Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 333 327 She is so cute, just like James when he was a child

Chapter 333 327. She is so cute, just like James when he was a child

Vivian's decoction is one of the most difficult potions in history.

Polyjuice potion is a classic potion that everyone is familiar with. For ordinary wizards, the preparation process of the potion is quite complicated and takes a whole month.

The Potion of Fortune is also known as the Potion of Luck. This magic potion is well-known in the wizarding world. Its configuration is more than ten times more difficult than the Polyjuice Potion. It is extremely complex and requires countless processes. Any error in any of them will lead to Serious consequences will take an entire half a year.

The difficulty and process of Vivian Decoction are even more complicated than that of Felixir. This potion requires the preparation of 108 kinds of potion materials, and each kind of potion material needs to go through 36 complicated processes. , and at the same time, each potion material is valuable, many of which are contraband and have no market price, one of which is Phoenix Tears.

The most famous wizard is the legendary wizard Merlin, the most loyal companion of King Arthur in mythology.

The most famous witch is the one who made the legendary wizard Merlin fall in love, and after understanding Merlin's special abilities and weaknesses, she imprisoned him in an oak tree forever - Vivian.

In the legends of ordinary people, Vivian is the lake spirit who gave King Arthur the sword Excalibur. However, in the world of wizards, she is called the witch of miracles (witch). In the records of the history of magic, she has personally wielded it more than once. Countless miracles were created, but there are no detailed records of what they were.

Therefore, Vivian's Potion is also called the Miracle Potion. According to unexplained legends, ordinary people can become wizards after taking this potion. This is also listed as one of the three major legends about the origin of wizards.

It's just a rumor after all, and this origin conclusion has not been officially confirmed.

The recorded effect of Vivian's decoction (miracle potion) is that the Squib can release some weak spells after taking this potion, but it needs to be taken continuously for more than a year.

The production process is extremely cumbersome and the configuration is very troublesome. If there are no mistakes in any process, even a top potion master will take a full year at the earliest.

The materials are precious, the configuration is troublesome, and it requires the help of a potion master. All three are indispensable.

In addition, its effect is only to let the squib release some small magic and it needs to be taken for more than a year. This is why the Vivian potion has not appeared in the wizarding world for hundreds of years. No one is willing to spend this time and energy. Do.

After hearing Dudley's description of Vivian's potion, even Vernon, who was very unhappy with Snape, was stunned. He really didn't expect that the bowl of unknown potion that Snape fed little Lily was actually It would be such a precious thing.

Snape really took great pains to get little Lily to go to Hogwarts.

In fact, Dudley really wanted to tell Snape that even if little Lily was really an ordinary person, he would still have a way to let her go to Hogwarts, but seeing as Snape was so positive, it was hard for him to dampen his enthusiasm.

"So what does this potion have to do with Vivian?"

Harry discovered a blind spot.

"Maybe he wants to borrow the name Miracle Witch." Dudley said.

Even if Harry asked him this, he didn't know that it was written like this in the book he was reading. He just repeated it.

Dudley had a guess.


It doesn’t mean it has to match the content.

Strictly speaking, potions have nothing to do with Vivian, so they can barely be connected with the word miracle.

But simply calling it a miracle potion is too ordinary. A little ancient legend must be added to it to make it more powerful.

You see, it’s Vivian, King Arthur, and Merlin again. Doesn’t the quality come up all at once?

"But this potion is not just for witches."

Dudley thought for a moment and replied seriously: "According to records, the first Squib to take this potion was a wizard."

Harry: "."

Yes, Vivian's potion is not a magic potion specifically for witches, but it has a side effect of making the skin better.

But what it is called is not the important point. What is important is that this magic potion is really precious.

What a pity the potion smells like

According to Dudley, none of the potions tasted good to adults, let alone children as young as Lily.

Fortunately, potions generally have a long shelf life and can be stored for a long time after the spell is cast.

‘Knock knock knock’

There was a knock on the door.

Hermione went out with the Grangers early this morning, saying she wouldn't be back until night, and she had the key to the door and could open the door herself, so it was definitely not her.

None of the remaining people would come so early, and they didn't even call to inform them before coming.

Harry went to wash up at this time, and Dudley walked over and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was an unexpected guest.


Dudley almost didn't recognize him when he opened the door. This guy changed his usual slovenly image. He shaved his hair, shaved his beard and had a dent. At the same time, he changed into a very formal suit, giving him a completely new look. He looks quite human and dog-like.

"Hello, Dudley."

It was obvious that Sirius was a little nervous and he stuttered even when saying hello.

He was afraid that Dudley would close the door when he saw him.

"I want to find Harry. Can I wait for him at the door? I guarantee that it won't have any impact on you."

Sirius' tone at this moment was so humble, he really wanted to see Harry.

"Harry is still washing up, you should come in first."

Dudley said calmly that he knew about the easing of the relationship between him and Harry. Harry told him that in order to show Sirius' help to him in the Triwizard Tournament, he needed to take a day out with him during the holiday.

After all, Sirius was Harry's godfather. Since he wanted to make up for the losses he had suffered from Harry over the years, Dudley had no need to reject him. Anyway, just be nice to Harry.

And in order to be able to pick Harry up, this guy didn't even ride his Motuo (motorcycle) of the same model as the Will-O-Wisp Boy, but instead drove a Ford over.

Dudley, who was sharp-eyed, saw that the Ford car parked on the roadside had been slapped with a ticket by the passing traffic police.

Hopefully Sirius knew where to pay the fine.

Sirius saw Dudley rushing into the room excitedly, and was obviously taken aback when he saw Snape in the living room.

"Why are you here?"

"Wherever I am has nothing to do with you."

Snape replied very coldly and stopped talking to Sirius completely.

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment, and Vernon clearly felt that the temperature around him was much lower.

By this time, Petunia had coaxed little Lily and came over with her in her arms.

Sirius became obviously interested after seeing little Lily in Petunia's arms. After seeing little Lily's eyes that were exactly the same as Lily's, he blurted out subconsciously without thinking at all.

"Oh, she is so cute, she looks just like James when he was a child."

Dudley: "???"

Vernon: "?!!"

Snape: "!!!"

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