Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 50 Gryffindor Faction

Malfoy made a scene in the classroom and roared in the corridor on the eighth floor of the castle. It became a hot topic among the students during dinner.

"Don't be afraid, Quirrell."

Rarely, Professor McGonagall came to comfort Voldemort, "The principal will protect you, and the professors will support you."

"Besides filth and the smell of copper, there is nothing in the Malfoy family. Don't be afraid of him, just go with him." Professor Kettleburn on the side said, earning a dissatisfied glare from Professor McGonagall.

"It's better to be cautious, Quirrell, don't cause any more trouble recently." Professor Flitwick said seriously - he felt that his disciple had a serious tendency to become a lion.

Facing various different voices, Voldemort could only smile and nod, but he still quietly gave Professor Kettleburn a thumbs-up in return.

"Professor, the principal asked you to go there."

Percy came to the teacher's desk and brought him a "good" news, "The principal will support you. I asked the principal and he made it clear."


Voldemort smiled as he ate the last bite of the meat pie, stood up and left the classroom table.

"Professor Quirrell is so handsome."

Ron looked at Quirrell walking out of the restaurant, his eyes full of admiration, "If I hadn't known that he was from Ravenclaw, I would have thought he was Gryffindor."

"He saved me," Harry said. "At Gringotts."

This caused the people nearby to look at him in surprise, and Harry's cheeks turned red at the sight of everyone - he was a shy child, and had always been like this.

"Tell me, Harry, you never said any of this," the twins said, running over.

"Yeah, maybe we wrongly blamed Professor Quirrell, Harry, let me tell you." The other twin also said.

Even Hermione, who had always been arrogant and didn't like talking to scumbag students, couldn't help but move her chair in the direction of Harry.

"The matter...the matter is related to the Gringotts robbery..."

Harry stumbled into his narration, and everyone listened curiously. Only a few Weasley children screamed in surprise from time to time, adding to Harry's dull narration.

Percy had come over a long time ago. At first he wanted to stop this chaotic scene, but when he heard what happened to Quirrell, he immediately fell silent and listened closer.

"Just like today at noon, Principal Dumbledore suddenly appeared and ended everything. When I opened my eyes, the earth expanded in front of my eyes."

Harry was also a little excited. He lowered his head and looked flatly at the table.

"My face was so close to the ground, and then I heard a loud roar of 'Harry Potter is coming'."

"It's the Flying Curse." One of the twins said, "It must be Professor Quirrell, right?"

"Yes, that's Professor."

Harry's cheeks flushed with excitement, "I felt something pulling me at that moment. Hagrid let go and I flew out, hitting the professor straight, and then the professor used a levitation spell to stop me."

"Professor is amazing." Hermione couldn't help shouting.

Everyone looked at this arrogant little girl, which made Hermione a little embarrassed, but she held her head up as if nothing had happened.

Ron curled his lips and looked at Harry: "He saved you twice, right?"


Harry nodded and said, "Once I was in a coma, but Hagrid told me, and another time I saw clearly, and...after that, the professor accompanied me to buy things."

"You saw Malfoy there. Did you tell me that the professor also saw him?" Ron asked.

"Yes, I saw him talking to Malfoy's father through the window. Maybe there was a conflict at that time, maybe it was because of me."

Little Harry blames himself a little. He is indeed a good boy and always likes to blame himself for problems.

"Don't worry about Professor."

Percy suddenly spoke, startling the twin brothers, "Principal Dumbledore will protect him, he is not wrong, we all know it."


It was rare that the twin brothers were the first to agree, which surprised even Percy - his two brothers had always opposed his remarks before.

"And, Percy, the professor protected you too."

"Yeah, at least you're out of trouble now."

The twins' words immediately darkened Percy's face - as expected, he couldn't hear anything good from these two brothers.

"Let's break up. If you have evening classes, go to them. If you don't have evening classes, don't mess around in the restaurant." Percy left with a dark face and left with these words.

The twin brothers looked at his back and smiled, as if they had won an incredible victory.

"Professor will be fine, right?" Hermione suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Why do you care so much about him?" Ron jumped out and said, "Are you trying to curry favor with the teacher again?"

Hermione's face instantly darkened, she took the last bite of sausage, got up and walked away.

The twin brothers looked at each other and then laughed at Ron.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class for the first and second years of Hogwarts was on this evening.

When Voldemort walked into the classroom, he mistakenly thought that the Ravenclaw students were in class again - the children sat obediently and looked at him with longing faces. This was really un-young.

"Professor Quirrell, the principal won't fire you, right?" Harry Potter spoke first, asking what all the children were feeling.


Voldemort nodded affirmatively and said, "It is definitely wrong to use magic to punish students, but if you are familiar with the history of magic, you will know that this is not a big deal."

The young lions breathed a sigh of relief. They had learned about the Gringotts robbery from the twin brothers, which made them respect Voldemort.

Whether he is fighting against the demons or saving Harry, he is magical and brave enough, and the children in the Lion House have always admired this kind of lone hero.

"Okay, first-grade children, go to the opposite side. Gabriel Truman, the sixth-grade prefect of the Badger House, will teach you. I hope you can treat him gently and not be like the Snake House."

Voldemort's words caused a burst of laughter from the students. Ron was the first to shout "We won't do that", followed by more promises.

Even Hermione, who had always been unsociable, responded loudly with a smile.

"Truman, it looks like your class will be easier." After Voldemort said to his teaching assistant, he called the second-year students to his side to prepare for class.

The evening class was spent in a relaxed and pleasant manner, and Voldemort was in a very good mood. He even popularized the format and methods of writing papers at the end of the class.

Thanks to Hermione's advice, he taught all the first years like this.

"Professor Quirrell, can I ask you to teach me how to stop learning magic in the air?" First-year Hermione asked him in class.

This was an ability that could not be taught, and Voldemort had no choice but to refuse, but he told the children about the magical properties - everyone has their own magical properties, which they need to explore themselves.

Voldemort had some unique insights into this. He told the children about Dumbledore's transfiguration, his own magical stagnation, and Snape's sharp magic.

These characteristics are either related to personality or to the wizard's ability, and are not static.

Although the children were a little disappointed that they could not learn immediately, they were still immersed in this magic theory - everyone wanted to be the unique one, no exception.

Even Truman, who was in sixth grade, expressed his gratitude after class and said he had benefited a lot.

"As a professor, I am very happy to be able to pass on my knowledge." Voldemort said goodbye to Truman and the little lions with a smile.

On the way back to the office, students kept saying hello to him.

It seems that because of the Draco incident, he has gained recognition among the students, and even some Slytherins respect him more.

"The respect of the students is secondary, and the acceptance of the Gryffindor faction is the most important."

Thinking of Dumbledore's words during dinner, Voldemort felt uncontrollably excited.

"Don't be afraid, Quirrell. As long as I am at Hogwarts, you will still be in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. This is my guarantee to you."

When Dumbledore solemnly assured him through his half-moon glasses, the joy of "breaking into the enemy" that arose in Voldemort's heart made him uncontrollably excited.

If it weren't for the greatest white wizard sitting across from him, he would have knelt down to celebrate on the spot.

Today is the day to notify the recommended positions. I don’t know if there are any test recommendations...

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