Hogwarts: Oops, I'm Voldemort

Chapter 233 Draco is still a Malfoy kid with evil nature

Chapter 233 Draco is still a Malfoy kid with an evil nature!

American Wizarding World.

Only after leaving England did Lucius realize what life is.

Here, he entered the Magic Congress and re-experienced the happiness that power brought to him!

In Britain, because of his former status as a Death Eater, Lucius was unable to contact the center of power. Every time he wanted to do something, he had to use his money ability.

It's also thanks to Fudge that he is a profit-seeking person, otherwise his influence would be even less.

But now, everything is different.

Under Cyrus's arrangement, Lucius became an important member of the MACUSA's financial management staff. It is not only to maintain the balance of budget of Congress, but more importantly, to completely control the economic lifeline of the American wizarding world.

Unlike the tiny UK, because Ilvermorny recruits students from all over North America, the Magical Congress of the United States also has a huge influence. In comparison, the magic world in Canada and Mexico is not only chaotic, but also the magic regime is weak.

In addition, many wizards from these two places are likely to stay in the United States after graduating from Ilvermorny. Therefore, such a behemoth economic system can be controlled more regularly than the British wizarding world.

By controlling the Golden Galleons, you control the circulation of magic materials, as well as the production and types of magic potions. The rest, such as magic plants, magical animals and animals... are naturally under control.

Of course, there is a more important aspect to Lucius.

That is, he and his family are much safer after leaving Voldemort's control.

In the past, he was by Voldemort's side. Even if the mysterious man fell, Lucius did not dare to move his butt easily. He was afraid that the Dark Lord would come back one day, but now, there is no need to worry about this.

Moreover, Muggle things don't seem to be that bad.

After Cyrus secretly allowed those who followed him to control the Magical Congress, he naturally did not intend to strictly abide by the secrecy law as before.

In fact, he has been unilaterally promoting the integration of Muggle technology and magic.

The secrecy law may not be broken for the time being, but the wizard cannot rest on its laurels. The biggest advantage of wizards now is that they can make use of Muggles' knowledge and technology, but Muggles know nothing about wizards.

In the past, magic firearms were just a simple attempt. Now, the Magical Congress has established a special department to understand the Muggle world and study what kind of technology is useful to wizards.

The modified Golden Snitch used in this competition is a magic drone, which integrates drone technology and projection broadcast technology with magic.

At the beginning, this proposal was actually not favored by people.

Wizards have always rejected supplies from the Muggle world. The UK is so strict that flying carpets are not allowed because the Ministry of Magic considers them to be Muggle products.

The laws here at the Magical Congress are not that outrageous.

Although the Rappaport Law strictly separated the wizarding and Muggle worlds for a long time, the Magical Congress was much more relaxed when it came to the transformation and use of Muggle items, especially after this law was repealed in 1965. From now on, the Magical Congress and Muggles will become closer.

Lucius, as I mentioned to you last time, we may still need a batch of funds for the transformation of the Floo network and the Muggle telephone communication network.

Lucius was still counting money in the company when a wizard in a suit strode in. He looked excited and spoke a lot of professional terms:

I feel that we have made great progress. If we can succeed, wizards will no longer need owls and post offices in the future!

Lucius didn't even look up.

He has seen such people too many times during this period. In fact, they are still far from producing research results, but these people always seem to be able to come up with something immediately with another sum of money.

This research does not have enough priority, Mr. Paris. Lucius ruthlessly pressed the red seal of failure on the application Paris handed him. If wizards want to contact each other, why don't they just How about making phone calls directly? Muggles have been using mobile phones since 1973, so you should keep up with the times.

But No-Maj mobile phones have great limitations...

You can achieve text communication with two gold Galleons. All you need is a transformation spell. Or have you never heard of a double-sided mirror? Lucius asked coldly, As for the Floo Network, I think I'll wait for you. Come back to me after you realize the portal! Ah, I forgot about it, guess what? It turns out that wizards can apparate, what do you think?

He said sarcastically, making Paris blush.

Then Lucius didn't care what the other person thought, he stood up from the chair and pushed him away: I have to get off work, sir. Next time you come to me for money when you have a good idea!

In fact, from Lucius's point of view, the magic mobile phone is not completely in vain, but isn't there any serious problem in using the Floo network to combine with the mobile phone?

Is it possible that I have to sprinkle a handful of powder every time I use it?

What's more, some things don't need to be modified in the first place, and it would be unnecessary to force them to do so.

Lucius was thinking as he planned to go to a No-Maj movie theater with Narcissa after returning home.

Less than half a year since he came to MACHA, under the guidance of Cyrus, he has already become interested in many things in the Muggle world. Looking back now, he didn't know how he spent those decades of boring life.

However, Lucius stopped before he took a few steps out of the gate of Magical Congress.

At this moment, his whole body was shaking, as if he was shrouded in death again.

And at the end of his sight, stood a person he knew all too well - Barty Crouch Jr.

It seems that you are doing well here, Lucius. Little Barty smiled from a distance, Come with me, the master is waiting to meet you!

Lucius's mind had gone through thousands of times in a flash, and the thoughts in his brain were ever-changing.

Of course he knew that Voldemort was resurrected again, and no one paid more attention to the tournament than him. But he didn't expect that Barty Jr. asked him to come to Cyrus as an undercover agent, and he would find him again so quickly.

And from Barty's tone, it seemed that Voldemort had come to see him in person?

At this moment, Lucius thought of thousands of possibilities in his mind, but he still tried to remain calm.

At least, Lucius felt that Voldemort would never let him assassinate Cyrus, right?


I want your son, Draco Malfoy, to assassinate Cyrus!

In a secluded cabin, Voldemort sat on a chair and said to Lucius, who was kneeling at his feet.

This... Lucius was sweating profusely. He didn't understand, but he also knew that even if Draco was really asked to assassinate Cyrus, it would be impossible to succeed. Voldemort's request made Lucius wonder if his identity as a double agent had been exposed, so that Voldemort deliberately used this method to kill his family.

But even so, Lucius had to find a way to plead for his son.

Master, Draco is too useless...

Only he is the most suitable! Voldemort said with red eyes, unable to refuse.

You don't understand, Lucius. Cyrus is pretty good to Draco. I guess he wants to repay Draco for the little help he gave him in the past, so he trusts Draco. Voldemort explained slowly road.

In fact, he didn't suspect Lucius' betrayal at all.

You have done very well during this period, Lucius. Cyrus trusts you very much, even though he asked you to do some--I don't know what to do!

Voldemort described Cyrus's plan to learn from Muggles and use the economy to control the wizarding world as ignorance.

Now it's not that he can't understand Cyrus's thoughts, but he feels that it's completely unnecessary. As long as there is strength, money and power will follow.

In a sense he was not wrong.

Magic is power!

But it's impossible for Draco to succeed. Lucius lay on the ground and said tremblingly.

But Voldemort had his hands crossed, and his fingers were very long, like slender wands.

Ah, Lucius, my good friend, I don't really want Draco to kill him. We all know that's impossible. Even if I want to defeat Cyrus, it's not that easy. I just need Draco to kill him. Come work for me and do something simple - cast a spell on him, any spell, as long as it succeeds...

The Voldemort who came back from time knew the Elder Wand better than the original Voldemort.

He now knew that to change the owner of the Elder Wand, one did not need to kill the man, only defeat him.

There are many ways to defeat someone, such as——

Draco could ask him to teach him a little magic. How about a disarming spell? It's a good spell and he can always use it.

Voldemort didn't actually give Lucius the right to say no. Now besides Draco, he really didn't have any suitable person to do this. It just so happened that Draco was taken to Hogwarts by Cyrus again...

I understand... Lucius could tell that Voldemort's tone was beginning to sound a little displeased, and now he could only nod in agreement, I will tell Draco.

Voldemort left.

Lucius did not dare to delay for even a moment, and immediately returned to England through the Floo Network, and then went to Hogwarts, telling Cyrus everything truthfully.

I don't know what the mysterious man wants to do, sir...

Don't worry, Lucius, I know very well. Cyrus smiled, Just do as he said. Don't worry, Draco will be safe.

It can be said that Voldemort's plan was clearly guessed by Cyrus and Dumbledore. He had to find a way to regain control of the Elder Wand, otherwise he wouldn't dare to show up again.

The only problem is how to deceive Voldemort.

Unlike Voldemort who never gained the power of the Elder Wand in the original book, this Voldemort clearly knows how powerful the Elder Wand is.

He could easily tell whether he had control of the Elder Wand or not. Just like when he was in the Department of Mysteries, after the Elder Wand changed hands, he was immediately noticed.

This was key to the plan, but Cyrus and Dumbledore already had an idea.

Now, just let it happen and go with the flow.

It's a rare opportunity, Lucius. Just in time, I can teach Draco a lesson. The disarming spell is a bit too low-level. How about Occlumency? He still has a chance to cast a spell on me.

So, in the following days, Draco became Cyrus's student.

And all this was seen by little Barty, who transformed into Maxim.

Of course he wouldn't know what happened inside the carriage, but he couldn't bear Draco showing off in front of Harry. One morning, Maxim already knew about this.

The days passed day by day.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the school year is coming to an end.

The Ministry of Magic has completed its reconstruction not long ago, and there are many fewer people in the school. Harry discovered that Hagrid was missing not long ago. For the past few months, the Care of Magical Creatures class has been led by an old man named Newt Scamander.

It has to be said that Newt’s teachings are much better than Hagrid’s. Compared to Hagrid who always uses his thick-skinned body to interact with magical animals, Newt’s teaching methods are more suitable for ordinary people.

And there are always lots of goodies in his trunk that you can't see at Hogwarts.

For example, once, he used a bell to summon a Creego. It looked like a tiger or a lion. The golden hair around its neck could emit electric light, and its tail was red, like a long Long streamers.

It flies fiercely, but in Newt's hands, it is as cute as a cat.

Later there were ocelots, horned poison beasts, water monsters...even a unicorn!

Speaking of unicorns, the Chinese unicorn that Cyrus saw a long time ago finally has a descendant.

This is also due to Hagrid.

Newt and Hagrid finally got to know each other through Cyrus's letter. Hagrid, a young expert in breeding, immediately began to forcefully pair the Chinese unicorn with several Japanese girls.

Several of the Japanese unicorns are now pregnant, but it is not certain whether they can give birth to a pure-blooded Chinese unicorn.

Of course, compared to these unimportant things, Harry was more concerned about why Cyrus suddenly came to him again.

He walked out of the castle, across the Quidditch pitch, and onto the path that led to the carriage.

Today, the two fire dragons are not next to the carriage. In fact, most of the time, the two fire dragons live comfortably in the Forbidden Forest. Confining fire dragons in a small place is not a comfortable thing for them.

Halfway through, Harry saw Malfoy talking to Cyrus from a distance.

When he got closer, their conversation seemed to be over. Cyrus turned his back to Malfoy, and Malfoy actually picked up his wand and pointed it at Cyrus' back.

Is he going to attack Cyrus?

Harry was obviously stunned for a second.

He didn't understand why things turned out like this. Didn't the Malfoy family betray Voldemort and join Cyrus?

Or is this just a conspiracy from beginning to end? Malfoy has always been the evil Malfoy!

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