I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 10 Harry Potter’s little troubles (you will understand even if I don’t tell you.)


What he said makes sense.

I can't even refute it!

After a moment of silence, the sense of honor as a prefect forced Truman to cheer up again.

He taught earnestly and sincerely: "There is a reason why those curses are unforgivable."

"The blood of wizards and Muggles flows behind them all."

His deep voice echoed in the lounge.

Although the little wizards were ignorant, they could still understand something from the conversation between Owen and Truman.

Owen must be talking about some very evil magic.

"I know-" Owen rarely said without laughing.

He stared into Truman's eyes and said solemnly: "But I think that all wizards should learn the Unforgivable Curse or understand it, even if this will bring doubts and arguments."

"Because this is preparation against aggression."

"Not having a sword in your hand is not the same thing as having a sword and not using it."



For the first time, Truman looked at Owen with a very serious look.

Look at him carefully.

Look at it from beginning to end.

What he said - it makes so much sense!

But—that’s the Unforgivable Curse!

When will unforgiveness appear in the little wizard's classroom as openly and openly as the floating spell?

He would definitely think the world had gone crazy.

"I can't argue with you, Owen." After a long silence, Truman looked directly into Owen's eyes and said: "But this is definitely not the way a wizard should fight, at least not the way a real Hufflepuff should fight. "

"I will relay your words to the dean."

Truman was still grudged against Owen's dark wizard grandfather. He felt that the eleven-year-old wizard must have been influenced by that evil wizard to have such shocking ideas.

"Well - it's really not suitable for Hufflepuff." Owen nodded and touched his chin pretending to be mature. "Badger Yard's Way of Fighting"

A mental search.

Suddenly, a piece of music engraved in his DNA sounded in his head.

——Hunterman! Conquered the Pokémon!

——たとえ火の中水の中草の中山の中. Whether in fire, water, grass or forest

—— 土の中云の中あのコのスカートの中(キャ~!). In the skirt of the girl in the clouds in the earth (click~!)

ha! It's up to you - Sniff!

The goal is to be the Master of Magical Creatures Training!

Well - this is the correct way to open Hufflepuff!

Badger Yard without the magical little animals always feels like something is missing.

Sure enough - Hufflepuff is going to be in the cultivation system.

Owen nodded feeling that he was right.

So, should I pick a magical animal first?

"Okay, that's it for today's party." Truman stood up and nodded solemnly towards the little wizards and said softly: "If you have any questions, you can ask the seniors."

After speaking, he quickly walked out of the lounge alone.

Disappeared at the end of the barrel.

All the little wizards looked at each other, and after a while they all dispersed.

Today was their first day off at Hogwarts.

The enthusiasm of the new students was very strong, and Justin and the others made an appointment to explore the castle together.

Owen didn't go with him. Among other things, in order to capture Hogwarts in the first week, he studied almost all the secrets of the school.

He knew several secret ways for outsiders to sneak into Hogwarts.

There is even one thing that very few people know about.

At the bottom of the Black Lake, there is an underground drainage outlet, which is very narrow and leads to the sewer pipe of the castle.

So it’s better to skip exploring the castle or something.

He planned to wander around the Forbidden Forest, maybe he could encounter some rare species of magical animals.

And - that letter.

He was going to Hagrid's place.

Owen made up his mind and walked out of the lounge with ease.


There was a loud roar of anger in the vast corridor.

The other little wizards on the road with Owen subconsciously tightened their necks.

This voice - they were all too familiar.

It's Snape.

"Professor - I didn't mean to do it, I was just distracted."

"Shut up Potter." Snape said in his unique, low, slow, and full of mocking tone: "Is this what your idiot aunt taught you? To attack the professor?"

Owen heard the sound and ignored the horrified looks of the other little wizards. He ducked to the corner of the corridor and poked his head out. Sure enough, it was the three unlucky guys.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Of course, there is also Snape, who can fry a dish even with greasy hair.

"I'm sorry, Professor." Harry apologized hastily. There was a pile of books scattered around his feet, and it was obvious that they had just hit Snape.

Hearing the sound, Snape seemed to have heard something disgusting and derogatory, and saw expressions of disgust emerging on his cold face, "It's really disgusting-"

Before he could finish his words, the little witch on the side interrupted: "We were just studying a magic spell. Isn't Harry——"

"Shut up!" Snape yelled, his voice shaking the ceiling.

At this time, except for Owen who was hiding in the corner watching the show, the other little Hufflepuff wizards had already fled back to the lounge.

"Miss Granger, do you have my permission to speak?"

"Five points from Gryffindor!"

Snape stared at Hermione fiercely, and half a second later turned his attention to Harry: "I thought Gryffindors were all a bunch of brainless baboons, like trolls waving wands."

He glanced at some books that had fallen to the floor.

"Standard Defense Against the Dark Arts"

Black Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense

"Practical Defense Against Dark Arts"

"Teach you ten magic spells commonly used in duels"

"Huh? What? Do you want to fight with others? Bully the weak, just like your brainless father!" Snape's expression dropped a bit again.

If it was still sarcastic just now, now it is really threatening.

"I didn't, I was just protecting myself." Harry defended loudly.

But it was obvious that Snape would not listen to a single word from him.

"That's enough. I think you've told enough lies. Ten points from Gryffindor, Potter. In addition, I will tell your Head of House that one of her famous students is preparing to attack others in the school. "Snape flicked his sleeves, and his cloak suddenly puffed up with wind. Like an old bat spreading its wings, he strode toward the spiral staircase.



Owen, who was hiding in the corner, looked at Snape who was walking away with a smile on his face.

He and James are simply the positive and negative poles of a magnet. They will always attract each other and become entangled no matter what.

This is the original work.

The same goes for a week.

At that time, Owen really couldn't understand why Miss Snape had a grudge against James.

It wasn't until he did a little investigation that he discovered a shocking thing.

What kind of best friends break up and become enemies of each other——

The story about the entanglement between the arrogant and arrogant lady of the Snake Court and the wild and uninhibited young master of the Lion Court almost shocked Owen's jaw.

After understanding that history.

He had to lament that if Tsundere hadn't withdrawn from the environment, there wouldn't be a Harry Potter in the first week.

There may be a child with such a name, but it will definitely not be the prophesied savior.

The first episode will also be directly renamed: Neville Longbottom.


Look at this bad fate, no matter how the world changes, some people will still have conflicts.

The first week is more interesting than the second week 233333

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