Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 344 338 There is no black and white in magic

Chapter 344 338. There is no black and white in magic

Not only that, he also has many special abilities. For example, if a wizard wants to disguise himself as someone else, most people will choose Polyjuice Potion. A very few Disguise Mags can change their appearance at will (the body shape cannot be changed).

Grindelwald is not a disguise magus, but he can change his appearance and body shape at will, and the effect is even better than using Polyjuice Potion.

Erudite, powerful, and conscientious in teaching, he is simply a perfect teacher.

The more you know about him, the more you realize how outstanding he is and what a charming character he is.

You can imagine how high-spirited and outstanding he was when he was young decades ago. No wonder he has so many followers.

His views are different from those of most mainstream wizards in the wizarding world.

"There is no black and white in magic. Black magic and white magic are the same."

"The same goes for wizards, what matters is the human heart."

The wizarding world generally believes that black magic is a kind of magic that can affect one's own mind and is filled with a lot of negative emotions. The more it is used and the deeper it is studied, the more it will affect the human spirit, which is spiritual pollution.

This is why dark wizards are a bunch of bad guys.

Because they are affected by black magic.

However, Grindelwald doesn't think so. He believes that magic has no ability to change people's hearts. No matter what magic you learn or use, you are still the same person. This will not change in any way, but magic will amplify people's emotions. desire.

The former point of view is to attribute the responsibility to black magic. You see, it is all because of black magic that wizards become evil. In other words, it is to blame. Grindelwald's point of view is to attribute the responsibility to people. It is not that wizards become bad after learning black magic, but they are bad themselves. Powerful black magic only expands his desires and exposes his true nature.

Dudley supports Grindelwald's views

The reason is simple, he knows black magic.

Dumbledore can also do dark magic, and his black magic attainments are not much worse than that of the Dark Lord. Moody can also do dark magic, and each of the three unforgivable curses is no less than that of ordinary Death Eaters.

If Dumbledore and Moody were also bad people, there would be no good people left in the wizarding world.

Not just them, those wizards with powerful magic skills can more or less master black magic.

As for the reason, black magic is powerful and easy to use.

The most critical point is that the definition of black magic is formulated by the Ministry of Magic. In other words, what they think is black magic and what is.

Maybe one day, when you become the Minister of Magic, you will think that the Death Curse is not considered black magic, and you can forcibly kick it out of the ranks of black magic.

Unconsciously, two weeks have passed quickly, and no one has been announced as being eliminated. Grindelwald has gradually become more harmonious with the young wizards. As Dumbledore said before he came, since the first From one day on, he never appeared again, and no one knew where he was, including the owner of the castle, Grindelwald.

On this day, Grindelwald called Harry and Neville out alone.

During this period of study, the two of them made the greatest progress.

Grindelwald first looked at Neville: "There is not much I can teach you. My research on herbalism is not very deep."

As Grindelwald said, his research on magical animals and magical plants is not in-depth. On the one hand, he feels that there is not much meaning, and on the other hand, his energy is limited.

As he spoke, he took out a small cloth bag and handed it to Neville, and said with deep meaning.

"Here are the seeds of the magic pumpkin. I hope it can bring you some inspiration."

“Dreams only make sense if you work hard to realize them.”

Even if his research is not deep, Grindelwald has surpassed more than 95% of the wizards in the wizarding world.

Neville thanked him happily and put the seeds away as if they were treasures.

Grindelwald nodded and looked at Harry, an expression of admiration unconsciously showing in his eyes.

He is also good at black magic and has a soft spot for Li Huo. Looking at him is like seeing his former self.

Hmm. In terms of charm, I am a little inferior to myself.

"Your Fierce Fire Spell has reached the threshold of classics, but it still needs to be further improved in terms of plasticity, like this"

Grindelwald stretched out a finger, and saw a small blue flame blooming at the tip of his finger, instantly attracting Harry's full attention.

He stared at the small flame and said uncertainly.

"Li Huo?!"

For Harry, who was good at using the Fire Spell, he could feel that the fire contained in this small handful of flames contained more terrifying energy than his fire dumplings.

"That's right."

Grindelwald opened his five fingers, and a pinch of blue flame appeared on each of the five fingers.

With a slight shake, five pinches of flames took off from his fingers, floating up and down in the air. His fingers were slightly bent, and the flames floated back to his fingertips.

The blue fire has a much higher temperature than ordinary fire, but in Grindelwald's hands it is like a well-behaved cat.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you."

Grindelwald knew that he might spend his entire life in this castle, but he also wanted to pass on his mantle.

I had never encountered it before, let alone had the opportunity, but now. Isn’t it a coincidence that there is a ready-made one?

Talent is very important to wizards.

For example, Ron can't cast the fire spell like Harry. In Dudley's words, he and the fire spell are not compatible with each other. This is actually normal. Everyone is not mass-produced and has their own specialty. Or areas that you are not good at.

"Can someone else come along?"

Harry asked.

"I will only teach one person."

Grindelwald said calmly that he didn't teach everyone. If he didn't meet the right one, he wouldn't just teach it to others even if it was lost.

Harry was silent for a while and said, "Then you can teach Brother D. His Fire Spell is better than mine."

Grindelwald paused slightly as soon as these words came out. Of course he knew who Brother D was in Harry's mouth.

How to describe that guy.

He is extremely talented and knowledgeable, has his own unique opinions on everything, and has a leadership temperament. He is the absolute backbone of this group of young wizards.

In fact, many times the two of them have similar views on things.

It looks very similar to me. To be precise, it looked very similar to me when I was young.

But perhaps because of the repulsion of the same sex, Grindelwald didn't like this young version of himself from the first moment he saw Dudley, especially when he appeared here.

This makes the relationship between the two really ordinary.

However, Grindelwald still recognized Dudley's strong performance in practical courses.

After thinking for a while, Grindelwald continued: "Then you two come together."

"Tonight at eleven o'clock on the top floor of the castle tower. Don't be late."

It is very obvious to open a new small stove.

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