Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 383 377 Explode, Azkaban

Chapter 383 377. Explode, Azkaban

Fudge had not arranged for Ministry of Magic personnel to intervene in Hogwarts affairs since he left that day, and Dumbledore also launched a public trial of Umbridge as he said, and the result... was naturally found guilty. .

It was not the Azkaban prison as expected. The loophole she had prepared saved her life. She was temporarily exempted from her duties and sentenced to prison for half a year for rehabilitation. But it was just an ordinary prison of the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore accepted the outcome and did not pursue the matter further.

In Dudley's words, he is too kind.

Umbridge and Fudge were not grateful for his kindness.

On the contrary, it will get worse.

Sure enough, during the second week of Umbridge's imprisonment, Fudge's counterattack began. He used the power of the Minister of Magic to win over many Wizengamot members and remove Dumbledore as the chief wizard of the Wizengamot. name.

Facing Fudge's revenge, Dumbledore didn't care

Running for Minister of Magic meant that he could not concurrently serve as the Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, so Fudge's move was exactly what he wanted.

Well, what I said that day was not just talk.

Dumbledore thought carefully about it, he really wanted to run for Minister of Magic.

And his mobility is not low at all. In just a few weeks, he has gathered many wizards who support him.

Many wizards, especially those at the bottom, are very supportive of Dumbledore's participation in the election for Minister of Magic.

Everyone graduated from Hogwarts, and everyone knew what Dumbledore was like. No matter how much he stretched his hips, he was countless times better than Fudge, wasn't he?

"Stop him at all costs!"

Fudge was furious in the office and banged the table.

Once Dumbledore's application is approved, the people will vote again, and it is very likely that a re-election of the Minister of Magic will be held in the next year or two.

In other words, he only has one year to serve as Minister of Magic.

The things he has done recently have dropped the public support to the lowest level. He was not as popular as Dumbledore at the most popular time, let alone now.

Unless he can do something big that benefits the wizarding world during this period, he will be able to win the future election against Dumbledore.

But it's too difficult.



Fudge called his secretary into the office.

"There is something that only you can do."

The most trusted confidant should have been arranged to do it, but Umbridge was imprisoned at this time, and Percy was Fudge's only trustworthy subordinate now.

Fortunately, although Percy had not been with him for a long time, he was a loyal subordinate.

"Stop him at all costs!"

In a mansion somewhere in the North Sea region of England, Voldemort said in the same tone as Fudge.

He tore the latest issue of the Daily Prophet into shreds.

"What a joke!"

"How did that stupid ass Fudge get Dumbledore to run for Minister of Magic?"

No matter how hard Voldemort broke his head, he still couldn't figure it out. Even when he was at his strongest, Dumbledore didn't choose to run for Minister of Magic. How did this loser manage to figure it out in just a few months?

Voldemort's original plan was to watch the fire from the other side, hoping that both of them would suffer losses. Voldemort didn't know whether Fudge was injured or not, but Dumbledore was sure nothing happened.

Having him become Minister for Magic would be the absolute worst possible scenario.

It is impossible to imagine arranging Death Eaters to enter the Ministry of Magic as undercover agents as now. No one can hide a secret from Dumbledore.

The world only knows that Voldemort is a master of Legilimency, but he himself knows very well that his former Transfiguration professor is the real master in this field.

"Master, we have arranged for other people to run for election."

Avery tried to show his ability.

"Shut up, you idiot."

One look from Voldemort scared Avery to the ground and begged for mercy.

"It's useless. It's absolutely useless. If Dumbledore wants to run for Minister of Magic, there's no hope for anyone else because... he's Dumbledore."

They say the person who knows you best is your enemy. Dumbledore knew Voldemort well, and Voldemort knew Dumbledore very well.

"My loyal servants must be released as soon as possible."

Voldemort didn't know whether the trap he set for Dumbledore worked, but he thought he couldn't sit still and wait any longer.


Voldemort said in a deep voice.

"Master." Lucius stood up immediately.

"You are responsible for gathering other people, as many as you can. Let me see how many people are still loyal to me. I will lead you to occupy Azkaban in three days and release those loyal people who have been imprisoned for more than ten years. servant."

Voldemort ordered that as a leader, he did not need to do these things himself.

Then he looked at Lucius and said meaningfully: "This is my first action after returning. Don't let me down."

After hearing this, Lucius knelt on one knee in front of Voldemort very respectfully.

"As you wish, my lord."

Watching Lucius's leaving figure, Voldemort shook his head.

He knows the current affairs, is very obedient, and works efficiently. He followed me even before he got a new body. He does everything beautifully. He is definitely an ideal subordinate.

It would be better if I didn't lose my important diary.

It seems that the people who are most worthy of his trust are the Carlo brothers and the Lestrange couple.

Three days later, countless Death Eaters in black robes and hoods knelt respectfully at Voldemort's feet.

Looking at the circle that was much smaller than before, Voldemort looked gloomy.

"Less than half of what it used to be."

Lucius was about to explain when Voldemort continued.

"Forget it. It won't take long for things to return to their previous state anyway."

"Follow me!"

The overwhelming black smoke swept towards the location of Azkaban Prison.

"Who is this?"

On the outside of Azkaban Prison, the prison guard in charge of liaison looked at this scene in stunned silence. He wanted to notify the Ministry of Magic, but as soon as he turned around, he was greeted by a dark green light.

The black smoke flew into the sky, leaving only a cold body that had lost its soul.

The Dementors in the sky seem to be sensing something and are constantly flying into the sky, like a sky full of black stars floating in the sky, or like a swarm of bats covering the entire sky.

It's like welcoming someone's arrival.

The strange behavior of the dementors attracted the attention of the prisoners, who grabbed the prison fence and looked up at the sky.

"I'm coming!"

Seeing this scene, the crazy woman with disheveled hair raised her hands in the air and screamed: "The master is here to take us back!"

Her actions inspired others. Countless Death Eaters in countless prison cells also stretched out their hands and shouted the name of the demon king.


A huge explosion goes off in Azkaban Prison.

These vicious criminals


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