When Ian returned to the dormitory, he saw his two roommates as he wished.

"Hey! I came back and there was an extra bed and I knew it was you. I can't believe it, man you know what, all the girls in the academy are talking about you, it's crazy.

By the way, my name is Ivy Felton. There is no secret in Hogwarts that I don’t know. No matter who you need information about, I can help you find out for free. "

The person who spoke was one of the roommates who looked thin and short, but had an obviously cheerful personality.

"Hello, my name is Andre Hubbard. You can call me Andre."

A tall, thin, typical Ravenclaw boy who is quiet and talks little. After saying hello, I went back to organizing the books needed for tomorrow's class.

"Ian Titus. You can call me Ian. As you can see, I am a transfer student. But because I am missing too many basic knowledge, I think we won't have classes together this school year."

Ian said while shaking the class schedule he had just received from Professor Flitwick.

"Oh, this is big news. I guess all the girls in the third grade will shed tears of sadness when they hear the news tomorrow.

Just now, I heard Anna and the others showing off, saying that tomorrow she would be able to take classes with the most handsome boy in the history of Ravenclaw. "

At this moment, Ivey was obviously gloating about his misfortune.

"But to be honest, man, among the first-year courses, Transfiguration is a bit more difficult. Transfiguration really requires feeling, but there is also Charms and Potions. Our previous notes may be helpful to you.

Although our grades are not very good, we still have a good grasp of first-grade knowledge. If you need help, just tell us directly. "

After Ivey finished speaking, he did not forget to look at Andre next to him, who also nodded in agreement.

Ian, who was used to seeing sophistication in his previous life, cherished this pure kindness and help.

"Thank you. If I encounter any problems, I will seek your help."

At this moment, the two roommates looked at Ian's unashamed answer and laughed heartily.

In fact, the friendship between boys is very simple and simple. I respond, you respond, and then we like each other and become good friends.

The three people in the dormitory were like this at the moment. After a short communication, Ian was successfully accepted and recognized.

The three of them talked freely about a lot of things, not only about the various weird characters in the school and famous scenes in the past, but also about each other's families.

Although Ivy did most of the talking, Ian and Andre listened quietly.

Since it was getting late, and in order to ensure that I would not be late on the first day of school, I ended the chat at Ian's suggestion, although Ivy still had some unfinished ideas.

Putting down the bed curtains and lying on his own soft bed, the scenes of today's experiences appeared in Ian's mind one by one like a slideshow.

"It's a good start and hopefully everything goes well."

On the morning of September 1st, under the first ray of light after dawn, Ian woke up.

Looking at the rising sun in the east, the warm sunshine seems to bring infinite vitality. Perhaps only Ravenclaw students living in the tower can appreciate such a beautiful scenery.

After a simple wash, Ian did not disturb his sleeping roommate, but took out the class schedule and compared it with the books he would use in the morning. Hogwarts courses were taught in both houses at the same time, changing every school year.

Fortunately, Ravenclaw was matched with Hufflepuff this year. In this regard, Ian is also happy to see the results, staying away from the protagonist and leaving everything to Director Dumbledore. This is his principle.

After everything was ready, the two roommates got up.

The sleepy Ivy glanced at Ian sitting there, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"Hey, Ian, although it's your first day, you shouldn't get up so early. Merlin's socks, it's only what time, and you've even finished washing and changing clothes!"

"Hahaha, maybe I need to get familiar with the castle's stairs like a new student. The book records that there are as many as 142 spiral staircases in Hogwarts. No one wants to be tricked by them on the first day.

Okay, you guys hurry up and wash up, and Andre, now that you’re up, don’t continue lying on the bed. "

After Ian finished speaking, he picked up the arranged books and pushed out the door.

The first class marked on the timetable was Potions, with Hufflepuff.

The Potions classroom is in the basement, one of the classrooms furthest from the Tower Lounge.

So Ian had to go through more movable stairs to reach it. From the top to the bottom, the biggest test for him was the cumbersome staircase conversion.

Fortunately, he left early and there were no accidents along the way. He arrived at the classroom door 20 minutes before class.

At this time, in the Potions classroom, there were already several little eagles sitting there, previewing their lessons.

Although he was surprised by Ian's arrival, he was not overly curious. After all, wizards who were assigned to Ravenclaw would not care too much about other people's affairs.

But all things have exceptions, such as Padma Patil, who is a little excited next to Ian at the moment. This Indian girl in the original book is a member of Dumbledore's Army.

"So you're going to be in class with us this year?"

The one who spoke was Mandy Bloch, a first-year student with Padma, watching her finally ask the key question.

Several other Ravenclaw girls turned their eyes to Ian in unison, as if expecting something.

"Yes, that's right, I think at least for this semester, we will all have to take classes together."

Ian's answer made the little girls cheer.

"Okay, girls, class is about to start. You don't want to have your points deducted by Professor Snape on the first day. If you have anything, we can talk about it after class."

Obviously, deducting points on the first day is unacceptable to the Eagles. After Ian finished speaking, they returned to their seats obediently.

After getting rid of these girls who pestered him as soon as they entered the door, Ian finally breathed a sigh of relief. As for the others, Ian didn't intend to get to know them.

He came here to learn magic, not to make friends and play house. Even a seventh grader was just a big kid in his eyes.

As for why he always communicates and chats patiently, Ian actually has only one purpose, which is to not be so different.

A saying he likes very much is - 'Be the same as its light, be the same as its dust'.

After all, they have already taken the initiative to say hello, but you still act so aloof? In addition to attracting attention, Ian really can't think of any other functions.

Therefore, Ian's plan for himself at Hogwarts is to try not to take the initiative to socialize, otherwise it will make his limited study time more urgent.

Time always passes by inadvertently. At 9 o'clock exactly, there is a "Peng" at the door of the classroom, and Professor Snape, wearing the everlasting black cloak, strides into the classroom.

He walked silently and waved his wand. As he moved, the windows were closed tightly and the candles in the classroom were lit.

When he walked to the podium and turned around, the last window happened to be closed. After doing all this, he stood calmly on the podium.

He glanced at the freshmen in the classroom with an expressionless expression. Even for Ian, he only glanced at them for less than half a second.

He casually picked up the roster on the table and started to call the names. After confirming that no one was late and absent from class, he said in his cold and calm tone: "Very good, it seems that you all understand the importance of being on time."

"You are here to learn this precise and rigorous science of potions."

"I don't expect you to truly understand the wonderful feeling of the slowly simmering crucible emitting white smoke and bursting with fragrance..."

"You will not truly understand the wonderful magic that flows into people's blood vessels and makes people confused..."

Perhaps Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff belong to the neutral camp, so they are not hostile and targeted by Snape, and they will not enjoy the treatment of the savior's fatal three questions.

To Ian and the others, Snape at this moment was just a stern Potions professor.

But Ian understands better than anyone else how powerful this tragic half-blood prince is in the field of potions.

So throughout the whole class, he kept taking notes. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. This is what he understood when he was very young.

Fortunately, the content of the first lesson is not complicated. It involves learning and brewing medicine to treat scabies.

Professor Snape wrote all the steps and important precautions on the blackboard, and after explaining in detail the easy-to-make mistakes, he continued to say in his unchanging tone:

"I see that you have already consciously divided into groups. This at least shows that your brains are still somewhat useful. Now, let's do it and let me see who's brain can only do this."

Only now does Ian know why the reputation of potion masters is so high and the number of people is so small. In an industry that is obviously very profitable, no one works hard? Stupid?

After actually learning potions, Ian realized that making potions really requires talent.

Theoretical knowledge and steps, as well as the processing of medicinal materials, as long as you are not an idiot, you can do it well. The difficulty lies in controlling the heat and stirring the magic power.

Yes, magic stir. Use your own magic power as a medium to stir the various medicinal materials in the crucible, allowing them to fully fuse, decompose, and volatilize, and then use magic power as the basis to mutate the combined medicinal materials for a second time.

In layman's terms, it is called 'enchantment', which allows the potion to truly produce magical power.

All of the above are accomplished by relying on the feeling of a potion master, so this is an industry that relies on talent.

Simple potions are fine, like the scabies potion Ian learned today, which consists of five medicinal ingredients: viper fangs, pongo onions, dried nettles, and porcupine quills. The cooking process only needs to grasp a few key points, and it can be completed step by step.

But this is just the content of the first potions lesson for the first grade wizard!

Compared to the elixir that took half a year to brew and was mixed and matched with hundreds of strange ingredients, the difference was simply like the light of fireflies competing for the brightness of the bright moon.

"Miss Patil, give me the porcupine quills, and then please open the bundle of dried nettles, and select three relatively complete ones and put them on the table..."

During the brewing process, Ian basically confirmed that he still had some talent for potions. The most important thing was that he could clearly feel their changes.

That feeling of blessing to the soul, every step is just right, just like a mother can feel the needs of her child, precise and timely.

When a person is concentrating on one thing, he often ignores the changes around him or even notices the passage of time. Psychology calls this state - flow.

At this moment, Ian is in a state of flow. The only changes in his world are the potions and the medicinal materials that seem to have vitality and can speak.

What Ian didn't know was that Professor Snape had been standing behind him for a long time.

In fact, after Professor Snape walked around the classroom and criticized some terrible combinations, he had already discovered Ian's state. This state is familiar to every potion master.

Snape also knew something about the student in front of him. Although today was the first time for class, after the opening dinner, Professor McGonagall told other professors about Ian's situation.

I hope they can show appropriate tolerance and not ignore the fact that the other party has not yet been exposed to magic because of their age.

What surprised Snape was the talent of the student in front of him in potion making.

It's so handy and just right, showing a kind of natural beauty, and every move has its rhythm.

Turn off the heat, cool, and then prepare to put into the pre-placed transparent glass bottles.

After doing all this, Ian let out a long sigh of relief. Making the potion seemed simple, but in fact it was very energy-consuming.

"Not bad! One point for Ravenclaw!"

Ian was startled by the sudden sound.

I saw Professor Snape running out of nowhere behind him, picking up the potion that had just been bottled, shaking it gently, and opening the lid to let the smell dissipate, so as to more accurately judge the effect of the potion.

Ian was very happy about Snape's extra points. He didn't care about the so-called academy points.

Rather, he cares about Snape's approval. The potion that can be given points by him also proves his talent in brewing.

There is not much time left in this class, and other students have completed the cooking tasks one after another.

There was no so-called explosion or overturning of the crucible. Occasionally, a few groups failed to cook, and they were only scolded and ridiculed by Professor Snape.

"The key points about boiling scabies medicine and the inspiration gained from its formula should be no less than 12 inches. Submit it before the next class."

"By the way, Mr. Titus, stay here for a moment." Professor Snape stopped Ian after finishing the homework.

Ignoring the sympathetic looks from the other eaglets, Ian walked directly towards Snape after hearing this.

"Hello, Professor Snape, you can call me Ian." After saying that, he quietly waited for the other party to express his intention.

"Very good, Ian. Only the scabies potion you brewed in this class has reached perfect quality. This is why I specially kept you. I want to ask you, what is the potion to you? And How you feel while brewing the potion.”

For this kind of question, Ian chose to answer based on his heart. After thinking about it, he said: "Professor, you may know my situation. It is my first time to come into contact with magic and potions. To me, potions are magical." magic."

After a slight pause, Ian continued:

"I like this kind of magic. When brewing the potion, I feel its changes without any distractions, and feel the appeal of the various magic materials. Everything seems to be alive. When I finally look at the finished potion, the sense of accomplishment is fascinating. .

The above is my most honest answer, Professor. "

After saying that, he looked at Snape who was lost in memories, and Ian politely kept quiet.

After a long time.

"If you really like potions, I will write you a book list, and you can borrow it from the library in the order of the catalog.

If you don't understand something, you can come to my office every Saturday between 4 pm and 6 pm to ask questions. "

"Thank you Professor, I will read and study strictly according to your recommendations."

Ian sincerely thanked the other party for his help. As for the feeling Snape gave him, he said without exaggeration that the other party was indeed a good teacher.

He is rich in knowledge and experienced, and he doesn't speak much. Every sentence can get to the point and identify the key points of the problem.

Of course, if you over-interpret him from the perspective of the savior, then he is just a greasy old bat, spraying venom everywhere.

New book, please collect, recommend, collect, recommend, invest~

Thank you all readers, thank you ~ thank you ~ thank you ~

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