Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 99 Not afraid of Voldemort in times of danger

When Voldemort returned to the castle, he was already drunk and hazy.

Of course he wouldn't let himself get completely drunk, but the smell of alcohol was real.

"Quirrell, I'll see Kettleburn off, and Trelawney will be left in your care." Headmaster Flitwick said to him before the stairs.

Compared to the other two, Voldemort and Dean Flitwick were still sober - this little man's drinking capacity was as good as Hagrid's, and even Voldemort couldn't compare to him.

"Okay, Dean, no problem." Voldemort accepted the order and half-supported Trelawney up the stairs.

"Quirrell, have another drink." Trelawney said with a mouth full of alcohol. "Let's have some more. It's really nice to chat with you. You are different from them. You are different."

Voldemort smiled helplessly. He just said a few flattering words to this crazy lady at the wine table - half sincere - and she got attached to him. The two of them really drank a lot this time.

"Sibyl, you've drunk too much. I'll take you back. Don't make trouble." Voldemort comforted her while helping her walk up.

"I'm not drunk, Quirrell, I really am not drunk," she said. "I know these people look down on me, but you are not. Eyes can't deceive people, let alone those who can peer into destiny."

Voldemort forced a smile and chose not to talk any more, lest Trelawny would finish talking.

But he obviously underestimated Trelawney's expressiveness. She kept talking, which made Voldemort quite helpless.

After walking to the fourth floor, the two met Filch, who was patrolling.

"Quirrell, you are such a good person." Seeing Voldemort carefully supporting Trelawney, Filch said sincerely, "Hogwarts has not had a professor as good as you for a long time."

Another contestant full of resentment... Voldemort thought to himself.

"Everyone is fine, Filch, don't say that." Voldemort said, "On Christmas, you should go to bed early and don't be too tired."

"I can't, Quirrell, students are the most troublesome at Christmas, but it's you, please hurry up..."

Before he could finish his words, a shrill howl suddenly came from deep in the corridor on the fourth floor, and both of them turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

"It's the library, Filch. It seems you are very busy." Voldemort said.

"Damn students, even Christmas doesn't make people worry about it." He whispered angrily, but with a happy expression on his face, "I'm going to work, Quirrell, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

Before Voldemort finished speaking, Filch was already walking quickly towards the library - he was always active in catching students.

Good luck, Harry... Voldemort thought.

Of course he knew where the scream came from, it was Harry Potter's Night Tour opening the forbidden book.

But he didn't want to have anything to do with this child. The two were destined to be enemies, and this wouldn't change just because of a Fengya scarf.

"Come on, Trelawney, don't watch the excitement." Voldemort said softly, helping Trelawney to walk upstairs.

"Be careful with him, Quirrell, that person will hurt you." Trelawney said blankly, her eyes wide.

Voldemort didn't reply, just thought she was talking drunkenly, and supported her all the way to the high building of the North Tower.

"Here, Sybil, I think you can walk into the bedroom yourself," Voldemort said, stopping in front of her office.

"I can." Trelawney nodded, but did not walk into the office immediately. Instead, she leaned against Voldemort's body, raised her head and asked, "Am I beautiful?"

Voldemort thought he had seen a ghost, but he couldn't push Trelawney away - this was a fragile woman, and he needed to be careful when rejecting her.

"If you dress up, I mean in a normal way." Voldemort said with a smile, "Then you must be beautiful. Okay, Sybil, I'm going back to my office."

"Stay with me for a little longer, okay? Just think of it as a Christmas gift," she begged.

Voldemort wanted to refuse, but Trelawney's big round eyes were full of mist - although they were ugly, they were indeed pitiable.

"I can't refuse, Sybil, but I want to just chat for a while and nothing else, okay?" Voldemort said softly.

"Of course, I have good tea here, which I got from the place where there are pandas."

Trelawney looked a little sober, which made Voldemort even more troubled, but luckily Trelawney really just wanted to buy him a cup of tea.

The two chatted for a while, and the topic was a bit complicated, but it was normal.

Voldemort drank three cups of tea here - it was a good hangover, so he stayed a little longer - and then stood up to leave. Trelawney agreed and sent him out.

"Our futures will intersect, Quirrell, and I can see our destiny," she said.

Voldemort shrugged, not paying attention, and walked down the stairs, preparing to return to his office.

But when he was walking around the corner of the stairs on the fifth floor, his left shoulder bumped into someone, but there was nothing in his sight.

Then he heard a short scream, and a hand appeared out of thin air, like the hand of a drowning man, waving randomly.


Voldemort's left hand was grabbed, and the pain hit him, making him let out a short cry, and he instantly knew who it was.

The incident happened so suddenly that he had little time to think about it, but he knew that the person was nearby.


The wand pointed into the void, Harry's figure slowly emerged, the invisibility cloak was sliding to the ground, and Voldemort's left hand was quickly withdrawn and withdrawn behind him.


Voldemort pretended to be a little surprised and said while enduring the pain and observing his surroundings.

"It's me, Professor, I'm sorry for scaring you." Harry said aggrievedly, and looked at Voldemort with pleading eyes, hoping that he could be put down.

Voldemort nodded, but did not respond immediately.

He heard a rush of footsteps downstairs, but the sound disappeared after Harry spoke.

"It really shocked me, Harry. Was it you who Filch was chasing before?" Voldemort asked after putting Harry down, but inadvertently glanced down the stairs. There was no one there.

"Yes, I'm looking for some information for study." Harry lied, but Voldemort didn't care.

"Go back to bed early, Harry, I don't want you to deduct points from the House at Christmas, that would be terrible."

Harry nodded immediately, then quickly picked up the invisibility cloak and wanted to leave, but Voldemort chose to follow him after thinking for a moment.

"I'll take you back. If I meet Filch, I'll tell you that I'm giving you after-school tutoring - I can't let you have an unhappy Christmas." Voldemort said, but his eyes flicked back from time to time.

"Okay, Professor, thank you, Professor." Harry said sincerely.

Voldemort nodded, but took out the wand in his right hand, looking eager to try.

Damn it, this scene is so uncomfortable to perform, my left hand hurts so much... Voldemort thought to himself.

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