Hogwarts: Oops, I'm Voldemort

Chapter 236 Everything was within my expectations, Lord Voldemort

"Dark Lord, if something like this happened, Draco may not be able to return to school.

Lucius shook his head in embarrassment: "Otherwise he can bring Harry Potter back to you."

"You are very attentive, Lucius. But it is no longer needed." Voldemort said with a smile, "Besides, we can't alert the snake in the grass, right? It would be too risky to forcefully go to Hogwarts to kidnap someone. We'd better start before the game. I just took action before.”

Voldemort sat back on the chair, crossed his legs, and waved his arms to signal Lucius and Draco to leave.

Now, he and Barty Jr. were the only two people left in the room.

After Lucius and Draco left, the expression on Voldemort's face changed again.

He had seemed kind, kind and tolerant to the Malfoys, not the angry Dark Lord. But now, in front of little Barty, Voldemort took off this disguise.

His handsome face looked cold, and traces of magic split apart from his eyes like tearing lightning. This did not make him look ugly, on the contrary, this trace of magic made Voldemort look more attractive.

"The last project is currently scheduled for the end of July." Little Barty thought for a while and said, "But I'm not sure whether it can be held as scheduled."

Originally the third project was to be held in June, before the end of the school year. However, due to the need for reconstruction of the Ministry of Magic, the re-evaluation of the competition by the International Federation of Wizards and the conflicts between the four schools, many Everyone felt that the competition was no longer suitable to continue.

"The entire secrecy law was almost broken last time. Although the Ministry of Magic erased the memories of Londoners in time, many things in the Muggle world have left images, not to mention, there are still some people who did not get caught in the rain and escaped oblivion. The influence of the curse.”

Barty Jr. explained.

In the modern world, once magic is witnessed on a large scale, the price you have to pay to hide it again will become larger and larger.

Fortunately, the Minister for Magic has always been in contact with the Muggle Prime Minister.

Voldemort naturally didn't care about the Secrecy Law, what he wanted was rule.

"We have to make sure the game continues!" he said.

The Tournament is his chance to delve deeper into Hogwarts and find a chance to kill two of the most powerful enemies in his life. It was also an opportunity to announce to the whole world that Voldemort was back!

He needs a wonderful appearance to remind those who have forgotten his horror!

If his plan goes well, Cyrus will die at his hands.

Actually, it doesn’t mean that it has to be done now.

But Voldemort didn't want to wait any longer.

He knows Cyrus' talent better than anyone else, and if he gives the other party enough time, Cyrus may be able to continue to grow. The longer time passes, the stronger Cyrus will become and the more preparations Dumbledore can make.

In fact, Voldemort originally wanted to kill Cyrus when he was in the Department of Mysteries, but he failed. This time, he didn't want to lose the opportunity.

Voldemort waved his hand, and two cups of exquisite black tea appeared out of thin air on the table.

Little Barty glanced down. One cup of black tea was placed in front of Voldemort, and the other cup of black tea was placed opposite Voldemort. Little Barty was stunned for a moment, obviously realizing that this was not prepared for him.

At this time Voldemort said:

"Our 'ally' is here, you can go and greet him."

Little Barty nodded and walked out of the room. After a while, a white-haired wizard walked in tall and straight, it was Grindelwald.

"I think this is the first time we have met so formally, Mr. Voldemort." Grindelwald sat comfortably on the empty chair, picked up the cup of still hot black tea and took a sip, as if he was not worried about Voldemort at all. There was poison in it.

"Good evening, Mr. Grindelwald, I think we really need to have a good talk." Voldemort seemed to have already guessed Grindelwald's arrival, "For example, how to kill Cyrus——"


After almost half an hour, Grindelwald left.

In fact, the content of their discussion was very simple. Voldemort promised Grindelwald that he would never harm Dumbledore in this game. In exchange, Grindelwald also needed to ensure that Dumbledore would not affect him and Seiler. The grievances between Sri Lanka.

And if Grindelwald has a chance, he must help him kill Cyrus.

This was certainly not a verbal agreement. In fact, they established an unbreakable oath. Once broken, the power of the spell left by two people at the same time would immediately destroy their bodies.

Regarding this matter, Grindelwald can be said to be very happy.

"Now, we have more guarantees." Barty Jr. said happily.

He was a witness to this spell. Voldemort and Grindelwald made many agreements to ensure that the other party would not take advantage of the loopholes.

But Voldemort shook his head.

"Grindelwald is not trustworthy, Barty Jr."

"But he stopped Dumbledore for you last time."

"The last time was the last time. If Dumbledore knew that he was a hidden danger, it would be impossible to turn a blind eye to him, unless he was sure that Cyrus was capable of killing me alone..." Voldemort pinched his chin and thought.

"Will Dumbledore let Cyrus become the owner of another Elder Wand?" Barty Jr. raised doubts.

If Dumbledore really does this, then even if Voldemort regains the power of the Elder Wand, he will not have the same advantage as before compared with Cyrus.

"That depends on how much Dumbledore trusts him." Voldemort sneered.

In fact, even if Cyrus got the Elder Wand, Voldemort would not be afraid.

The magic power of the two Elder Wands will cancel each other out. When competing with his own magical strength, Voldemort is actually somewhat confident. He has obtained so many extra soul fragments, which are already much more than his original soul. He can be said to be unrivaled.

Now, Voldemort half-opened his eyes, and only half of his erect pupils were exposed, shrinking like two venomous snakes' teeth.

He seemed to be thinking about something, and this matter must be very important.

Barty Jr. speculated that Voldemort might be thinking about how to kill Cyrus.

He was right.

Voldemort was indeed thinking. He replayed everything in his mind from beginning to end, including Draco's memory and the agreement he had just made with Grindelwald.

Grindelwald is not trustworthy, so must Draco and Lucius be trustworthy?

‘Lucius has stayed with Cyrus after all. What’s more, Draco and Cyrus have a close relationship. But they themselves are not important. On the contrary, I should act like I trust them. But Harry...'

‘Ah, I should pay more attention to Grindelwald. Are you going to take the Elder Wand away from my hand? ’

Voldemort considered that maybe Harry was indeed the master of the Elder Wand, but he was just a bait to make him relax his vigilance. And Grindelwald may be the key to breaking the situation.

He smiled coldly:

"This is impossible, Grindelwald, everything is under my control, Lord Voldemort."

At this moment, Voldemort stood up from his chair like the wind and walked out quickly, his robes rustling:

"Now, let's set off, little Barty. It's best for me to make an appearance, go through a formal procedure, and become a Beauxbatons warrior in good faith."

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