This also proves that Kern's flying robe has cross-era significance.

Fred nodded, he still trusted his boss, and immediately injected magic into it, and suddenly the whole person flew out directly.


Fred's exclamation was heard in the sky, and George looked at Fred in the sky with a stunned expression.

Kern was a little helpless, Fred really didn't give himself a little time to adapt, and flew directly into the sky at full speed.

But Fred is also a member of the Quidditch team, and he was indeed frightened at first, but he quickly mastered it, manipulating himself to soar in the sky at will, and his face was very excited and excited.


Fred couldn't help but howl, the feeling of flying was far more pleasant and exhilarating than that of a broomstick.

George looked at Fred in the sky, his mouth wide open, and he wanted to fly in the sky instead of Fred.

After a while, Fred quickly fell from the sky, as if the flying robe had failed, which directly startled Kern.

As he approached the ground, Fred slowed down and landed steadily, and Kern knew that Fred was playing around.

"Boss, it's amazing, this thing is amazing!".

Fred's face was flushed, his hair was blown toasted, he was smiling, and his whole body was releasing joy.

"It's called the Flying Robe, how many Galleons do you think is appropriate?"

Kern accepted Fred's compliment and asked them.

"Boss, is this thing easy to make?".

Instead of answering, George asked.

"It's not easy, it's impossible to make too much in a short time. "

Kern shook his head, a flying robe would take him at least an hour, he didn't have that much time to spend on it.

"Five thousand, at least five thousand Galleons or more. "

George said immediately.

Kern's heart pounded violently when he heard the number.

Five thousand Galleons! That's not a small number, like the Weasleys don't even want to buy a wand of less than ten Galleons for Ron, and even if they sell this family, they will definitely not get five thousand Galleons.

Kern remembered that Ron's father was not bad, working in the Ministry of Magic, and the salary must have been quite a lot, at least a hundred Galleons a month, so if he wanted to afford his flying robes, he had to work without food or drink for more than four years.

Migrant workers obviously can't afford it, and the only ones who can afford it are the rich pure-blood families.

Kern set his eyes on Fred again.

"Five thousand Galleons is suitable, and if I had five thousand Galleons, I would definitely buy it!" Fred agreed with George's price.

"Moreover, we can provide customization, those rich wizards will certainly not look down on such clothes, if they prepare their own clothes, we can collect more, at least more than seven thousand Galleons. "

George added, his face excited, those wizards were going to be slaughtered.

Kern was also fiery in his voice, and the bright future seemed to be in sight, and he came back to his senses that Fred had already taken off his flying robes.

"In this case, this flying robe will be handed over to you, don't rush to make a deal, at least put the name out. "

Kern immediately commanded the two brothers.

The two of them had no opinion, but were glad that Kern had entrusted this matter to them, and they had imagined the scene of many people gathering around them to ask about the flying robes.

"Boss, aren't you going with you on this matter?".

Fred then asked, after all, the price of a flying robe was five thousand Galleons, and they couldn't bring these Galleons back, so they could only put them in Gringotts.

"It's okay, you can go, when the time comes, just open a vault in your name and store Gareons in it, and it's time for you to need your own vault. "

Kern was also a little moved, but it was not good to skip work or ask for leave.

"Boss, this flying robe is not recorded in our previous agreement, so you don't have to give us a share. "

George took the initiative to mention that such a robe worth 5,000 Galleons could be obtained by running errands for 1,000 Galleons, which was really a shame to earn.

"That's right, boss, our agreement is only to restore the magic crystal, and this flying robe doesn't count. "

Fred echoed that both men were of the same opinion.

"No, the agreement is what it is, you still have two percent of this flying robe after it is sold. "

Kern shook his head, he didn't agree, compared to Garon, he wanted to be able to win over these two people, after all, these two people are members of the Order of the Phoenix, and there will definitely be no problem with their character, if they can be used by him, he can use them with confidence.

Fred and George were about to say something, but Kern raised his hand to interrupt them.

"Okay, you all call me boss, and I won't let you suffer, just because you are one of you, and you don't have to make any conflicts, so it's settled. "

Kern said undoubtedly, if he continues like this, he will not lack Galleons in the future, it is better to use Galleons to win people's hearts, just a thousand Galleons, and he still has two flying robes there.

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