Potions class is on Friday, plus the herbal medicine class in the afternoon, the week’s courses are complete.

“Jumping Frog is coming!”

Ron was not sure about it, and the chocolate frog that was about to jump away flew into Evan’s hand.

“Is that a flying curse?”Ron looked in disbelief as Evan put away his wand triumphantly and bit off the chocolate frog’s head in one bite,”Man, when did you learn that?”

“Do you still need to learn this kind of thing? It doesn’t come naturally over time.”Evan said nonchalantly

“‘It comes naturally’! It seems that one of our classmates also has dragon blood.”Ron joked to Harry.

“I saw him yesterday looking for books in the library like Hermione. Ron, if you really believe him, you are an absolute fool.”Harry broke up the trouble.

Hearing this, Ron looked at Evan with a face full of grief, anger and regret, as if he had betrayed the organization.

Evan was a little embarrassed by him and quickly changed the subject:”I said, it’s not easy to Zhou Zhou It’s six, don’t you have anything you want to do?”

“what? I haven’t finished Professor McGonagall’s homework yet. Have you done it?”

Ron looked at Evan, who nodded, and then looked at Harry, who hesitated and nodded.

“Wait, when did you write it?!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll lend you my copy later. Is now the time to discuss such a thing? It’s the weekend, it’s the weekend now!”Evan emphasized

“What happened to the weekend?”Ron didn’t understand what Evan was going to say.

“Don’t you want to go somewhere to play? I heard that there is a wizard village near Hogwarts, where there are many good things for sale.……”

“You don’t mean Hogsmeade, do you? I read the school rules and it said that only students in third grade or above can go there, and they must have a signed permission from their guardian.”Ron shook his head and rejected Evan’s plan.

“The school rules stipulate this, so you abide by it? School regulations also stipulate that students must stay in their dormitories during curfew hours. You see, I hang out every night, and I don’t get deducted several times.”Evan said, hating that iron cannot become steel.

“But……”Ron still wanted to refute, after all, he had just entered school and had not yet evolved into a trio that violated school rules – he was not very familiar with Hermione yet.

“Not to mention, what danger could a village of wizards pose? School rules are often not absolutely correct. Little wizards under third grade are prohibited from going to Hogsmeade, just to facilitate management. Is this correct? We just wanted to visit the rich magic market! In this case, it is only right to dare to fight against school rules and say no to unfair social phenomena!”Evan feels like he is a devil tempting honest people to fall.

Of course, the effect is remarkable, Harry and Ron both showed signs of movement.

“So, how do we get there?”Harry asked the most important question

“Don’t worry, let me teach you something. The most important thing in Hogwarts is secret passages.”Evan winked playfully and said with a smile.


“The one-eyed witch…that should be it. Come on, stand up.”In the corridor on the third floor, Evan directed everyone to stand behind a statue. Then he took out his wand and drew a big circle:”Separate the left and right, oh!”

The spell took effect, the statue rumbled around, and a secret passage appeared in front of them.

“cool! Ron said excitedly.

Evan raised his eyebrows:”There’s nothing surprising, it’s just a secret passage. Let’s go.””

The secret passage is very long, and at the end is a trap door that leads directly to Honeydukes Candy Shop. This is a very popular shop among students. Even Malfoy often boasts about sharing their homemade milk soft drinks in the class. Sugar and huge chunks of chocolate

“Wait, are you just going out like this?”Seeing Ron and Harry moving forward excitedly, Evan quickly stopped these two idiots.

“Putting aside the fact that we look like freshmen now, Harry, do you know how famous you are?”

Harry shuddered, remembering how he was watched inhumanely on the first day of school.

“So how can we just go to Hogsmeade? Wouldn’t this be a blatant violation of school rules?”

“Didn’t you say that we should dare to fight against incorrect school rules? Ron complained,”We’ve come this far, why don’t we go?””

“How is it possible? I was prepared. Come, look at this.”Evan didn’t know where he took out a huge black cloak.

“Wait, what do you want to do?”Harry and Ron suddenly had a very bad feeling.

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