"Compared to a broomstick, the robes are more portable. "

"A rich man's toy, a magic prop worth five thousand Galleons!".

Almost the entire page depicts his flying robes, and the biggest moving photo on it is Fred flying through the air in the flying robes.

"Looks like you're going to be famous. "

Kern smiled and patted Fred on the shoulder, Fred directly appeared on the front page of the Daily Prophet, and the people who can usually be on the front page are either the Minister of Magic or all kinds of elite wizards.

Fred showed a distressed expression when he mentioned this, "Although it feels good to be famous, it is also very bad, yesterday many classmates chased me and asked me, and even wanted to try the flying robe, and my dad wrote directly, asking me how I got this flying robe, and asked me if I could help him get it, it's crazy." "

Kern looked at Fred's appearance, and smiled even more, don't think he can't see it, Fred seems to be so annoyed, but in fact, his heart has already blossomed, and it is strange that he is unhappy for the first time with such a long face.

"There were a number of journalists who wanted to interview us, even the Daily Prophet, but we didn't say yes. "

George King continued, naturally they didn't agree, after all, they were just selling, and the owner of this flying robe was Kern.

Kern suddenly groaned, to be honest, although he wanted to make money, he didn't want to show his head, after all, he had a special identity and was still a squib, but even if he was known, there would be no problem, he would soon be a professor at Hogwarts, and if someone wanted to move him, he would have to consider Dumbledore, the strongest white wizard.

"Keep it secret for me for the time being, if anyone asks about you, you can just say the trade secrets. "

Kern told the two brothers that he could hide it for as long as he could, and then talk about it if he couldn't hide it.

"Don't worry, we won't say it. "

Hearing Kern say this, the two brothers immediately patted their chests and reassured.

"By the way, did the flying robes sell?" Kern asked casually, handing the newspaper to Fred.

"I almost forgot, I sold it, many people wanted to buy it that day, according to your instructions, we dragged it out until dusk to sell, and finally those who wanted to buy drew lots, not to mention how happy the people who were selected. "

Fred said excitedly, as he spoke, he reached into his clothes and took out a key, which seemed to be tied to a rope around his neck, and Fred's body temperature was still left on it, and he handed the key directly.

"This is the key to the Gringotts vault, and those Galleons are in it. "

Kern only glanced at the key, but did not take it, and said casually: "You keep the key first." "

Seeing that the time was not early, Kern ended the conversation with the two brothers and asked the two of them to go to the dormitory to find him at noon, and then entered the auditorium.

Kern nodded to Professor McGonagall as he walked out after breakfast, but Professor McGonagall stopped in front of him.

"Mr. Kern, Albus has already told me, you are welcome to join, do you have time to come to my office for a chat during the second class?".

Professor McGonagall's expression was slightly serious, though it had always been like this, and her words felt very formal.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall. I'll be there on time. "

Of course, Kern had no problem and agreed directly.

After Kern finished eating, he came to the library, Dumbledore should have told Madam Pacinse, but Kern thought it would be better for him to go in person, after all, although he seemed to be fierce to the little wizard, he was actually a kind person.

"Lady Pince, I don't know if Professor Dumbledore mentioned to you that I won't be coming to the library in the future. "

"Oh, Mr. Kern, congratulations, Professor McGonagall told me that you will be a professor from now on, but don't give students IOUs in the forbidden area, it will be too dangerous for the little wizard. "

Mrs. Pince smiled, looking sincere, and thought of something, and specially instructed Kern.

When the time was up, Kern came to the door of Professor McGonagall's office and knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside, so he stood outside the door and waited.

After a while, Professor McGonagall hurried in with a book in her arms, apparently having just finished class.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kern, Miss Granger was so studious that she pulled me to ask some questions, and that's why I'm delayed. "

Professor McGonagall explained apologetically, pushed open the office door and walked in, allowing Kern to sit directly across from the desk, and when Professor McGonagall sat down, the two began to talk.

"To be honest, Albus hasn't talked to me too much, after all, he's been going on a lot lately, it's Mr. Frank's accident, and there's a fire dragon on the Forbidden Forest, so I need to know more from you. "

"Understand, just ask. "

Kern sat a little upright, feeling that Professor McGonagall was putting more pressure on him than Dumbledore, perhaps because Professor McGonagall looked more serious, making him feel like he was interviewing right now.

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