I can enter Hogwarts in the end of the world

Chapter 35 The Troubles of Magic

After Ian got the notes, he did not immediately read through them to study.

Instead, he chose to go to the library to return the previous books, and once again borrowed several basic books on transfiguration.

If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. Faced with Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class notes, even if they are just the notes from the other party's student days.

Ian still needs more related books to help him deeply understand the contents of the notes.

When he finished all this and returned to the dormitory, it was already night, and the two roommates were having a heated discussion about something.

"Hey, man, you always bring books with you every time you come back. To be honest, you give me the feeling of being an old scholar like Professor Binns." Andre said a little jumpy.

Ivey, who was next to him, also answered the question at this moment:

"Indeed, life is not only about magic. Will you come together to see the new members of the Academy Quidditch this Saturday? Every year when new players are recruited, one or two interesting things always happen. The level of riding a broom is not as good as that of my grandma. Also compete for seekers.”

"Okay, when you two go, remember to call me."

Ian also agreed obediently.

Because he had experienced the second awakening of magic power before, Ian's magic power increased exponentially. After that, he always felt that he had hit a bottleneck in learning magic.

This was especially obvious during the last month. Reading and studying the entire book "Standard Spells" only allowed him to master more spells.

Nothing changes about the accumulation of magic, or the power of releasing magic.

What Ian doesn't know is that there are actually very few, or almost no, wizards who have the chance to awaken a second time. His current state is the normal growth rate of a wizard.

"Okay, then it's settled. You should have been like this a long time ago. Man, it's late. There's Potions class again early tomorrow morning. I'm simply fed up with the pungent smell in the classroom."

Andre imitated Snape's movements as he spoke, as if he suddenly thought of something, and then said: "But having said that, tomorrow should be our first class together. I also took Divination and Magical Beasts as electives." Protection class.”

When Ian heard this, he also said jokingly: "Haha, but Professor Snape is a real master of potions, and his courses are very valuable. Since you can't resist, you should learn to enjoy it."

In the first month since school started, Ian has been following the first-year courses. If it weren't for Andre's reminder, he almost forgot that he had to take elective courses.

To be honest, for the Divination class, he really only got half-credit, but for the Care of Magical Creatures class, he had to pay close attention.

Cherish Professor Catalbo's course. When Hagrid becomes professor in two years, he will not take this course again.

Compared with the professors of the two courses who were perfunctory, it would be better to switch to ancient magic texts. Two years of knowledge accumulation, by then he would have at least learned something real in this class.

There was no talk all night, and there were no first-year Ravenclaw classes in the morning, so Ian took a rare nap.

When the first ray of morning light shone through the window into the bedroom, he slowly woke up.

Looking at the empty bed at this time, the two roommates must have been really afraid of being late for Potions class, so they set off early.

After briefly washing up, Ian went straight to the library. He had always wanted to figure out what the bottleneck was that was troubling him, but now the slow growth rate of his magic power made him feel like he was stuck in his throat.

Just like a person who is used to taking high-speed rail and suddenly goes back to take the green train of the 1960s, the strong sense of gap is simply unacceptable.

He came to the auditorium as quickly as possible to have breakfast, and unexpectedly found Hermione at the Gryffindor table. Ian ignored the many stares and walked over.

Hogwarts does not actually have a prescribed dining place, but most people are accustomed to sitting at the long table in their own house.

At this moment, Hermione also noticed Ian walking towards this side, and quickly moved a little to the side to make room.

"Good morning Hermione, do you have classes in the morning? Do you want to go to the library together later?"

Hermione quickly replied: "Okay, we have one class in the morning, History of Magic at 10 o'clock."

After hearing this, Ian nodded, said nothing more, and began to concentrate on the rich breakfast in front of him.

Just when they were eating in peace, a proud and slightly sour voice suddenly sounded around them.

"Some mud..., well, some people with impure blood, who are lucky enough to come to Hogwarts, should be content and stop thinking about how to seduce boys all day long."

Ian looked back.

The speaker was the Slytherin student, the blond little witch Daphne.

Ian and her had also met at Madam Malkin's Robe Shop, and the timid way they greeted her was still fresh in his memory.

He just didn't expect that he would become so arrogant in just one month. He really couldn't understand that the academy could really change a person's personality so quickly?

Facing Ian's calm gaze, Daphne seemed to be standing on hot coals. It didn't take long before she picked up her companion and quickly fled the scene.

"Are they talking about me?"

Hermione asked belatedly.

Looking at Hermione who was a little dazed at this time, Ian also reached out and patted her fluffy little head, and said softly:

"There's no need to pay attention to them, and they're not talking about you. They didn't mention your name at all. Who knows what she's crazy about."

After leaving, Daphne took her best friend Millicent and sat back on the Slytherin table.

In fact, she had been attracted to the handsome and elegant Ian since their first meeting at the robe shop before school started.

Especially the lonely and indifferent eyes of the other party, as if everything in the world was just a picture in his eyes, and his cold and aloof temperament satisfied all her fantasies about a real Slytherin.

When she learned that the other party would come to Hogwarts to study, she was so happy. It was a pity that the other party was assigned to Ravenclaw in the end, but even so, she was very happy.

After careful observation, she discovered that Ian really liked to be alone. Occasionally, she mustered up the courage to come up and talk to him, and the other person would smile charmingly, say a few words at a distance, and then leave in a hurry.

If Ian was like this to everyone, then she wouldn't say much, after all, that's just her personality.

But she discovered more than once that Ian treated the little Gryffindor mudblood particularly favorably, and even often wandered and chatted in the corridors in pairs.

Especially when I first entered the auditorium today, I saw the other person sitting on the Gryffindor table, having breakfast with the mudblood named Hermione.

The long-standing jealousy and grievance of being ignored suddenly exploded in her heart.

This is why she said so many mean words just now. She regrets it very much now, after all, it must have damaged her image in Ian's heart.

Thinking of this, Daphne had no intention of eating breakfast, put down the tableware and hurriedly left the auditorium that made her sad.

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