Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 151 There can be no trolls in Hogwarts.

Kyle arrived at the auditorium early on Saturday.

He didn't go on a night outing yesterday. He went to bed directly after dinner and didn't get up until dawn. His mental state was very good.

Breakfast was sausage and corn soup, and a big plate full of baked potatoes.

Kyle was halfway through eating when the others came over.

"It seems you had a good rest last night." Cedric sat across from him and asked, "You don't have those strange dreams anymore?"

Kyle smiled and said, "No, I slept until dawn."

"That's good."

Cedric picked up a roast potato and began to peel it. "By the way, I told Professor Crelawney about your situation yesterday. Do you want to know her opinion?"

Kyle didn't even think about it, and immediately shook his head and said: "Let's forget it. I heard that her prophecies never have good results."

"Uh...you're right." Cedric nodded.

According to Professor Crelawny, Kyle would have dreams for seven days in a row, and then he would have to be admitted to the campus hospital due to a mental breakdown. After being discharged, he would encounter a troll and be sent back with a stick.

All in all, quite unlucky.

But now it seems that Professor Crelawney was wrong in the first sentence, and the rest is even more nonsense.

Talking about meeting a troll in the castle...this is simply impossible!

If a troll could break into Hogwarts, he would eat this huge plate of baked potatoes in front of everyone.

Cedric rubbed his forehead in frustration.

Sure enough, as others said, Professor Clelawney was a liar. If he had known better, he should not have listened to the Weasley brothers and chosen any Divination class.

Isn’t digital divination great?

But it's too late to say anything now. Even if he wants to change courses, he can only wait until next semester.

Cedric sighed.

At this time, Fred and George also arrived.

However, their condition was not very good, both of them looked like they were awake.

Although they had suffered from lack of sleep before due to long-term night travel, it was different today.

Professor McGonagall rejected their request to change courses and only agreed to add an additional ancient runes course.

Three elective courses make their every day very fulfilling.

Yesterday, they stayed up until early in the morning to do their homework on ancient magic texts.

"Merlin, you actually do your homework in advance?!"

Because of surprise, Cedric's hands trembled, and the freshly peeled potatoes fell to the ground and rolled under the table.

"You can't be lying, are you? Who drank the Polyjuice Potion?" Kyle also looked at Fred and George suspiciously and asked, "What do you think of Percy."

George frowned and said with some dissatisfaction: "Hey, of course we are real."

"By the way, Percy is a big idiot who only knows how to complain." Fred said.

"Um...it's true."

Now, Kyle was even more confused and asked puzzledly: "Then why do you do your homework in advance!"

"For the ideal!"

Fred said with a serious expression: "You are right, ancient magic texts are indeed very helpful for studying magic items. We have already thought of two great ideas during class."

"It's just... it's too difficult." George said with a grimace: "There are many changes in those characters, and different combinations represent different meanings. No wonder Percy has been looking at them all summer."

Cedric deeply agreed with this, because he also chose ancient runes. Fred and George were not joking at all. It was really difficult.

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"Forget it, let's talk about something else."

Fred yawned and said, "Kyle, have you decided to join the Quidditch team?"


Kyle said: "I told Harris a few days ago that I will directly participate in the final assessment next week.

What about you, have the new captain and seeker been confirmed? "

"The captain is Oliver Wood, he's the perfect guy."

"Not yet the Seeker though."

Kyle noticed that Fred and George looked even sadder.

Finding a good seeker is no less difficult than learning ancient magic texts.

There were many people who signed up, but not a single one was qualified. Many people couldn't even see the snitch right under their noses.

If they were allowed to play, Gryffindor would have to compete with Ravenclaw for third place.

In the past few days, Wood has been losing a lot of hair, and his hairline has been tending to move upward at a young age.

The worried Fred and George finished their breakfast in a few bites, and then dragged their tired bodies towards the Quidditch pitch.

They will continue to interview seekers today. They don't expect to be able to compete with Cedric, as long as they are qualified in all abilities.

And Professor McGonagall will also go, she is also very concerned about this matter.

At the suggestion of Professor McGonagall, Li Qiaodan also temporarily gave up submitting the application as a narrator.

If no suitable candidate can be found in the end, then he will have to take the job.

A seeker or a commentator, Li Qiaodan could still tell the difference between the two.

After they left, Cedric suddenly raised an eyebrow at Kyle and said in a low voice: "It seems that Hufflepuff is very likely to win the championship for the second time in a row this year."


Kyle thought for a while and said, "Maybe they will have a seeker in a few days."

"It doesn't matter."

Cedric said confidently: "No matter who it is, even if they get Charlie back, I am confident that they will be the first to catch the Golden Snitch."

Kyle smiled.

In other aspects, Cedric has always been very humble, but when it comes to Quidditch, he seems to be a different person, and no one is convinced.

Of course, this is a good thing.

On the first weekend of the new school year, Kyle and I decided to visit Hagrid's cabin.

Connor originally wanted to go with her, but was taken away by Snape who appeared out of nowhere.

As for Cedric, he, like the Weasley brothers, is going to the Quidditch pitch.

The teams of the four colleges will conduct preliminary selection of personnel in these two days. He is going to collect information to see if there are any outstanding newcomers this year.

For example... Qiu, this girl also signed up for the Quidditch team this year, and she chose the position of seeker.

Cedric didn't know what her strength was, but he was looking forward to it.

Last year's Ravenclaw team was really bad. They were just a point-giving baby. They could punch anyone who came. When playing against them, they were basically just doing errands, with no passion at all.

If Ravenclaw had a reliable seeker this year, the game would become more interesting.

As for whether he would lose to them... Cedric had never thought of this possibility.

Hufflepuff was the champion last year, and with Kyle this year, they will only be stronger.

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