Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 20 Magic is really useful

Soon, Xia Lin ushered in her first weekend as a professor at Hogwarts.

It is obviously unrealistic for him to stay in school honestly. In fact, he still has a lot of work to do in the Muggle world.

"Suction cup golem, you will be responsible for the protected area these two days." Before leaving the school, he said to several suction cup golems and almost all the dolls.

The suction cup golem is almost like a steward of a nature reserve, while the almost-doll acts as a doctor.

The dolls shook their two cute and huge ears in response to Xia Lin's words.

"Very good. If you encounter trouble that can't be solved, go find Charizard and the others." Xia Lin didn't plan to take his Pokémon with him when he went out this time. The safety of the protected area needs to be protected more than itself.

He didn't forget that there was a big trouble in the school now. God knows if Voldemort will do anything unnecessary after learning about Pokémon?

After arranging everything, Xia Lin closed the door of his office and cast magic on it. Even a very clever lock-picking spell would be difficult to open the lock in a short time. And once someone plans to do this, Xia Lin will immediately receive an alert.

Of course, with Dumbledore here, there is a high probability that nothing will happen. This is just an insurance policy.

It is now 1991. Although a certain Nintendo game company already exists, the Pokémon IP does not.

Xia Lin has reached adulthood this year, and there is no need to worry about the Ministry of Magic's traces being able to lock his magic. In fact, from the moment he was expelled from Hogwarts, the trace was no longer effective.

Many people think that the Ministry of Magic's traces are bound to the wand, but in fact they are not.

Although first-year wizards have received wands before officially entering school, they will not be monitored by traces. What's more, some little wizards don't buy their wands but inherit them.

For example, both Ron and Neville use old wands.

Of course, trace silk is not actually prepared for these wizards living in the magical world.

Xia Lin doesn't care much about the confidentiality law, but he doesn't resist it either. In his opinion, although the wizard cannot hide forever like this, it is obviously unwise to expose him directly.

Compared with modern thermal weapons, wizards' wands and magic actually don't have much advantage. The terrifying Muggle erectus will blow up the wizards with a machine gun.

But magic is magic after all, and it is indeed very useful as long as it is not discovered.

Xia Lin has no concept of not being able to cast spells on Muggles. The Ministry of Magic always casts the Forgetting Curse on Muggles.

"My sister said it was zero card." This is Xia Lin's survival rule. As long as he is not discovered in person, there is no such thing. There was no way anyone would dare cast a flashback spell on his wand anyway.

With the power of magic, it is very simple to open a company in the Muggle world.

The first is that the funding problem can be easily solved.

Of course Xia Lin won't go for robbery, but he can go to the bank for a loan. After receiving the number at the bank, he sat on the chair and waited patiently.

There are still many people coming to the bank for loans.

"Next, Mr. Charlene Gold."

Xia Lin stood up from his position and walked towards a room. This scene reminded him of the Chosen One in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The fat guy planned to open a bakery with a bank loan from the beginning.

After entering the room, Xia Lin saw a man sitting behind a desk looking at a stack of information. Xia Lin knew that this man was doing an asset evaluation on himself.

After seeing Xia Lin walk in, the man immediately put down the materials in his hand and motioned for Xia Lin to sit down.

"Mr. Charlene Gold?"

"Yes, it's me." Xia Lin nodded.

"You look very young." The other party glanced at Xia Lin and said immediately. Xia Lin lied a little in the information. He wrote that he was twenty-five years old and worked as a teacher at a vocational welding technical school called Hogwarts.

Seventeen years old is considered an adult in the wizarding world, but not yet in the Muggle world.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gold, your salary is not listed on your profile."

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Xia Lin's salary is not high, or in other words, the salary of all the professors at Hogwarts is actually just barely.

"That's right, Mr. Gold, if your salary is relatively low, our bank will not be able to provide you with a loan, let alone the amount you need is relatively large." The bank clerk's tone was not polite. After all, Xia Lin didn't even fill in the salary amount, so in his opinion, he was tantamount to being unemployed.

"That's it. Regarding my asset evaluation, I hope you will read this first before making a decision." Xia Lin opened a box and took out a long strip-shaped object from it.

The bank clerk's breath was stagnant at first. He thought Xia Lin was going to take out a gun from the box. He was so close to sounding the siren.

But soon he discovered that what Xia Lin took out was not a gun, but a slender wooden stick that was almost as long as a forearm.

He was immediately stunned.

"This is - an antique?"

This stick looks quite delicate. But this is a bank, not a pawn shop; and you are here for a loan, not a mortgage!

"Sir, if you want to value this cane, I hope you can hire a professional. Our bank currently does not have this business." He was already planning to ask Xia Lin to leave immediately and move on to the next client.

"Don't worry, sir, look here." Xia Lin waved the wand, and the tip of the wand lit up, which indeed caught the other person's attention.

"Comfundo is confusing."

As soon as the spell was cast, the salesman in front of him suddenly became confused and confused.

"Sir, do you remember? I am a high-quality customer of your bank." Xia Lin shook the wand, and the other person's eyes swayed like a pendulum.

"Yes, you are a very good customer..."

"So the loan—"

"Of course it's passed. I think we can give you a higher limit and a lower interest rate." The man's eyes were still looking at Xia Lin's wand, but his arm had already taken out a wand from the drawer. contract and signed his name on it.

Xia Lin didn't hold a pen, but his name automatically appeared on the contract. But the other party seemed not to have seen this magical scene.

The signature and seal were completed in one go. After Xia Lin walked out of the door with the order, he did not forget to revise his memory.

Magic is so useful!

The Oblivion Curse is not safe for a real magic master, but a magic master will not spend his time on a Muggle.

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