Unsurprisingly, a purple light lit up on the gacha machine again, representing that Liu Lei had also drawn an SR-quality elf.

Looking at the falling Spirit Ball, Liu Lei couldn't wait to take it.

Jiang Bai looked at Liu Lei curiously, guessing which elf the other party would draw.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoxiao on the side also urged:

"Hurry up!" Open it quickly! See if the elf you drew has my Eevee cute, well, although it's unlikely~

" "Hmph, maybe my elf will be even cuter!"

Liu Lei said proudly.

He had completely changed his face at this time, and after extracting his elves, he completely forgot the sadness when he paid just now and took on the role of trainer.

While speaking, Liu Lei did not delay too much, and pressed the button of the Spirit Ball under the gaze of everyone!

With a flash of red light, another elf appeared in the clearing.

After seeing the elf he had extracted, Liu Lei looked a little surprised, because the appearance of this elf was very special.

It looks like a small rodent with purple skin and scattered patches on its body, cyan ears on the inside, a small incisor on the side of its mouth, and reddish eyes.

In addition, the elf's head also has a purple unicorn, and there are three rows of spikes on the back, revealing a cold glow, and the appearance is very fierce, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

"It turned out to be this elf."

At this time, Jiang Bai also witnessed the full picture of the elf and smiled with interest.

"Boss Jiang, do you know this elf?"

Liu Lei asked curiously.

"Of course."

Jiang Bai explained with a laugh: "This elf is called Nidolang, and it is a Pokémon of the poison system. "


Liu Lei was stunned, a little incomprehensible.

He has seen two elves so far, one is the little fire dragon drawn by Xia Meng in the video, which is a fire elf.

One is just an ordinary department Ibrahimovic drawn by his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoxiao.

The ordinary department is easy to understand, and Ibrahimovic doesn't look special.

Although the ability of the little fire dragon is a little abnormal, it is ultimately the flame, which is an element that is exposed to in daily life.

But the poison system is a little difficult to understand, because you can't touch this thing in daily life.

Liu Lei's understanding of poisonous creatures only stops at poisonous snakes and scorpions.

Thinking of this, Liu Lei couldn't help but guess: "Could it be that this Nidolang of mine is like a poisonous snake, and there are toxins in the body?"

"It can be understood this way, because Nidoran's body does have toxins, but the poison attribute in the elves contains more, not only the poison in the body, but the elves with the poisonous attribute can usually manipulate the power of the poisonous attribute."

"To be specific, Mr. Liu can take a look at this..." Jiang

Bai realized that Liu Lei's understanding of elves was still too shallow, in order to facilitate the other party's better understanding, he said while turning on the thunderbolt on his mobile phone and handing his video to the other party to watch.

Liu Lei saw that it was a video introducing the elves, and immediately watched it seriously.

Jiang Xiaoxiao on the side didn't know much about elf knowledge, and rushed over after watching a live video, so at this moment, when he saw the detailed introduction of the elf, he also hurriedly watched it.

After watching a few videos in a row, the two finally understood most of the elven knowledge.

At the very least, the basic knowledge is mastered and understood the differences in attributes between elves, as well as the characteristics of individual elves.

The two are also more aware of the magic and variety of elves.

This made Liu Lei more and more interested in Nidolang, and he couldn't help but be curious about Nidolang's other information besides attributes.

Thinking of this, Liu Lei couldn't wait to take out the elf guide and inquire about the other party's detailed information.

[Shhh! Nidoran, poison attribute, poison needle Pokémon

characteristics: vitality

height: 0.4M Weight: 7.8kg

Gender: male

skill: glaring, poison needle, peck

introduction: Nidolang has highly poisonous horns on his forehead, extremely vigilant, if you find that someone with bad intentions is approaching, you will not hesitate to attack it with a stinger!

"Hey, it turns out that this corner is still poisonous, no wonder it looks a little scary."

After reading the introduction of the guide, Liu Lei took a breath.

You know, the first time he saw Nidoran, he had the idea of touching the other party's corner.

Fortunately, he didn't really do it at that time, and it is not difficult to estimate that he needs to be rescued now....

"Vitality characteristics, very good, this is already the second elf with hidden characteristics today."

Jiang Bai also saw the introduction of the book, noticed the characteristic column, and couldn't help but praise.

"Hidden features? I remember in the video that it was a very rare trait of an elf, right?

Liu Lei asked curiously.

"That's right, and the vitality is not only rare, but also powerful."

Jiang Bai explained with a laugh.

The vitality feature is indeed very good, it can increase Nidoran's attack power by 50%, not to mention, it can also make its physical moves have a higher hit rate.

At the same time, Nidoran, who has this trait, evolves into Queen Nido, and can also upgrade to a forced trait!

You know, forcibly placing this trait in the characteristics of the offensive system is definitely a powerful feature that can rank in the top five, and it is therefore therefore a very popular battle Pokémon to forcibly force King Nido in the elven world.

"Good luck, no wonder this Nidolang is SR quality."

Jiang Bai smiled with interest.

He had asked the system what aspects of the gacha machine's identification of elf qualities would include.

In fact, the gacha machine will not only consider the rarity of the elves, but also the growth potential of the elves, the level of race value, whether they are flashing, whether they are genetic skills, and whether they hide their characteristics.

In summary, all of the above are pluses, so there will also be cases where the same elves have different qualities.

The same is true of Nidolang in front of you, if it is just ordinary Nidoran, not only the racial value is low, but the growth potential is also limited.

But if it is a Nidolang with hidden characteristics, it is different, the strength of forcibly Nidowang is far beyond that of ordinary Nido, and the offensive ability is extremely terrifying, if Liu Lei is also interested in elf battles, this Nidolang can definitely become his future main force!

Hearing Jiang Bai's praise, Liu Lei also realized that he had great luck, looking at the originally fierce Nidolang, he only felt cute at this time, and couldn't help but squat in front of Nidolang, smiled and touched the other party's head and said:

"Nidolang!" We will be partners in the future! Let's get along together! "


Nidoran nodded his head, behaving very well, not as terrifying as the book said.

This is apparently because the elves offered by the gacha machine have a high degree of intimacy with their trainers.

In this regard, Liu Lei is very happy.

Who wouldn't want an elf who is fierce to outsiders but obedient to himself?

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