Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 16 Wizard Pokémon Battle in Classroom

Until he returned to the rest area of ​​his dormitory, the first-year wizard still couldn't forget the scenes he had just seen in class.

Those wizards who still showed fearful expressions in class immediately looked regretful after class, as if it was a great regret not to go up and touch the Fire Lion like Harry did.

"It's so cool. If Professor Gold hadn't taken it back so quickly, I think I could have touched it." Seamus said happily. It was as if he didn't come into contact with the Fire Lion not because he felt fear, but because he didn't have enough time.

Most of the little wizards in Gryffindor have selectively forgotten their timidity, and only Neville and Hermione still have some points about themselves.

However, Hermione also decided at this time that if there was an opportunity to get up close to a Pokémon like this next time, she would not let it go.

"How could Professor Gold not assign homework?" she said with disappointment on her face. This caused the other wizards to look at her with disbelief.

"Isn't she crazy?" Ron's eyes widened. whispered to Harry.

And Hermione obviously heard Ron's words.

"Now the subject of Pokémon has basically no connection with other subjects. Think about it, a new subject, if you work hard enough, you may be able to make some unexpected discoveries. If we are like Professor Dumbledore, we Being able to discover over a dozen different uses for Pokémon is a great achievement!”

"Maybe our names can also be engraved on the chocolate frog." Ron suddenly showed a yearning expression.

His brothers are indeed all excellent, but no one can engrave their name and image on a Chocolate Frog card, right? If he could do this, he would be better than everyone else.

"The premise is that you have to work hard enough." Hermione struck.

Wizards from other grades couldn't help but join in when they heard their conversation, showing great interest in the Pokémon lessons they hadn't started yet.

Xia Lin didn't know how these little wizards would react at this moment. At this moment, he took Dumbledore to the nature reserve.

Dumbledore also wanted to carefully study whether Pokémon could play a role in promoting potions or even alchemy. Xia Lin has a deep exposure to the two disciplines of Charms and Transfiguration. After all, when he was learning magic, he must have been aiming at fighting.

As for Potions, although his grades were good, it was impossible for him to learn seventh grade content in one go like Charms. Not to mention alchemy.

If it weren't for the time he spent with Nico Flamel in the past few years, Xia Lin would have had no contact with alchemy at all. Even now, it cannot be said to be at the level of a master.

When I returned to Hogwarts this time, I also planned to make good use of the knowledge in the library to make up for this part of my shortcomings.

He learned a lot from Nico, but since the couple had decided to die, he shouldn't disturb them too much in the remaining time.

Dumbledore was very interested in a Pokémon in the nature reserve.

"Is that a magic wand?" He pointed to a yellow fox standing on two feet. On the fox's tail, there was a wooden staff stuck in the back.

Long-tailed Fire Fox - The sixth generation, which is the evolved form of the fire fox of the three fire families in the Kalos region.

Ever since Xia Lin got those Pokémon from the Royal Three Family a month ago, they have all evolved into their second form.

Pokémon like the Long-tailed Fox rely on branches inserted into its tail to fight.

So Xia Lin had a sudden idea and replaced its branch with a magic wand.

"That's right, oak. I used the scales of the fire-breathing dragon for the core of the staff." Xia Lin said with a smile. With the help of the magic wand, the power of this long-tailed fire fox is much stronger than that of the three imperial families at the same time.

In particular, the power of fire-type skills has increased by more than one and a half points. However, Xia Lin's attempt to get her to learn the magic spell failed.

Dumbledore showed great interest.

Being able to use magic wands, it seems to him that Pokémon are similar to some demihuman races.

"I think you can ask Severus and other professors for help. They are all masters in their respective fields." Dumbledore suggested.

Xia Lin admitted that what he said made sense. If Pokémon is to be associated with magic, it cannot rest on its laurels. The teachers in the academy are all very powerful magic masters.

Potions and alchemy are just two aspects that are relatively easy to get started with, but in fact, even herbal medicine may not be incompatible with Pokémon.

Before Dumbledore left, he specifically reminded Xia Lin not to forget his previous request.

In fact, I haven't thought about how to test Harry Xia Lin yet. What he thought was that since he taught this subject, he would naturally set up a test related to Pokémon.

However, none of the little wizards have ever had a serious Pokémon battle, so he is not sure how far they can go.

The second day's class was in the morning, teaching sixth grade.

The sixth-grade students had just finished their O.W.L. exams and the school had just started. They thought sixth grade was a very easy grade. But Xia Lin knew that soon the teaching content of those advanced classes would give them a big test.

But this has nothing to do with the content of his teaching.

In class, Xia Lin not only showed them four Pokémon like the lower grades. And a new item has been added.

"Is anyone willing to have a battle with them?" Xia Lin looked at them expectantly.

There was silence in the classroom for a while.

They had heard from the first-year wizards that they could pet those Pokémon, but they had never heard of fighting them.

After a moment, a huge Slytherin student stood up, revealing his uneven teeth, and looked at Xia Lin with a slightly provocative expression.

"Professor, if I win, will I get any reward?"

Xia Lin doubted whether he stood up to avenge his parents, but he didn't mind and looked at him with a smile.

"Marcus Flint, what reward do you want?"

The second player in Slytherin Quidditch raised his hand and pointed at the Arbor monster.

"I want it!"

The Abo monster seemed to understand his words, and its abdomen opened wider to both sides, and even the patterns became more colorful. It seems that he is about to show his aggression.

But Xia Lin comforted it and then said:

"If you want to get a Pokémon, you first need to be recognized by the Pokémon. If you can really win, maybe the Arbor monster will look at you differently."

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