Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 84 Snape plans to poison Xia Lin?

After not seeing each other for the whole holiday, Harry seemed to have a lot of things to say to Xia Lin. Especially after Xia Lin's reminder last time, they had found out that what Dumbledore hid in the corridor on the fourth floor was the legendary Sorcerer's Stone.

According to the information they knew, this magic stone was actually brought here by Xia Lin.

At this time, Harry was like a child who was eager to express himself, especially hoping to get recognition in front of Xia Lin. It can be said that among the staff at Hogwarts, the ones he is closest to are Hagrid and Xia Lin.

"Professor, we found-"

But just as he was about to talk about it, he was interrupted by Snape.

The oily old bat had a sullen face and roughly pushed open the half-open door of Xia Lin's office.

"Charlene Gold, you-"

Snape didn't seem to expect Harry to be here, and he didn't know how to say what he originally wanted to say. He looked at Harry with a complicated look, and the expression on his face became even more unkind.

Harry showed no sign of weakness and stared directly at Snape with his green eyes. He had hated Snape since the last Quidditch match. And he had already determined in his heart that Snape was the one who was trying to get hold of the Philosopher's Stone.

Just wait, you evil Snape!

I'll keep an eye on you, don't even think about succeeding!

Harry's hateful eyes made Snape very uncomfortable. Being looked at by such eyes reminded him of the unbearable past. After he and Lily parted ways and had a complete break, Lily looked at him with this look of disgust.

"Hoo-Harry-poot! Why are you here?"

Snape took a deep breath to calm down. Masters of Occlumency like him usually keep their emotions and anger a secret.

"I think my appointment with Professor Xia Lin has nothing to do with you!" Harry shot back without any sign of weakness.

Hogwarts is not your home, so why do you care where I am?

He thought angrily.

"Get out -" Snape didn't care what Harry thought. Now he just wanted to get Harry away, so he directly used the professor's majesty to oppress Harry.

Xia Lin was still happily watching the two of them falling in love and killing each other, but he was not happy with Snape talking like this.

You must know that this is his office, and it is not Snape's turn to give orders here.

"Wait, Snape -" he interrupted Snape directly and said mercilessly, "First of all, you should knock on the door before you come in. You should set a good example of politeness in front of your students. . In addition, didn’t you read those books related to teacher qualifications that I gave you? Using your status as a teacher to oppress students is not what a professor should do.”

Snape immediately looked at Xia Lin with his gloomy eyes, and it was obvious that he was furious.

In contrast, Harry felt very comfortable.

Seeing Snape deflated was even happier than him catching the Golden Snitch!

But Snape would not be hysterical because of this. He sneered and said sarcastically: "I thought that kind of thing can only be used to burn the fireplace, but you -"

He looked at Xia Lin jokingly and found that Xia Lin had no missing arms or legs, and immediately said: "It's you, it seems you don't dare to drink the magic potion I gave you?"

Xia Lin's mouth twitched, and he knew that Snape couldn't give him anything good.

That bottle of potion might not be able to hurt him, but it would at least make Xia Lin feel sick in some way.

Charlene and Snape both knew that the gift was just to make the other sick, but it sounded different to Harry's ears.

‘Snape wants to poison Professor Shallen with a potion? ’

His eyes widened and his expression became frightened and dull, as if he had discovered a big secret but did not dare to speak.

At this moment, Harry felt that his mind was blank. Snape wanted to poison Professor Xia Lin? How could I have such a dream?

No, Snape has a criminal record!

He wanted to throw himself to death before, but now it wouldn't be surprising if he tried to kill a professor.

No, Harry felt that his brain was a bit insufficient. He had to find someone with brains to help him think of countermeasures.


"I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I'm going back first!" Harry couldn't help but fly to his good "mother" - Hermione immediately, so he jumped up eagerly and said hello. Run outside.

And he didn’t forget to leave a sentence: “You must hold on, Professor!”

I'll come and save you when I think of a way!

Harry clenched his fists and thought firmly.

Xia Lin and Snape looked at each other, wondering what this kid was up to. But this was just right for Snape. After the boy walked away, he could say some things.


"Why hasn't Harry come back yet?" Ron hugged Purgatory out of boredom. "It's so boring. Originally, I wanted to go for a walk with Purgatory. But Professor Dumbledore actually issued a new school rule."

After Christmas, Hogwarts has a new school rule - Pokémon are not allowed to be released in the corridors and other classrooms. Pokémon can only be taken for a walk by the Black Lake on weekends.

So now he can only play with his Pokémon in the lounge.

"This school rule should have been enacted a long time ago. Look what you have done? You used Pokémon skills to fight in the corridor, caused trouble for Filch, and even used Pokémon skills to attack Professor Quirrell on the back of the head!" Hermione said sharply.

"But nine out of ten of these pranks were done by Fred and George. If you want to punish them, they should be punished." Ron said without confidence. Because he was actually watching from the side while the twins were playing pranks on Pokémon.

Although I didn't participate, I was cheering in my heart.

It shouldn't be their fault, though. Who made Quirrell's turban smell so bad?

"It's a pity that they didn't succeed." Ron was very regretful.

At this time, a panting Harry came in from the entrance to the lounge.

"Harry, you're back? What did the professor say?" Ron asked immediately when he saw him.

"You look like you're in a hurry?" Hermione also noticed that something was wrong with Harry at this time.

"Whoops, Snape wants to poison Professor Shallen!" Harry shouted. The sound was so loud that it attracted the attention of the students in the entire lounge. The little lions all looked at Harry blankly.

But what's interesting is that most people are not surprised, but look like "Snape really couldn't help it."

Hermione was very frightened. She didn't want to make this matter a big deal before there was no factual basis. If this was a mistake, they would be deducted points again.

"Honestly, I thought Snape had wanted to do this for a long time." Ron said seriously, as if everything was within my expectations, "Remember those rumors we heard before? Snape Being beaten all over the floor by Professor Xia Lin, he must be taking revenge on Professor Xia Lin!"

He also spoke in a loud voice, and he convicted Snape as soon as he opened his mouth. Even the motive for the crime was clearly arranged.

The little lion of Gryffindor has always listened to the wind, and within a few seconds, this matter has been regarded as an ironclad fact by them.

Hermione quickly pulled the two of them to a corner and lowered her voice and said, "Oh, please keep your voice down. What is going on?"

"I went to see the professor, and then Snape opened the door angrily and walked in, as if he wanted to fight the professor to the death. But how could he beat the professor?" Harry added more details about what he saw, " He also said that he had given the professor a bottle of potion before, and said that the professor would not dare to drink it. I bet it was definitely a bottle of poison! Snape was an insidious villain. He wanted to use poison to weaken the professor, and then Defeat the professor and humiliate him!”

"How despicable!" Ron completely believed it.

He had reason to believe that Snape was a heinous bastard.

"But it's impossible for Dumbledore to let him do this?" Hermione still had doubts.

Ron immediately became upset: "Why is he so afraid? Don't forget that he almost killed Harry!"

Hermione was silent now.

"I think he has other intentions. Have you forgotten that he secretly went to the corridor on the fourth floor before? He must want to defeat Professor Xia Lin and get the secret to passing the professor's level! Fortunately, the professor did not drink Snape The potion. I dare say that the professor must have distrusted Snape for a long time. It is just because Dumbledore trusted him that the professor did not break up with Snape."

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