Kern holds the Recovery Crystal in his left hand and his wand in his right hand.

"Reborn from the fire!".

Kern recited the spell, crushing the recovery crystal the moment the spell was completed.

The "closed" Runiwen disintegrated directly, and the magic power in his body was quickly drained by the spell.

A fiery red symbol quietly jumped up to the back of his left hand and found a little light.

Kern touched the tattoo-like symbol in amazement, the magic of five adult wizards.


light lingered for a moment before it hidden, leaving behind a fiery red symbol that at first glance looked like a pictographic phoenix.

This is the mark left in the body by the Fire Rebirth Charm, which protects the soul and reconstructs the body with magic once the body dies.

The mark seemed to be alive, he could move it away from the back of his hand, and under his control, the mark ran to his chest.

At this moment, Kern's sense of security is stretched to the fullest, even if he is attacked and killed, he can survive.

And with his empty ring, even if he is defeated, he can hide in the empty ring after resurrection, and others have no way to take him.

He picked up the Source Demon Crystal and quickly replenished the vacant magic power, and after less than a moment, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

His magic cap reached the standard of an adult wizard, and even a little more.

It's no problem to cast some high-level magic, and I'm in a very happy mood at the moment.

Leaving the secret drawer and coming to the auditorium for dinner, even the students passing by could tell that Kern was in a good mood right now, and his smile was very obvious.

Not only him, but the other students were also excited, because today was a Quidditch match, and many people were talking about it.

After breakfast, Kern arrived at the Quidditch pitch, and by this time there were already many people in the audience, and even Snape was seen.

Of course, he didn't want to sit with him, so he ran to the Gryffindor House and found a random seat to sit down.

It's already a bit icy and it's winter, but there is no snow to be seen, and the sun is obscured by dark clouds, making it look like heavy rain is coming.

"Professor Kern!".

Hermione and Ron showed up together, greeted Kern, and took a seat next to Kern.

Kern nodded, noticing that Hermione had a book with her even when she came to watch a Quidditch match, and he glanced at the book and saw that it was a travelogue.

Hughes vs. the Man-Eating Basilisk

Kern was immediately interested, and it seemed that Hermione was also looking for a way to deal with the basilisk.

"Can you lend me this book?" Miss Granger. "

Kern directly asked for it, but Hermione naturally did not refuse, and handed the book borrowed from the library to Kern.

He flipped through the pages and looked briefly at the contents of the book, which tells the story of an adventurer who discovers the trail of a basilisk and fights the basilisk.

I just don't know if it's true, but there's a lot to learn from.

For example, the basilisk is afraid of the crowing of the rooster, but it is only effective at close range, and it also needs continuous crowing, and once the rooster is close to it, it is easy to be directly stare to death by the basilisk.

The rooster crows regularly, and even if the rooster is left intact on the side of the basilisk, the rooster will not necessarily crow.

So this adventurer took advantage of the law of the rooster's crowing and dealt with the basilisk during the time period when the rooster crows frequently.

In order to prevent the rooster from being killed, the adventurer used a spell, the Eye Sickness Curse, to block the basilisk's vision, and finally succeeded in killing the basilisk.

Kern closed the book, his eyes slightly closed, his brain spinning rapidly.

[You have mastered the Eye Disease Spell, and you have deduced this spell to create a spell blocking spell. 】

A light rose in Kern's eyes, and when cast, the blocking spell could cut off control of his body, in other words, he could directly paralyze it.

It's not the best spell against wizards, but it works wonders against large magical creatures.

Creatures like basilisk have scales that can withstand most spells, and most spells don't do much power.

However, the Eye Spell can find the eyes and is not as precise as other spells, so it is also the most effective spell against the Basilisk.

Kern's Blocking Charm, which is based on the Eye Disease Charm, also has the effect of temporarily incapacitating such magical creatures.

Kern returned the book to Hermione, and mentally deduced a plan for what to do if he accidentally ran into a basilisk one day.

The magic of the basilisk is basically in the eyes, as long as you don't look at it, you can minimize the threat of the basilisk.

As long as he knows the specific location of the basilisk, casting a blocking charm can directly paralyze the basilisk.

Of course, how long you can be paralyzed depends on the magic.

At this point, the Quidditch match was about to begin, and the Gryffindor and Slytherin students were already out of the game.

Kern looked at the smiling Weasley brothers and saw them cheering confidently at the audience.

As the boxes containing the various types of Quidditch balls are opened, the match begins.

Two heavy Bludgers swooped down on the player, and the two brothers happily chased after them.

A Bludger struck one of Gryffindor's pursuers, and Fred was already in front of the Bludger's path, swinging his bat and knocking it straight away.

Bludger was incredibly fast and lunged towards one of the Slytherin players, who couldn't dodge and was knocked straight away, detaching itself from the broomstick and falling downward.


Kern smiled, it seemed that Fred had eaten the enhancement pill.

This reflection and power are far beyond ordinary people, and all the audience is stunned.

Kern saw magic on the Bludger, and the Bludger set the magic, otherwise the player who was knocked away just now would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

But even so, the player was injured and was directly substituted.

Kern then saw the two brothers take control of the situation, as if they were gods, constantly knocking down the Slytherin players, and Snape was full of gloom.

At this moment, the Golden Snitch has not yet appeared, but Gryffindor has already mastered the situation, allowing all the substitutes on the opposite side to play, and now it is only Malfoy who is the Seeker.

In the end, Quidditch ended up in a ridiculous situation, with only Malfoy on the sidelines.

George and Fred sneered after Bludger, vowing to knock Malfoy down.

At this moment, a Bludger slammed into Harry, who was still looking for the Golden Snitch, but Fred was very excited, and he was ready to fly directly to the Bludger's route, seize the opportunity, and swing the bat violently.

At that moment, the hearts of all Slytherin students stopped beating!

However, the Bludger dodged nimbly, leaving Fred stunned for a moment.

"Harry, be careful!".

Seeing this, Fred hurriedly reminded Harry that Harry suddenly lowered his body when he heard this, and the Bludger flew dangerously past his head.

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