Kern couldn't help but nodded, he also thought of this point, the man was thrown in the open, as if he wanted to be discovered, probably because he had seen the overwhelming news of the Daily Prophet, and wanted to see if his anti-curse was true.

"I'm going to continue to look for some clues outside, and the school is going to trouble you in the meantime. Dumbledore continued, feeling a slight headache, the situation was changing too quickly and there wasn't enough time for him.

Combined with the information given by Slytherin, he was probably sure that Voldemort must have made a Horcrux, and that the diary still needed to be taken out and destroyed, not only that, but he also suspected that Voldemort had made more than one Horcrux, so that was troublesome.

Kern naturally had no opinion, and told Lupin about it at the right time.

"Now that Hogwarts may be Voldemort's target, it is better to keep Lupin behind, so that you can also take multiple precautions, as for his salary and wolf poison potion, I will be responsible. "

Dumbledore seemed to remember something, and muttered, "Remus, well! "

Dumbledore agreed without much thought, Lupin was indeed a good wizard.

Kern then approached McGonagall and told her what Dumbledore had said, and Professor McGonagall heard Dumbledore agree, and naturally agreed.

"Since Remus is not a professor, there must always be a position, why don't you let him be a janitor?"

Professor McGonagall asks for Kern's opinion, after all, Lupin's salary is covered by Kern.

"That's a perfect fit. Kern nodded, and now let Lupin have something to do.

Kern went to Lupin's room again and told him what had been arranged.

"As for the salary, it is thirty Galleons a week. "

Kern doesn't give it too high, which is about the market price for an adult wizard.

"Thank you, Professor Kern. Lupin said from the bottom of his heart that it was a great blessing to be able to give him a job.

It's just that Lupin's face turned, and he was a little hesitant, as if he wanted to say something, but finally said it.

"Professor Kern, you may not know, but I'm familiar with Harry's parents, and I'd like to ask about what Harry said in the morning..."

"Oh, you mean Voldemort, it's true, and Professor Dumbledore agrees, so your mission isn't easy, and be wary of Voldemort sneaking in. "

Kern didn't hide it, lest he be punched in the face and didn't know who he was beating.

Lupin's face suddenly turned ugly, how hard they had worked to win that battle back then, how many people had died, and now they had come back again.

"By the way, remember to take the potion I gave you, so as not to become a werewolf when you get it, then I can't explain it. Of course, that medicine is true. "

Kern blinked, and made a point of instruction before leaving.

The holiday season is almost over, and nothing is happening these days, but Kern's prestige has skyrocketed, and he can be described as a hot person at the moment.

The Daily Prophet published a photo of Kern casting a counter-spell that day, and not only Minister Fudge was present, but also Dumbledore, and there was no longer any debate about whether it was true or not.

And with Kern's popularity, his origins have also been investigated, and his experience at Hogwarts has also been investigated.

He went from being a Squib to Hogwarts as a librarian, and soon became a professor, where he was awarded the Order of Merlin of the First Class after his sacrifice against an evil wizard, and was later resurrected by the Killing Curse.

Now Kern's fame is even greater than that of the previous Professor Lockhart, and almost everyone in the British wizarding world knows this Squib-born artifact figure.

As for why a Squib can cast magic, others don't care anymore, even the killing curse can be invented, what are those things.

Although Kern's prestige skyrocketed, it did not affect his peaceful life at Hogwarts.

He was actually quite busy during the holidays, helping the two brothers master the Mind Guarding Technique, and on the other hand, writing a detailed explanation of the Killing Curse and the Counter Curse.

Finally, on the last day of the holiday, I wrote out all the "Detailed Explanations of the Killing Curse and Counter-Curse", and handed it over directly to Kai Xi to deal with, so that he could find a publishing house to publish the book, and with Kai Xi's ability, at least the price would not be taken advantage of.

And under his training, the two brothers have also achieved certain results in the Mind Guarding Divine Technique, and there is still a distance from success.

On the first day of the holiday, Dumbledore had not returned, and the young wizards had returned.

At breakfast time, the auditorium is very lively, and every little wizard has interesting things to share at the end of the holiday.

Kern also felt the change, the change after becoming famous, there were many young wizards who asked him for autographs, saying that they asked for it for their parents, and the last time he saw such a battle was when Professor Lockhart was there.

Not long after breakfast, a flock of owls flew in to deliver the day's prophet newspaper.

Kern put down his fork and looked at it casually, and he was directly stunned at this look, not only him, but everyone who saw the newspaper.

"Azkaban has been attacked, and the whereabouts of many criminals are unknown~~!"

It was like a bombshell smashed into the water, and the little wizards had a heated discussion.

Kern regained his composure, and it seemed that this was Voldemort's handiwork, and he seemed to be announcing his return and reclaiming his team.

But Kern hasn't been doing nothing these days, and he's been thinking about how to make Hogwarts safer.

Now that Dumbledore is not at school again, and Voldemort has really returned, the whole of Hogwarts is no longer safe.

He has been deducing Hogwarts' guardian magic every day lately, hoping to deduce something from guardian magic, but he does have some clues, but the amount of deduction is not small, he deduces some every day, and now there are results.

This was also inspired by the Muggle Expulsion Charm, which, combined with Hogwarts' guardian magic, led him to deduce a magical artifact, though it had not yet been created.

This magical item can cover a large area throughout Hogwarts Castle, relying on specific items to identify each person, and if you don't carry a specific item, you will be magically expelled.

The magic involved in the magic expulsion is Kern's Collision Charm, once an unknown wizard breaks in, it will be attacked by the Collision Charm, and the specific strength of the wizard is judged according to the principle of the guardian magic extracting the wizard's mana.

In fact, it is to probe the opponent's magic power, and often the stronger the strength, the more magic power.

The stronger the strength, the more powerful the Dash Charm will be.

But because of this, this magic item consumes a lot of magic power, especially when someone invades, a person can say that if many people invade, they may directly consume the magic contained in this magic item, and once it is consumed, it will have no effect.

So Kern is now considering whether to recreate a Source Demon Crystal, with the magic contained in the Source Demon Crystal, even if a few fire dragons come, they will have to take a break.

It's just that... Creating a Source Crystal might cause a lot of commotion, and with the lesson from last time, he suspected that someone from the Ministry of Magic would arrive quickly.

Kern thinks that he still has to think about it, in fact, if the requirements are not high, it is good to supplement it with a large number of recovery magic crystals, but it needs to be watched by someone all the time, and once the magic power is insufficient to add it in time, this matter can be handed over to the house elves.

After eating, Lupin found Kern worriedly, with a copy of the Daily Prophet in his hand.

"Professor Kern, when will Dumbledore be back?" asked Lupin with an eager expression, as if he had something to do with Dumbledore.

Kern couldn't help but shake his head, how did he know.

Lupin frowned, his face very ugly, "I'll have to go find Professor McGonagall." "

However, he was directly stopped by Kern, and Professor McGonagall was already in class at this time.

"Maybe you can tell me something. Kern said a little helplessly, his employee didn't seem to trust him very much, so his plan to raise people would be scrapped.

Lupin hesitated, not wanting to tell Kern about the trouble, not because he thought Kern was unreliable, but because Kern was the one who worked for him, and how to let Kern know about the troublesome things, it would be bad if Kern was dragged into the water.

Kern took Lupin's expression in his eyes and looked at the newspaper in Lupin's hand, but instead of the same page as him, he saw the back of the newspaper, which contained a list of missing and wanted Azkaban criminals.

Eventually, under Kern's gaze, Lupin said, "I saw the Ministry of Magic's wanted list, and there are quite a few familiar people on it, but... And people I used to know better... Sirius Black, the man who betrayed Harry's parents back then, I was afraid he would come to Harry. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kern's eyes flashed slightly, he didn't expect Sirius to run out early at this time, but Kern knew that he was not really a Death Eater, this time it was probably Voldemort's team to save him, and whether Sirius would be killed was a question.

"I see, that's something to be guarded against. Kern nodded, not saying much, but thinking about something in his heart.

Either way, that thing should have been made first, lest Voldemort really take advantage of Dumbledore's absence to attack Hogwarts.

Then he went back to his office, and now he didn't even go into the secret drawer so that no one would come to him.

Directly wrote a letter and handed it to the owl to give it to Cathy.

At noon, Cathy appeared outside Hogwarts and brought a large natural crystal ball with her.

Kern took it with both hands, this crystal ball is really not small, it takes both hands to hold it, even in the wizarding world, such a large crystal ball is a minority, I heard Cathy say that it took a lot of Galleons to buy it.

Fearing that someone would disturb him, Kern went straight into the secret drawer and began to concentrate on it.

He called this magic item the Security Crystal, and this Security Crystal was not easy to make.

Four runes needed to be inscribed, and he even deduced the Dash Charm into a magical symbol in order for the security crystal to activate the Dash Charm.

It took a full afternoon for Kern to successfully craft the security crystal.

This crystal ball has become different, it has been hollowed out a little, used to place the recovery crystal, and when Kern poured more than a dozen recovery crystals into it, the security crystal suddenly changed, exuding a faint purple light.

Now it was time to test the effect of the security crystal, and he went straight to Lupin, and it was the first time that Lupin had entered his secret drawer, and looked around in surprise.

Hearing Kern say that he made it himself, Lupin was even more surprised, which directly refreshed his perception of Kern, he thought that Kern was only good at magic theory, after all, he heard that he was born as a squib, but he didn't expect to be an alchemy master.

Kern explains to Lupin his security crystal, which he prepares to use in case the Dark Wizard sneaks into Hogwarts.

Lupin's eyes lit up suddenly, if this thing was really so magical, then he wouldn't have to worry about Blake sneaking in!

"'Professor Kern, what do you mean by a particular item?'"

Lupin couldn't help but ask.

"Anything goes, but it needs to be licensed. "

"If every student is required to carry it with them, I think the badge would be more appropriate. Lupin gave a suggestion. []

Kern thought about it for a while, and felt that it was okay, after all, the badge could be worn on the body and was not easy to lose.

You don't have to carry it all the time, and as long as you wear a specific item when you enter the set range, it won't trigger a security crystal attack.

Kern casually took out his Merlin Medal and manipulated the security crystal to give permission, so that as long as he opened the security crystal, he would not be attacked.

"Lem (of Zhao), are you ready?"

Kern looked at Lupin, who was already standing in the distance, and said loudly.

"Ready!" Lupin replied loudly, which was why Kern had come to Lupin, intending to see if the power of the security crystal was really useful.

Hearing Lupin's answer, Kern began to activate the security crystal, setting a certain range without enveloping Lupin.

A red line appeared in front of Lupin, which Kern conjured up with the nature of the change space, and once he crossed the red line, he would be attacked.

Kern then conjured up a couch and sat comfortably on it, ready to enjoy Lupin's performance.

This security crystal is more of a warning function, although there is a collision spell, but if it is strong enough, it can also dodge the attack and enter the established range.

It's also a test of strength, and Kern intends to take a look at Lupin's actual level.

I saw Lupin directly draw his wand, his face was serious, and he resolutely stepped across the red line.

The next moment, the light in the security crystal changed, like a turbulent river.

A cyclone suddenly appeared two meters away from Lupin and shot towards him.

Lupin was already on guard, and his body ran violently, directly dodging the dash spell.

Kern watched this scene, his face did not change, this was just the beginning.

The Dash Spell reappeared, but this time it was two, coming out from two directions, shooting in the direction of Lupin, much faster than before.

Lupin was shocked, he didn't expect this spell to increase, so he hurriedly ran and dodged dangerously.

Kern looked at the security crystal, there were already two recovery crystals shattered inside, almost each of the collision spells had the magic power of half an adult wizard, which was already a lot, once it was hit, it was definitely enough for Lupin to eat a pot.

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