Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 311 Chapter 309 The Missing Auror Squad

Chapter 311. 309. The Missing Auror Squad

"Hahu. Hahu"

Harry, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly sat up from the bed, breathing heavily, and his wet pajamas were soaked with sweat.

He woke up from a nightmare

Recently he has been having the same dream, and today is no exception. The decaying old house, the vicious curses, the pitiful begging for mercy, the green light, and the big ears that are very similar to the house elves.

After groping for a while on the bedside with trembling arms, he picked up his thick-rimmed glasses and put them on.

The world gradually became clearer.

He glanced at the watch that brother D gave him.

The time showed four forty-five in the morning.

At this time, the moon hung high on the branches, and the outside window was silent. Occasionally, the sound of owls flying past the window could be heard.

Ron on the next bed was lying on the bed in a strange posture, muttering something in his sleep while sticking out his buttocks, occasionally hearing a few popping sounds.

Neville on the other side was snoring, neither too loud nor too small, and he let out a few giggles from time to time. He was obviously in a sweet dream.

Harry rubbed his temples vigorously, trying to relieve the pain in his brain. Although it worked, it had little effect.

The dream just now is very clear and vivid, as if he had experienced a surreal 5D movie, especially the voice. He will never forget it. He heard it in the first grade.

that man

Harry clenched his fists unconsciously, and then slowly unclenched them.

Although he didn't know why he dreamed of that person. But Brother D told him before that the wizard's dream is not that simple, it may be a sign, or it may be what is happening now.

No matter what the situation is, we must pay attention to it

Fortunately, he has learned Occlumency, and others cannot find traces of him through dreams. No matter what the situation is, he is enough to deal with it.

Harry looked out the window and then at the time, but in the end he didn't follow him to rest, as all his sleepiness was gone.

At this time, Harry was not the only one who couldn't sleep at night, there was also a high-ranking man.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

Fudge, the Minister of Magic, wearing plaid pajamas, was dancing and throwing a tantrum in his office.

The people he reprimanded were several officials from the Ministry of Magic, all of whom were at least director level judging by their clothing.

"First, Miss Bertha Jorkins from the Department of Magical Sports and Sports disappeared. According to the investigation of the 'hitters' on the scene, they found signs of black magic, which means that this involves dark wizards." , Scrimgeour, as the director of the Auror Office, could only bite the bullet and speak.

Rufus Scrimgeour, the lion-like man.

"So I arranged for an Auror team to investigate the matter."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the furious Fudge, who only heard him say in a strange tone: "Yes, you arranged, you arranged an Auror team to investigate this matter, but there is no news in the past two weeks They didn’t tell me anything. Now you’re telling me they’re missing?!”

Faced with Fudge's questioning, Scrimgeour continued to explain: "They must have encountered something dangerous and they couldn't get away, Minister, and we are already doing our best to find it."

"Enough! I don't want to hear an explanation! That's a whole squad of Aurors! Not a squad of pigs! Now there's no news at all, should I praise you?!"

Fudge was going mad.

The nature of missing a wizard is completely different from missing a small group of Aurors. The former can use other excuses to fool the past, while the latter... as the protector of the magic world, is gone. This impact is not the slightest bit.

If he doesn't handle it well, his approval rating will drop!

"Mr. Rufus, what I want is to find the missing person. Can you tell me how to solve this matter?"

Fudge stared at Scrimgeour.

"I will arrange for other Aurors."

"You want the Ministry to lose another Auror squad?"

Fudge rejected his suggestion without thinking.

"But we can't just leave it alone!"

"That's your problem! You're the head of the Auror office!"

Rufus Scrimgeour:

"I'll give you another week to resolve this matter."

After saying that, he kicked the other person out of the office regardless of whether he could do it or not.

"The rest of you come with me to Hogwarts, I need to meet Dumbledore."

Fudge's expression at this time was extremely bad.

"Are you sure you want to visit Professor Dumbledore now?"

A director of an unknown department asked. The current time is 5:50 in the morning, which is normally a rest period.

"What's not allowed?"

Fudge glared hard at the person who spoke, who was obviously frightened.

Only Dumbledore or Dudley can help him, no one else is reliable.


The other people in the room looked at Fudge, who was wearing pajamas, with a strange look on his face, but Fudge himself seemed not to know.

At this moment, there were three knocks on the door of the office. After obtaining Fudge's approval, he opened the door and walked in. The person who came was Percy holding a suit of clothes: "Minister Fudge, here are your clothes .”

Percy handed the clothes to Fudge respectfully.

This behavior of giving pillows when sleepy came undoubtedly won Fudge's great favor.

He patted Percy's shoulder hard to encourage him: "Well done, Percy, you are worthy of being my secretary."

He really likes his secretary more and more, becomes more and more handy, and becomes more and more inseparable from him. He can make plans in advance for everything.

After a while, Fudge, who had changed his clothes, led a group of Ministry of Magic officials and appeared in the principal's office at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore, wearing a half-moon pajamas, met them.

The old home of the Gaunt family.

"It's that feeling again. It's coming again!" On the other side of the sofa, the hoarse voice that struck Harry as very familiar sounded, hoarse and sharp.

"Someone was spying on us just now, Wormtail."

"Master, Master, no, no, maybe."

A stammering voice sounded, and the tone was extremely frightening.

The owner of this voice is Peter Pettigrew, Wormtail who narrowly escaped from Azkaban.

"Why is it impossible?!"

The voice came again from the other side of the sofa: "Whoever it is, I will deal with them just like the group of Aurors, Wormtail. All you have to do is deal with their corpses."

At this time, the sofa table and chairs slowly turned around, and a goblin was sitting inside, and a voice that was completely incongruous with his appearance was coming from his mouth.

"Obey, my great master."

Wormtail knelt down in front of the 'goblin' and said respectfully.

"It won't be long before I come again."

'Fairy' said with deep meaning.

"Contact that guy, I want to know how the plan is going."

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