Hogwarts: Oops, I'm Voldemort

Chapter 211 The Doppelgänger of Madago Cat and the Queen of Ice and Snow

Grindelwald wakes up from his dream.

One eye still shines silvery in the darkness, like a moon.

He immediately realized that this was not a simple nightmare, but a prophecy. only……

Cyrus is going to kill Dumbledore? He couldn't believe it.

Grindelwald did foresee the inevitable battle between Cyrus and Dumbledore, but he never felt that the two men would be at odds with each other to the death.

Is it necessary to do this?

He suddenly felt as if his heart was hollow, as if his whole body was falling into a bottomless abyss.

He looked through the cabin window at the bottom of the dark black lake. The ship was rocking in the waves, and Grindelwald also felt very uneasy like the ship.

As a prophet, he knows very well that a true prophecy is difficult to change. It is very likely that everything you do will not change the prophecy, but will actually make it come true.

Just like Voldemort, he personally selected an enemy for himself who could defeat him.

More than fifty years ago, when Grindelwald saw the explosion of nuclear weapons, he didn't even think about stopping the birth of that terrible weapon, because he knew it would be useless.

But the moment he saw Dumbledore die, Grindelwald knew clearly that he had to do something, even if it cost him his life!

At this moment, he was sitting silently on the chair in the cabin. The whole room was very humid and stuffy, but he didn't care at all. Grindelwald was completely immersed in his own thoughts.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

Mr. Grindelwald. It was Vader's voice.

Someone's coming to visit.

Grindelwald opened the door to the room. Vader, who was slightly smaller than in his distant memory, stood there quietly, and behind her, a man in a suit came out.

Hello, Mr. Grindelwald. Barty Crouch Jr. licked his lips, Barty Crouch Jr., on behalf of the Dark Lord, is here to seek your cooperation!


After the end of the first project, everything seemed to have returned to calm.

Hogwarts is noisy again, but the weather is getting colder, and since the Quidditch competition has been canceled this year, there are fewer people on the playground.

In early December, the first snow fell at Hogwarts.

However, the Black Lake has settled and started to freeze, but it is still very thin now. After a while, we will be able to skate on it. It was at this time that McGonagall explained the tradition of the Tournament at Hogwarts.

- Yule Ball.

Christmas ball? Fisher was stunned for a moment, then secretly glanced at Cassandra sitting alone, but Cassandra kept looking at Cyrus without turning her head. Er angrily withdrew his gaze.

This is one of the traditions of the competition. During the Christmas period, students in fourth grade and above must stay in school to participate in the dance. Students in grades one, two, and three cannot participate. Of course, we don't have this concern. Sellers He smiled slightly, after all, there were only ten people in total, and Draco was the youngest.

I suggest that you find your dance partner as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to enter the venue alone. Or you may not attend the dance at all and starve directly. I would like to remind you that except at the dance, no food will be provided elsewhere.

But what if I can't find a dance partner? Draco asked quickly.

If you can't find one, you can also find a student who is also alone, Draco. Nowadays, society is very open. Dancing with boys is no big deal. But you have to negotiate who will play the role of the girl at the dance. Les said with a smile.

This made many boys suddenly change their expressions.

If only they knew that apart from Cassandra, there was only one girl among the warriors coming to Ilvermorny to participate in the competition. If they don't want to dance with boys, they have to hurry up and invite girls from other schools as early as possible.

That's why I suggest you communicate more with young wizards from other schools. Cyrus chuckled.

Stupid people are still hesitating, but truly brave people are already thinking about how to invite the right person.

On the third day after the Yule Ball was announced, many girls in the castle found dance partners. Ginny and Hermione were still waiting. Some people came to invite them, but it was not the one they had in mind. .

It's impossible for him to invite both of us at the same time, what do you think? Hermione said sharply, And there's Bella, I don't think she gives up so easily.

Maybe it's okay for the teacher not to invite a dance partner. Ginny didn't give up, she rolled her eyes, Do you think Snape will find a dance partner?

Well, of course it's impossible... The two of them were whispering in the library, but they didn't notice a big man holding a book hiding behind the bookshelf, secretly looking at them, or rather, looking at them. Somewhat messy Hermione.

If he doesn't invite us, what do you think we should do? Hermione asked.

I guess there's no rule that dance partners must be a man and a woman anyway, right? Ginny came up with a way that Hermione couldn't even think of. After all, this requires a little courage to break the rules.

On the other hand, Cyrus really didn't care much about his dance partner, or in other words, he didn't intend to dance at all.

Rather than dancing, he was more curious about whether Dumbledore and Grindelwald would dance at the ball. He had been paying attention these days to see if Grindelwald would have the courage to invite Dumbledore. Liduo, but unfortunately, he never discovered it.

But his patience with gossip only lasted a few days.

In the days that followed, he was back to his old self, hiding in the carriage or simply going to the Room of Requirement to study magic. This is much more interesting than dancing.

He was studying Madago cats during this time.

They are the magical animals from the French Ministry of Magic that appear in the Fantastic Beasts series of movies. They are all black and have very special eyes. They look like alien eyes. They have a special ability, that is, when they are attacked by magic When you can, you can separate yourself.

Madago Cat's clone ability is very rare in the magic world, and can even be said to be unique!

After they separate, the individual's magical power will not weaken, and the degree of danger will increase exponentially.

Sellers is currently studying whether all Madago cats after the clone share the same consciousness, or whether individual individuals have independent consciousness. If the Madago cat's blood magic circuit could be recreated, then Cyrus might be able to create a clone spell.

One Dark Lord was already very scary, but if there were two, three... dozens... then he simply couldn't imagine it.

He first used a weak spell to hit the Madago cat. This docile magical animal was immediately angered, and quickly split into two, and bristled at Cyrus. , lowered his body and roared.

Let me see first, whether two split cats from the same cat will have different emotions.

Cyrus didn't care at all about their exposed fangs and claws. He directly reached out and pinched the back of a Madago cat's neck, and then separated them.

He then continued to irritate one of the civets, but placed delicious food in front of the other one to appease it.

Soon he found that the temper of the civet that got the food softened, while the civet that didn't get the food seemed to be more annoyed.

It seems that they have separate consciousnesses. And the consciousnesses of the two can be the same. Cyrus held his chin and thought.

It seems that Madago cat's clone magic is somewhat similar to the combination of shadow clone technique and samsara eye. Since the clones have their own consciousness and can share vision, the civet cat who did not eat the food obviously knew that he had been affected. Unfair treatment and therefore even more annoyed.

This makes this magic even more superior.

However, it is not easy to recreate this power and turn it into a spell.

Even if Cyrus, who has fully mastered ancient magic, wants to recreate the power of the Madago cat, it will require a lot of experiments and time, especially cruel magic experiments, which are essential!


A few days before the Christmas party.

Harry and Ron finally realized the urgency of the matter.

Harry had not paid much attention to the prom at first, although he had already had a target to invite - fifth grader Zhang Qiu. Unfortunately, due to his slowness and timidity, Zhang Qiu had become Cedric's dance partner.

Seeing that everyone he knew had found their dance partners one by one, but he and Ron were alone, Harry finally began to panic.

I have a way! Ron thought of a bad idea, I'll invite Hermione. Harry, you can invite Ginny.

Will this work?

Harry was worried.

Why not? Ron asked, We all know that both of them are interested in Cyrus, but Cyrus can't be the dance partner of so many people at the same time! They have to find a way to enter the auditorium before they have a chance. Dancing with Cyrus, right? As for us, I don’t like dancing anyway...

When Ron thought about the dress his mother had sent him, he lost his interest in dancing.

To be honest, as long as we can walk down the aisle with a partner, it's a success for us. I just want to eat!

What you said makes sense. Harry nodded stiffly. Unlike Ron, he was still thinking about Qiu Zhang. But if you want to see Zhang Qiu in a formal dress, you have to go to the auditorium first.

Then I'll do as you say?

Harry and Ron immediately found Hermione and Ginny. The two of them were sitting in the common room. There was a fire in the fireplace. It was very warm in the common room. Ginny was curled up on the sofa playing chess with another girl. Hermione Looking down at a book.

Hey Hermione, Ginny, we have something to ask you.

Hermione raised her eyes, then turned a page of the book: Tell me.

Ron sat down next to her solemnly, then looked into her eyes and said seriously: Listen to me, Hermione - He paused, as if he was about to say something shocking. secret.

—You're a girl!

Hermione:? ? ?

Not only Hermione, but also Ginny and others looked over in surprise.

You have really good eyesight! Hermione was so angry that he closed the book, stood up and hit Ron on the head hard!

Ron, did you always think Hermione was a boy? Ginny rolled her eyes, She sleeps in the girls' dormitory.

No, I mean, we can go to the Yule Ball together. Ron rubbed his head and said with a playful smile. He didn't look like he was going to a ball, but was going to the toilet with someone in a group. Or it’s like putting together an order to buy groceries together.

He probably never thought that Hermione would refuse, but Hermione leaned on the sofa with a straight face and said lightly:


No? Why? How are you going to the dance if you're not with me?

You're wrong Ron, do you think Hermione is unpopular? Ginny asked.

Isn't it? Ron looked matter-of-factly, but he may have realized that it was a bit inappropriate to say this, so he immediately added, I know who you all want to dance with, but he can't invite you several times at the same time. Individuals, right? You have to go into the auditorium!

You don't need to worry. Hermione read a book lazily.

Actually, Krum invited Hermione a few days ago. Ginny added, Although Hermione rejected him, I think even Krum knew that he should invite her seriously. You are a girl, and you two are so casual, and you only think of us two when you have no choice!

Ginny's eyes were so fierce that both Ron and Harry couldn't hold their heads up.

Harry didn't even speak, but it was clear that he was out of luck.

Sure enough, after Ginny finished speaking, she immediately immersed herself in playing chess. However, she was not particularly ruthless and still revealed a piece of information to Harry.

That arrogant Cassandra doesn't have a dance partner yet. You can go and give it a try.

Cassandra? A beautiful but terrifying face flashed through Harry's mind. He now wears a blood filter when looking at Cassandra, even though he knows that the dead person is a Death Eater. But I'm still a little scared of Cassandra.

What's there to be afraid of? Why don't I kill Pettigrew too? Ginny said.

This is different. I fainted at that time and didn't see it. Harry could still recall the feeling of blood splattering on his face. Forget it, I'd better find someone else.

He and Ron walked away.

At this moment, on the edge of the Black Lake, the Cassandra they were talking about was sitting alone in the falling snowflakes.

The originally thin ice of the Black Lake is now very thick. Durmstrang's ghost ship is half-embedded in the ice, and it no longer shakes like Grindelwald's heart.

When night fell, Cassandra saw Grindelwald walking from the black ice to the castle, as if walking towards a completely frozen heart.

On the deck of the big ship, the old lady of Durmstrang's principal looked at his leaving figure with a resentful look. She seemed a little disappointed, but also seemed to be used to it.

Cassandra is also waiting for someone to invite her.

In fact, she knew that many wizards had this idea. After all, she was indeed beautiful, but those people didn't dare. They didn't even dare to get close to her. They only dared to hide in the distance and peek with their heads down.

Such people are not worthy of even being looked at by Cassandra. Fortunately, they don't have the courage, otherwise the failure of the invitation will only make them feel more embarrassed.

Now, there was no one on the edge of the black lake, and the firelights in the castle lit up bit by bit. She was sitting alone in the heavy snow, and suddenly stood up again, jumping lightly to the ice.

The moment she landed, there was already a pair of skates on her feet, and Cassandra started dancing on the ice with heavy snow falling.

Cyrus left the Room of Requirement and planned to return to the carriage. Ilvermorny's carriage was parked at the edge of the Black Lake, close to the Forbidden Forest.

When passing by the Black Lake, he saw Cassandra dancing in the heavy snow.

Compared with the stage of the huge black lake, Cassandra looked very small. She jumped lightly on the black ice.

The heavy snow in the sky is blooming on the tips of her golden hair!

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