out his wand, frowned, and waved his hand to release four or five different detection spells.

Golden light drifted past in bursts, like a laser scan, passing over the ship and the surrounding sea.

Obviously - such magic can't detect anything at all.

Because what is spreading here is not ordinary magic.

Rather - ancient magic.

In Owen's eyes, the entire sea area shone faintly like a nebula.

There is something shining in the light, I don't know what it is.

"What a strong ancient magic power." The boy was a little surprised.

He immediately shook his head and said, "No need to guess, he must be coming for me."

He shrugged and came to the bow.

"The captain has not seen this battle in forty years. As soon as we came here, a special situation occurred. If you didn't come after me, who else could you come after?"

"Are there wizards with ancient magic on board Camelot?" Grindelwald beside him looked at the sea with a slight frown. He couldn't see through the mist.

Just now, he also released many probing spells, but they were all useless.

"There shouldn't be one on the crew list given by the professor," Owen said, "but the letter he sent mentioned one."

Grindelwald shouldn't be here.

My grandfather and I separated after dealing with the Divine Grant Tower in India.

He went to North America to explore the next one.

And he came to Oceania under the instructions of Professor Dumbledore.

"There is a Ming wizard named Zhang Xiaolin." Owen said, "He should be the successor of the Divine Grant Tower in Australia."

"She disappeared with the Camelot?"

"Yes—and Sirius and Mr. Winston," Owen added.

"The current situation." Grindelwald looked at the thick lavender smoke around him, "The situation is a bit complicated, and I don't think an heir is capable of releasing smoke magic on such a scale."

"It's very complicated. Take Koyatel as an example. Although she only obtained part of the ancient magic power, at most her spell power, magic power and physical fitness are stronger than ordinary people. At most, her magic talent is far beyond that of ordinary people. Click, I read the information. Miss Zhang Xiaolin is nearly 23 years old. She has been a professor of defense against black magic at Chang'an Taixue for less than a year. She has been working in the Federation before. She has never shown any strong magical ability. She couldn't have released this smoke."

"The second heir?" Grindelwald said.

"It's possible -" Owen nodded. Just like the Divine Grant Tower in Brazil, if Voldemort succeeded in seizing the magic power in it, he would also become the heir. "We don't rule out the possibility that the other party wants to seize the ancient magic in Miss Zhang's body, just like the smoke coming out now is to seize my magic power."

"It's logical." Grindelwald agreed.

"But -" Owen added, "There are twelve wizards on the Camelot, plus Miss Zhang, there may be more people actually, and there are members of the Joint Excavation Committee. With so many people, that Can the heir survive? Even Voldemort cannot kill so many people in an instant. One or two will always escape.

How come there has been no news for weeks? "

"A helper? Or a secret organization?"

"It doesn't seem like it. Since the heir is willing to use such powerful magic in order to take away other people's magic, then why would he be willing to share his magic with others?"

"I think - maybe we are thinking too complicatedly," Irving said.

Then he slowly drew out his Phoenix wand.

"Calling God—Guard!"

With the blessing of ancient magic.

A phoenix as brilliant as fire spreads its wings and flies high.

Blue flames burned blazingly on its body, and the phoenix let out bursts of cries, quickly attracting the attention of everyone present.

"what is that?"



"Phoenix Patronus? And its wingspan is dozens of feet? Merlin's beard - is there such a Patronus in this world?"

Everyone looked at Owen in shock.

When they noticed that the boy seemed to be in his teens, the shock in their eyes turned into horror.

"Merlin - he looks about the same age as my daughter."

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

The crowd's exclamations did not arouse Owen's attention.

His will descended on the Phoenix, and then it flew farther and farther into the surrounding lavender smoke.

Then, as if the curtain was lit by sparks, the purple smoke actually burned a hole.

Then the fire of the patron saint grew stronger and stronger.

In an instant the whole smoke was ablaze.

Everyone on the boat looked at the raging fire around them, and quickly held up their magic spells to resist, or found a place to hide.

But after a long time, they discovered that the flames did not seem to harm them.

The flames looked like false projections, playing above their heads, but they were not real at all.

"Sure enough-" Owen's lips raised into a smile. "The methods used by the outer gods were also learned by the heirs."

"The smoke is an illusion." Grindelwald naturally saw the truth. He had already seen the truth when Owen summoned his Patronus.

"It's a very clever illusion." Owen said. After burning the fire, he could see some of the truth with the help of the principle of regression. "The smoke will be based on the memories of the wizards, and then create bit by bit the illusion they most believe." The picture will not put a false picture in front of you all at once, but will slowly increase bit by bit like building blocks.

First let you see a fish in the sea, then seaweed, because seaweed is something that exists in the sea and will naturally not attract the wizard's attention. Then there is a little reef, and finally a small island.

The illusion tricked the wizards bit by bit into believing that what they saw next was real. In the end, he just showed that no matter how ridiculous things are, people will believe them to be true. "

"It's such an exquisite magic." A look of surprise appeared on Owen's face. "I can't imagine how long the person who invented this magic has been studying the human spirit. This is simply a different god!"

"Other gods?"

"Um - don't worry about the details. In short - this magic is actually very fragile, but as time goes by, it becomes harder for the fooled wizard to break free. You can even create multiple illusion worlds, and then make the people inside think you are Get out of there and do it again and, holy shit, you could make a lot of The Matrix movies.”

Owen's eyes sparkled, as if he had discovered a new world.

Mr. Grindelwald shook his head slightly, he could not understand what the child said.

However, the surrounding illusions were broken.

The view ahead became clear.

"That is?"

In the distance, he and everyone on the boat saw what seemed to be several rocks on the sea level a mile away from them.

On the largest rock, there is a tree growing.

Without waiting for the captain to react.

Grindelwald immediately disapparated and disappeared at the bow of the ship.

Then, Owen, who had recovered his senses, followed.

They reappeared under the big tree.

In front of me is a plane tree that only two adults can hug. This kind of big tree is very common in the Forbidden Forest, where there are such big and strong trees everywhere.

It's just that the sycamore tree in front of me is different from those in the Forbidden Forest.

There is a tree hole at the root of the tree, and there is a person lying inside.

Owen wanted to step forward immediately to check, but was stopped by his grandfather Grindelwald.

He pointed at the girl in the tree hole.

Owen looked around and found that many tiny roots stretched out from nowhere in the tree hole, and these roots penetrated into the girl's skin.

He could even see something squirming on the girl's cheek, which showed that the roots penetrated extremely deep.

If he dragged the girl out rashly, the consequences would be like pulling out a dagger inserted into the heart, and the girl would die immediately.

"Watch these."

The surrounding reefs are only as big as a fist above the water.

Owen and Grindelwald both walk on water.

Beyond the big tree in front of me, a lone boat was floating calmly on the sea behind me.

That was the Federation's Camelot.

Owen followed his grandfather's guidance and looked at the tree trunk, only to see many cocoon-like packages hanging on the huge tree crown.

They vary in size, and from the outside, it looks like there are people inside.

"What's going on?" Owen rubbed his head, "The tree is eating people?"

"And - why does this scene feel so familiar?"

"Have you seen it?" Grindelwald said.

"No - I'm just complaining." Owen smiled, then looked at the woman in the tree hole again.

"Maybe Legilimency would be a good choice. At least we can know what her consciousness is going through."


Owen slowly squatted down, pointed the tip of the phoenix wand at the palm of his left hand, and with a sharp stroke, a wound appeared.

In the same way, he opened the girl's right palm again.

Then, the two palms clasped tightly.

"This place has strong ancient magic power, and we cannot rule out that she was bewitched by an outside god."

The blood met, and the two ancient magic powers suddenly resonated, "Then don't blink, let me see your heart."

As he spoke, he pointed the wand at the girl's brow, and then chanted the magic spell, "Legilimency."

The invisible magic turned into some kind of thread, connecting his consciousness with the girl's.

In an instant, he was hit by so many memories that his brain shut down.

After a long pause, the regressive principle of ancient magic began to operate, and all memories and magic powers seemed to flow into the sea and became quiet and peaceful again. Those memories did not disappear, but were stored by Owen on the bookshelf of the memory palace. He has experience in this area. When he received the inheritance from Dean Brigid, his head almost exploded. Later, Owen went through training, which was somewhat similar to Occlumency training, that is, not to recall those memories and to maintain the brain's Blank, after a long time, your brain will get used to those unfamiliar memories, and only when you retrieve relevant knowledge will those memories resurface.

The hardware of the human brain is actually very powerful. It just takes a period of time to adapt to being stuffed with too much "learning material". What you have to do is to empty your mind and don't think about anything or look at anything. After that period of time, The memory will calm down.

Of course - Owen is not sure whether this method is universal. It may also be because he possesses ancient magic and the principle of regression is too strong, so those memories are very obedient.

In short, after Irving crashed and restarted, the picture in front of him changed.

He found that he seemed to have fallen into a blank world.

There was invisible smoke all around.

Owen was a little confused, but as soon as this thought occurred, other colors appeared vaguely in the fog.

First a little light.

As he gets closer.

That light is getting brighter and brighter.

Owen got closer step by step, and then he saw a golden light, a giant, standing high in the sky, with his feet on the ground.

It existed in Genggu - "Pangu".

"Huh?" The boy asked briefly in confusion.

Soon he discovered that there were two giants at the feet of 'Pangu'.

One holds a longbow.

A man squatted and hugged something.

The three great gods noticed him and all looked at him.


There was a crisp sound like the breaking of porcelain in the blank world.

Owen suddenly looked up and saw many scars suddenly appeared on the giant man standing tall.

He is like a sculpture, a piece of porcelain, a picture, a pine and cypress.

The mottled cracks spread at an extremely fast speed.

His body turned into rubble and fell from the sky.

The other two great gods, the one holding the long bow, slowly floated up.

He got rid of the gravity exerted on him by nature, and seemed to fly to the ninth heaven to become a god.

The one who was half-crouched was ignited with blazing fire.

The figure danced in the firelight and soon disappeared.

No - not disappearing.

As they left, this blank world suddenly became filled with many things.

A bouquet of flowers sprouted from the ground.

Next came Laimu (wheat), and the endless Laimou filled his eyes in an instant.

On the left side, a cypress forest emerged, and on the right side were endless fields, and the land was covered with golden Laimou.

The wind blows and makes a rustling sound.

The sky is like a sapphire, with a sun shining golden light.

Everything is so vibrant.

Suddenly, Owen noticed that a large group of people were walking from the cypress forest to his left. They walked in a bumpy road, but everyone had a smile on their face.

Support each other and talk loudly.

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