Hogwarts: Oops, I'm Voldemort

Chapter 231 Harry: She is my mother, what does it have to do with you?

Chapter 231 Harry: She is my mother, what does it have to do with you?

When Harry came out of the Chamber of Secrets, he felt that he was no longer afraid of death.

There was nothing to fear, James told him that death was easier than sleep and didn't hurt at all.

Even when he came out of the Chamber of Secrets, the History of Magic course had not ended, and he had not been with his parents for too long. Ever since he was obsessed with the Mirror of Erised in the first grade, Harry knew that he should not Infatuated with illusory things.

Not to mention, he thought he would see them again soon.

Harry's first Occlumency practice was on Saturday. On this day he came to the basement as usual and met Malfoy wandering around the castle.

Malfoy has become much less excited since following Cyrus to Hogwarts again.

To be honest, he originally missed his days at Hogwarts. After all, his two friends were still here. But when he came back this time, Malfoy found that the situation was different. Goyle and Crabbe were full of hostility towards him, saying that he and his father were traitors and would be liquidated sooner or later!

Most of the other Slytherins are like this, and now, the entire Slytherin has almost been divided into two factions. One group of parents were still on Voldemort's side, and the other group were those who had crossed the flames and gathered around Cyrus.

Malfoy felt that everything was not so interesting anymore, so even if he met Harry, he was not in the mood to make a fuss.

It just so happened that at this time, Harry felt a little nostalgic even when he looked at Malfoy.

But as Harry got closer to Snape's office, he didn't miss it at all.

He found his footsteps stopped with Malfoy at the door of Snape's office.

What are you doing here, Malfoy?

I wanted to ask you, Pot. Malfoy still didn't like Harry and frowned, as if he wanted to quarrel with Harry and reminisce about the feeling back then, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.

He felt like he shouldn't waste time with an idiot like Harry.

Unlike fools like Harry Potter who were still enjoying their time at school carefree, Malfoy obviously felt that he was surrounded by huge responsibilities and pressure (referring to the Malfoy family being sandwiched between Voldemort and Cyrus). It should be more mature.

It has nothing to do with you! Harry said in a somewhat aggressive tone.

That's what I wanted to say! Malfoy said something different, sneered and pushed open the door to Snape's office, and the two of them walked in one after another.

This is a dark room with hundreds of glass bottles on the shelves, and slimy animal and plant specimens floating in colorful potions.

I brought the Pensieve, Professor. After Malfoy walked into the room, he took out a shallow envelope with mysterious symbols engraved on it from a small package - it must have been cast with a traceless stretching spell. Stone basin.

Pensie? Harry recognized it immediately.

At other times, Harry and Dumbledore entered the Pensieve together. Malfoy's pensieve looked a little older than Dumbledore's.

Where did you get the Pensieve?

You want you to mind your own business? Malfoy choked immediately, but then he thought about it and smiled proudly, Of course it was given to me by Professor Sellers! He personally taught me advanced alchemy when I was in second grade. Technique! This pensieve was repaired at that time!

Hearing this, Harry felt sour in his heart.

Do you have time to teach Malfoy, but no time to teach me?

Harry was angry when Snape's cold voice came from the shadows, startling him.

Close the door behind you, Potter.

Snape didn't know whether he had been in the darkness from the beginning or whether he had just come out. In short, he made a sudden noise like this, which made both Malfoy and Harry a little unnatural.

Draco, put the pensieve on the table, and then you can leave. He glanced at Malfoy with his empty eyes, and then said, Remember, don't tell anyone about this.

I know Professor, Headmaster Cyrus has already mentioned it to me. Malfoy was still very respectful when facing Cyrus and Snape.

He nodded and left the office, Harry walking over and closing the door.

The moment the wooden door creaked shut, Harry felt as if he was surrounded by darkness, as if he was forever imprisoned in this cold and terrifying cage, and Snape was like a man in the cage. A poisonous snake, with its neck raised, ready to spit out venom at him.

But Snape didn't.

This very hateful man in Harry's opinion had walked up to the table, shrouded in the only firelight in the room - which did not make him look any warmer, on the contrary, he looked more sinister.

Snape silently pointed to the chair opposite the desk.

Harry went over and sat down, and Snape sat down too, his cold black eyes staring at Harry unblinkingly, disgust etched in every line on his face.

Okay, Potter, you know what you're doing here, he said. Syrus wants me to teach you Occlumency. I can only hope you're a little smarter than you were in Potions.

Perhaps because he knew that he was about to die soon, Harry was a little bolder than usual.

Now he had the courage to look Snape in the eye and ask: Why does Cyrus think I need it?

Snape did not answer Harry's question immediately, but in a long, dissatisfied tone angrily corrected Harry's lost respect: This is indeed not the same lesson as usual, but I am still yours. Teacher, you should add professor or...sir!

Asking Harry to call him Professor or Sir would always give him the pleasure of making James Potter respect him!

Harry did add it, but...

Why does Mr. Sellers think I need it?

He also added an accent to the word sir.

This is simply ironic!

But Snape didn't waste time on this. Anyway, he already knew that Harry Potter was as arrogant and rude as his father.

He moved past the issue of title and into a personal attack.

Why do you think you need this? Snape sneered coldly, Obviously Cyrus thinks your brain is as empty as a troll, and just like a toilet, anyone can go and see it.

He paused, as if savoring the pleasure of humiliating Harry.

Harry was not angry, because he did recall that Voldemort had completely wiped out his mind when he was in the Department of Mysteries. Similar things had happened many times before, but Harry had never cared too much about it.

So, you're saying that as long as you learn Occlumency, you can avoid being read?

Mind reading? Only Muggles would think this is mind reading. Snape mocked again, You don't understand the subtle difference between these. You don't pay attention. That's why your Potions class scores are always so bad. Oops!

'The reason I got such a bad grade in Potions is because you've been giving me trouble all day long! ’ Harry thought unhappily in his mind.

To be honest, his potion results were not bad at all. Even with Snape being picky and even looking for trouble, Harry still got a good score in the Junior Wizard Exam, which is enough to prove that he is good at it. He still has a little talent for potions.

Your talent is not worth mentioning. Miss Know-It-All can refine compound potions in her second year just by following a script. Snape pointed out the good things they had done.

Now, listen to me! he said, The human heart is not a book that can be flipped through at will. The thoughts are not engraved in the skull and cannot be drilled into and read. The human heart is a complex and multi-layered mind. Stuff, Potter - at least most minds are...

When he said this, Snape paused and smiled on his face.

He was obviously sarcastic that Harry's brain was a small, simple, single-level, stupid thing.

I have to say, that is true to a certain extent.

Legilimency is the ability to extract feelings and memories from another person's mind.

Most of the time, this means emotions.

“But for masters of Legilimency, and those who are born Legilimency, it is possible to study the minds of others and come up with correct interpretations of certain situations.

For example, the Dark Lord can almost always tell when others are lying to him. Only those who are good at Occlumency can seal up the feelings and memories that contradict the lies and lie in front of him without being discovered.

Isn't this just mind reading? Harry frowned.

As Snape said, he had trouble understanding that subtle distinction.

In fact, Legilimency is like extracting a mosaic picture from the other person's mind. As for how to understand it, it depends on the ability of the spell caster.

Wizards who are extremely good at Legilimency can always see the essence through phenomena, so as to get a glimpse of the true appearance of the picture.

The wizard who is good at Occlumency does not make the mosaic more blurry, but replaces it with another false picture he wants to show in order to achieve the purpose of deception.

Of course, time and space have an impact on magic, Potter. Eye contact is often key to Legilimency. Snape said, looking into Harry's green eyes.

This made Harry look away.

This was the first time that when he looked at Snape, he didn't stare so stubbornly that his eyes went dry.

He thought that since time and space could affect the power of magic, and Cyrus asked him to learn Occlumency, this might mean that his previous guess was correct.

He just had to face the Dark Lord and had to die.

‘Of course, I won’t run away! ’

Perhaps because Harry looked away, Snape did not sense what Harry was thinking at the moment.

The disappointment in his eyes flashed away, almost as if it had never appeared before, and he quickly continued: Theoretically, the magic of Hogwarts Castle will protect you, but since Cyrus asked you to learn it, I think He must have his reasons.

Snape pulled his wand out of his robes and pressed it against Harry's temple.

The feeling was unpleasant, and Harry felt as if the small patch of skin was bulging and tingling.

No matter what reasons he has, I don't care. I just need to teach you, that's enough! Snape said in a cold, indifferent tone, as if he thought it would be best if Harry died.

Of course, this is a lie!

If Snape had read Harry's thoughts that he had to die at that moment, he might have been the first to go to Cyrus and question him.

I have another question. Harry asked nervously while feeling his temples throbbing, What is the use of a pensieve?

This is not prepared for you, but for me. Snape's wand did not do anything to Harry. He just scared Harry, and then sneered and put the tip of the wand against his own. A silver twisted thread was pulled out from the head.

Harry knew it was Snape's memory.

But he didn't know what kind of shameful past was contained in this memory, so that Snape prepared so carefully and kept it well before starting.

Stand up and take out your wand, Potter. You can disarm me with your wand, or defend yourself in any other way you can think of, Snape said.

what are you up to?

I'm going to get into your brain, Snape said softly, I'm going to see how resistant you are... Now, prepare... Legilimency!

He said he wanted to resist, but Harry really couldn't figure out how he could use Expelliarmus on a person's mind and blow his head off?

Don't be too crazy!

At this moment, even Snape couldn't imagine that he had invaded Harry's brain all of a sudden. It was as simple as a truck smashing through a piece of window paper that seemed to be invisible.

Snape seemed to be flying on a flying broomstick in the rainy night, and those memories of Harry's past hit him like raindrops!

When he was five years old, he watched Dudley ride on his new red bicycle, and he was filled with jealousy... He was wearing the Sorting Hat and heard it say that he could go to Slytherin... He saw Chang and Seth during dinner in the morning Derek bumped into each other and was secretly sad...and in the secret room, Lily hugged him——

The whole picture shattered at this moment!

Harry found himself on the ground, gasping for air as he braced himself for Snape's insults.

But he waited for a while but didn't hear any sound. When he raised his head, he found that Snape was looking at him with a strange look in his eyes. The light in his eyes made him feel a little uncomfortable, as if he was A piece of roasted meat smeared with honey.

Take it out! Snape stretched out his hand, and Harry felt that his breathing was much heavier than before.

It was as if the man in front of him suddenly came to life, he came to life, instead of the rotten walking corpse before.


That stone, I saw you summoned Lily's soul. Snape said urgently.

Unlike Voldemort, although Snape is also a mixed-race, he has heard the fairy tale Death and the Three Brothers since he was a child. He easily thought that the stone was the Resurrection Stone.

But whether it was or not, it didn't matter anymore, because he was about to see Lily Evans' face now!

That's what he dreamed of!

take it out!

That's my mother, what does it have to do with you?!

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