Hogwarts: Oops, I'm Voldemort

Chapter 229 Cyrus: The third project will destroy Voldemort

The 22nd project is to make Voldemort completely dead!

I'll give you the cloak.

Harry took off his cloak and smiled shyly.

Cyrus never dreamed that one second he was thinking about the three Deathly Hallows, and the next second Harry walked over with the last Deathly Hallows.

You want to give me this cloak? Cyrus asked through the round glasses on Harry's face, But why?

When I was in the Department of Mysteries, Professor Dumbledore told me to come to you with my cloak, saying that I might be able to help. Unexpectedly, Voldemort escaped before I could get there, Harry said.

As soon as he returned to Hogwarts, he immediately rushed to the castle just to get the cloak.

And Cyrus also figured it out. It was probably Dumbledore who saw Voldemort carrying two Deathly Hallows, so he thought that if he could have three Deathly Hallows, he might be able to repel Voldemort.

Although Voldemort escaped in the end, I think I can still give you the cloak first so that you can use it next time. Harry said with a somewhat embarrassed smile, You don't have to give it back to me. I thought I'd still give it to you. I didn’t give you a Christmas gift.”

He almost forced the cloak into Cyrus's hand. The back of the cloak was silver, sparkling as if studded with diamonds. It felt like holding silver liquid in his hand, cold and cold. of.

But I'm afraid you don't know the secret of this invisibility cloak, Harry. Cyrus felt a little guilty. The gifts he gave Harry were not that expensive, let alone compared to the Deathly Hallows.

And when he was resurrected, he was still thinking of stealing the invisibility cloak and leaving!

This is a treasure that no amount of money can buy!

Of course, because this is what my parents left for me! Harry nodded seriously, but his answer left Cyrus speechless.

Cyrus originally wanted to tell Harry that this was not an ordinary cloak, but a Deathly Hallows, a cloak that even the God of Death could do nothing about. However, after hearing Harry's answer, Cyrus understood what these meant to Harry. Saying it never matters, what matters is feelings and thoughts.

My father and mother have been fighting against Voldemort when they were alive... Harry walked to Cyrus and sat next to the carriage. He lowered his head and said, Voldemort killed them...

Since I received the letter from Hogwarts, countless people have told me that I am the Boy-Who-Lived and that I defeated the arrogant mysterious man, but in fact, I know nothing about it. He knows, and he is no match for him.

I always wait for others to help me, for others to save me, so I think, I am not that amazing person, but you are!

Having said this, Harry raised his head seriously and looked at Cyrus with his beautiful eyes, as if looking at the sun that emits light and heat.

You defeated Voldemort three times, you are the one who can truly destroy him!

If your parents know that I handed the cloak to you, they will also be happy, because I believe you will completely eliminate Voldemort! Harry said seriously, And you also saved my life, and Sirius also supports it. I.

Sirius was indeed a prodigal son.

Cyrus thought to himself that that boy didn't care even if he lost all his family's property. Of course, since Bella took back her surname, Sirius is no longer the first heir to the Black family.

Although he is a male, he is still a person who has been removed from the family tree.

Thank you Harry. Cyrus took the cloak, folded it next to him, and then said, But I still want to tell you about the cloak. This is not an ordinary cloak. It’s a Deathly Hallows.”

The Deathly Hallows?

Cyrus then told Harry the story of Death and the three brothers, and also mentioned the current whereabouts of the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone.

The Elder Wand is now in Dumbledore's hand, and the Resurrection Stone is now in my hand. Cyrus said, But after Voldemort used the power of time to go back to the past, he must have changed a lot of history. He took back He lost most of his soul, got back the Resurrection Stone, defeated Dumbledore at a certain point in time, and got the Elder Wand...

Of course, after I defeat him, the ownership of that wand should belong to me.

Harry listened to the whole story in stunned silence.

He marveled at the power of the Elder Wand, but what moved him most was the legend about the Resurrection Stone.

Can the Resurrection Stone really resurrect the dead?

If it is true, then his parents...

I know what you are thinking, Harry. Cyrus took out the Resurrection Stone. This stone is prismatic and looks like obsidian. The center of the stone is engraved with the symbol of death.

He placed the stone in Harry's palm, and the cold temperature of the Resurrection Stone made Harry shiver.

Remember the legendary Cadmus who tried to resurrect his lover? Cyrus reminded, Using the Resurrection Stone cannot truly resurrect the dead. In fact, Dumbledore and Grindelwald once planned to use this thing Create inferi in large numbers.”

Harry didn't expect Dumbledore to have such a past, but at the moment his mind couldn't think about it. He just asked eagerly, trying to find a way to refute Cyrus——

But Voldemort is resurrected!

Really? Is he resurrected, or was he never dead from the beginning? Cyrus raised his eyebrows and asked, I injured Voldemort, so I can see more clearly that his body is no longer a human body. Now, after Gryffindor's sword cut him, his wound no longer bleeds.

Speaking of this, Cyrus couldn't help but feel that he and Voldemort were two completely different extremes.

Voldemort's current body is made of the Resurrection Stone, and seems to be a more powerful and advanced Inferi; while Cyrus's body is made of the huge life of the Philosopher's Stone.

life and death...

Cyrus thought deeply, all of this seemed like a mockery of fate.

Upon hearing Cyrus's question, Harry felt like he was surrounded by ice. He lowered his head, guilt, annoyance and a little fear flashed in his eyes - yes, Voldemort was not dead from the beginning, so what can I say? Has he been resurrected?

He remembered that in the Department of Mysteries, Voldemort said that he was just one of his Horcruxes. The reason why Voldemort couldn't be killed was because he was still alive!

If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to just die on your own?

But speaking of death…

Harry had never considered this before.

Of course, when he faced Voldemort many times, he had thought that he might be killed, but the situation now was completely different from that time.

To be killed by others, to die with oneself, or - he looked up at Cyrus and sighed - to be killed by someone he trusted...

Thinking about Horcruxes?

How do you know? Harry asked in surprise.

You have it written on your face. Cyrus said with a smile, Just like Voldemort said, you are so bad at setting up defenses for your brain. I don't even have to look into your eyes to take your I can see it clearly from my heart.”

Harry scratched his head sheepishly.

More than ten years ago, the choice Voldemort made after hearing the prophecy tied your life to his. If you want to break this connection, only you can! Cyrus said this, thinking in his mind Suddenly there was a plan.

——Since Voldemort died at the hands of Harry in the original book, why not use the same method to eliminate him this time?

So Cyrus looked into Harry's eyes seriously: Are you afraid of death, Harry?

Harry was stunned for a moment, obviously misunderstanding what Cyrus meant. He felt a little blocked in his heart and said uncomfortably: I have never considered this issue before, but... if Voldemort can really be killed, Even if you ask me to die, I am willing to do so!”

He probably thought that Cyrus and Dumbledore really planned to kill him and then completely eliminate Voldemort.

But he felt that no matter what happened, at least Cyrus would definitely not kill him immediately.

'Perhaps they would be willing to give me a few more years, at least to spend all my time at Hogwarts. ’ he thought.

His years at Hogwarts were the most dangerous, but also the happiest, for him since he was a child.

If he really had to die, then Harry hoped that he could spend his school days intact. He also wanted to continue playing Quidditch and do dangerous things with Ron and Hermione. .

At this time, he felt that even if he was caught by the professor and punished, it would be a good memory.

Of course, being caught by Snape doesn't count!

Cyrus knew exactly what was going on in Harry's mind, but of course he couldn't let Harry die. Just because this kid didn't hesitate to take out the cloak for himself, Cyrus' life was saved!

However, he also suppressed his bad intentions and deliberately did not explain his plan to Harry, but only told him to make some preparations.

Harry, go find Severus tonight and I will ask him to teach you Occlumency. Cyrus said softly.

What? Harry yelled, his eyes widening.

To be honest, he wasn't so resistant even when he thought he was about to die.

Why are you looking for Snape? Harry asked, You know the relationship between me and him! Can't you teach me yourself?

Of course I know, and I know more than you personally, Sellers said with a smile.

The effect of his own personal teaching may be better than Snape's rough method, but if so, how could Harry change Snape's past?

The little bastard who joined the Death Eater Preparatory Class since he was a child is certainly not a good person, but James Potter is also a bit of a bastard.

It's just that James changed later, and before Lily died, Snape could be said to have almost reached a dark end.

Severus is a master of Occlumency. He used to work as a spy for Dumbledore beside Voldemort, but Voldemort never discovered his flaws. You should humbly ask him for advice. Cyrus stood up and ended the conversation. conversation.

Of course, maybe another guest came over.

The Resurrection Stone... Harry handed the Resurrection Stone back, but Cyrus didn't take it.

Take it first and let me tell you a secret Harry, Cyrus said. Twist it three times and you will see something you have dreamed of.

The thing of your dreams? Harry seemed to realize something, said goodbye to Cyrus and left.

After a while, a dark, bat-like shadow walked over.

Severus Snape still had that dead face. Even the expressions on Voldemort's half-dead body were much richer than his.

As soon as he came over, the two fire dragons immediately roared. However, under the restraint of Cyrus, the fire dragon did not attack this strange visitor.

Let's go inside the carriage first.

Cyrus turned and walked into the carriage with Snape.

I took the risk to see you, Cyrus. Snape's voice was like a rotten quagmire when he spoke, The Dark Lord asked me to make a potion for him, in order to break the basilisk's poison...

That's what he said?

Cyrus asked rhetorically.

This is strange.

He knew that when Gryffindor's sword struck Voldemort, it had indeed been enchanted by the basilisk's venom, but logically speaking, the basilisk's venom could not kill Voldemort in that state.

That thing is very corrosive and his body will be unstable, Snape said.

Cyrus lowered his head and thought for a while, this was indeed not impossible.

What should I do? Snape asked.

He has now served Cyrus, so such an important matter naturally requires Cyrus's approval.

Make an antidote for Voldemort, or simply poison him!

Treat him wholeheartedly. Cyrus made the decision without much thought.

Voldemort himself is also a master of potions. He is a genius in many fields. Otherwise, Glasshorn would not like him so much before. He can tell even if you do something.

But, Snape paused, what if I say that the antidote cannot be made?

If poisoning doesn't work, then why not just not treat Voldemort?

If his injury is not cured, how dare he show his face? Cyrus sneered.

By now, Voldemort had fallen into his hands several times. Even if he was not tired of it, Cyrus was already tired of this guy being resurrected again and again.

In the third competition event, he must be completely killed!

With this thought in mind, Cyrus looked at Snape.

Severus, there is something I need you to do for me...

You say.

Teach Harry Occlumency, make sure he learns it!

Hearing this, Snape had an expression of disgust and disgust on his face, as if Cyrus was asking him to touch a disgusting pile of excrement.

Besides me, there can be other candidates...

Yes, but I think you are the most suitable. Cyrus PUA said, he felt like he was Dumbledore when he said these words.

So he added another sentence.

Think of those Lily eyes...

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