Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 527 Lestrange Treasury

Although the dance was over, the enthusiasm of the students had not diminished at all. Even after returning to the common room, they were still discussing this instead of going back to sleep.

This also resulted in everyone getting up very late the day after Christmas. When Kyle went to have breakfast, there were not many people in the huge auditorium.

"Kyle, you are here." Sirius walked in from outside the door and said with a smile: "I was just thinking about whether I should go to the Hufflepuff common room to find you."

"Looking for me?" Kyle asked, "What's the matter?"

"Have you forgotten..." Sirius looked around and said in a voice that only Kyle could hear: "The vault key from the holiday..."

Hearing this, Kyle couldn't help but stand up from his seat.

"So, you can go to Gringotts now?"

"It's been done a long time ago." Sirius said, "Otherwise, where do you think I got the money to buy the Firebolt.

"But you have to go to school before, and I also have other things to be busy with, so I just have time now...

Of course, or at the end of the school year if you have other plans over the Christmas break. "

"No, you can do it now." Kyle said immediately: "But there is a question, can I leave the castle?"

"In principle, it's not possible." Sirius said, "Unless we can get the consent of the principal."

"Then what are you waiting for..." Kyle stuffed the remaining bread on the plate into his mouth, and headed to the principal's office on the eighth floor with Sirius.

"You want to leave school?" Dumbledore was a little surprised by the arrival of the two men.

"Yes, Principal Dumbledore." Sirius looked at Maxim and Karkaroff in the office and said in a very normal tone: "I have prepared a special Christmas gift that I cannot deliver. The school is here, so I want to take him to see it.”

Dumbledore hesitated, "But now is a special period. Kyle is participating in the Triwizard Tournament, and many eyes are staring at him..."

"The place we are going to is Diagon Alley," Sirius said. "It's safe there."

"That's right." Kyle also said.

"If you just want to go to Diagon Alley..." Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I agree...

"But how are you going to get there? The train left yesterday and won't come back until the holiday is over."

"Train?" Sirius' face showed obvious disgust, "That thing is too slow. I had enough when I was in school. We are going to Hogsmeade and borrow the fireplace of the Three Broomsticks."

"If that's the case, there's no need to make an extra trip." Dumbledore stretched out his finger and clicked in the direction of the fireplace in the office.

In the blink of an eye, the flame inside turned green.

"Hogwarts is also connected to the Floo Network?" Sirius asked in surprise.

"Although it is normally closed, it is not a problem to temporarily open it for a few hours." Dumbledore said, "How about five hours, or it may take longer."

"That's enough. We'll probably be back before lunch." Sirius said, and led Kyle over.

As the two disappeared from the office, the faces of Maxim and Karkaroff changed slightly.

Before the start of the second project, Kyle, a warrior, suddenly left Hogwarts... This unusual behavior was very abnormal in their opinion.

And the gift can't be delivered to the castle... This reason is a bit too fake. Do you really think that everyone else is a fool?

"Olim..." Karkaroff couldn't help but ask: "In Beauxbatons, can students who are staying at the school leave the school so easily?"

"Of course not," Ms. Maxim said. "Unless they have not signed the stay list from the beginning, students are not allowed to leave school even during holidays."

"The same goes for Hogwarts." Dumbledore said with a smile, "But this time the situation is special. Kyle, the kid, helped Professor Black a lot during the holidays. He probably wanted to express his gratitude.

"Okay, don't worry about them. Where did we just talk? Oh, by the way, regarding the Warriors' scoring standards in the second event, I think..."

Faced with Dumbledore's deliberate change of subject, Maxim and Karkaroff were even more certain that Kyle's outing must be related to the Triwizard Tournament.

Thinking of this, when the two looked at Dumbledore again, their eyes changed slightly.

Unexpectedly, Hogwarts is obviously the home court, but they still want to do something small... Bah, how shameless.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, didn't care at all and continued to express his opinions calmly.

the other side.

After emerging from the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, Kyle and Sirius headed straight to the backyard.

Because it was just after Christmas, it was still early in the morning, and there was no one in the bar. Only Old Tom was wiping a row of empty glasses behind the bar.

"Little Kyle, and Blake?" He greeted them with a smile, "Would you like something to drink?"

"No, Tom, next time." Sirius shook his head.

The two then came to Diagon Alley through the entrance and all the way to Gringotts.

Looking at the shiny bronze door from years ago, Sirius asked, "Have you got the key?"

"Of course, I always carry it with me." Kyle reached into his leather bag, took out a golden key and handed it over.

After Sirius took the key, he walked straight into Gringotts.

In the spacious marble hall, about a hundred goblins sat behind the long counter. Some used scales to weigh coins, and some used eyepieces to detect gems.

They came to the front, where a goblin was sitting there, scribbling something down in a big ledger.

"Ahem..." Sirius cleared his throat and said, "We need to go to Bellatrix Lestrange's vault."

After hearing the movement, the goblin opposite raised his head and said in a sharp voice:

"You don't seem to be Miss Lestrange."

"I'm her...cousin." Sirius curled his lips as if he had eaten a disgusting multi-flavored bean.

"She asked me to help get something."

The goblin glanced at Sirius, and then seemed to think of something, "Ah, yes, you can indeed meet.

"So...Mr. Black, do you have your keys?"

"Oh, here it is." Sirius threw the key on the table. "This should be the one she gave me."

The goblin picked up the key and looked at it carefully.

"That's right..." he said, "Mr. Black, I need to remind you that you can only take one thing from the vault at most."

"I know better than you." Sirius said impatiently, "I don't even want to take a second look at that garbage."

"Very good," he said, "I'll find someone to take you to the underground vault, Griphook."

Griphook, another goblin, led Sirius and Kyle out of the hall through a door behind the counter and into a narrow stone corridor.

A cart parked nearby, they got in and set off.

The location of Gringotts' vault can be said to be a maze, and they rode the trolley through the winding passages for almost twenty minutes.

Sirius' face became increasingly ugly, and he covered his mouth with his hands, as if he might spit it out at any time.

But Kyle didn't think anything was wrong, he just felt a little cold from the wind.

Again, compared to the Phoenix's Apparition, this one is as weak as a child's rocking car.

The surroundings were getting darker and darker, and the cart was moving faster.

They passed through a waterfall, their clothes were wet, and they were shivering from the cold wind.

But there was no way, it was impossible for Griphook to take them forward without passing the Anti-Thief Falls.

About ten minutes later, Kyle heard a whimpering dragon roar.

The voice was very weak, and there was no trace of the arrogance that a fire dragon should have.

"This is Gringotts' highest defense." Griphook said proudly, "The fire dragon can make any thief who covets the gold here pay the price."

Kyle looked at him calmly, with no expression on his face.

At this time, the cart finally stopped at a mountain stream.

A sphinx-like creature stood in front of them.

Sphinxes are professional guardians among magical beasts, solving riddles and charades, so they are often used by wizards to protect precious objects and secret places.

There was one in Newt's box, but because there was no gold, silver, or jewelry in the box, it set its sights on the Moonstruck Beast... Newt had to fight it every time he went to collect the fertilizer produced by the Moonstruck Beast. A very long time.

Griphook was the first to come down. He stepped forward and said something, and the Sphinx returned to its negative form angrily.

"Come here quickly." Griphook waved his hand. Kyle and Sirius immediately followed.

There is only one treasury on the mountain stream. Griphook took the key, put it in the palm of his hand, and pressed his hand on the door.

Kyle watched the goblin's movements curiously.

"Except for us goblins, anyone who does this will be sucked in by the door, stuck in the door and unable to get out." Griphook looked over and grinned maliciously.

"Can you hurry up," Sirius said irritably, "and stop talking this nonsense."

"As you wish."

As soon as Griphook finished speaking, the closed vault door disappeared little by little.

For a moment, Kyle thought someone had turned on the lights here, and the golden light dazzled him.

He saw a mountain of gold almost ten feet high, the furs of various exotic animals, potions in treasure bottles, and a skull with a crown...

"Hurry," Sirius said, "get what you need and we'll leave."

"Okay." Kyle said, looking at Griphook, "Can I go in? Is there any special protective spell inside?"

"There are fire spells and copying spells." Griphook said, "But you have the key. These spells are temporarily lifted and will not be reopened until the door is closed. If you are worried, I can do it for you."

"No need." Kyle walked in and deliberately kicked a Galleung at his feet.

The gold coin was kicked far away, and finally landed on other galleons with a clang, without ever becoming two in the process.

Kyle then felt relieved and walked in. Griphook followed closely behind, as if he was on guard to prevent him from taking any extra things.

Kyle didn't care either. Although the gold here was very coveted, he had something more important...

The vault was not small and contained a lot of things. Kyle walked back and forth in it for five minutes. Finally, he accidentally looked up and found what he wanted.

On a raised stone platform at the top of the vault, there is a small golden cup with a lifelike badger carved on it and two ear-like handles on the side.

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