Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 281 279 Daily Prophet: The Secret of Hogwarts Warriors

Chapter 281 279. Daily Prophet: Hogwarts Warriors' Secrets

Seeing that Ollivander finished his work, Bagman cleared his throat with excitement on his face: "Now that the wand has been inspected, the last task of the day is going to be done, and of course the most important one."

His pitch was raised a few cents.

"group photo!"

"Where's Ms. Rita? Ask her to come up and take our picture."

Bagman said to the staff of the Ministry of Magic next to him: "The referee and the warriors took a group photo. I think this is a good publicity highlight."

"Mr. Bagman, Ms. Rita is gone."


Everyone else, including the two principals, was taken aback, only Dumbledore and Lucius were not surprised by this.

"I don't think the Daily Prophet reports truthfully about the Triwizard because Ms. Rita always likes to add some... um... her own fiction to her articles."

Dudley said and glanced at Dumbledore: "I think Professor Dumbledore has a deep feeling for this, such as the article about the International Federation of Wizards Conference."

"That article is really great." Dumbledore maintained his usual smile: "I especially loved reading the part about me being described as an old lunatic with a rigid mind."


Hearing what Dumbledore said, Bagman can't let someone invite Rita Skeeter back, that would offend Dumbledore.

He said he loves to read, can you really think he loves to read?

And there is more than one offender.

As the director, Bagman knows more than others. Mr. Dursley, another Hogwarts warrior, is the youngest member of the Wizengamot. Not many people inside and outside know about it, and there is no hype.

In a sense he and Dudley were colleagues.

"But we need people to take pictures."

Dudley continued, as expected, "I've made an appointment with a quack reporter to make an announcement."

The naysayer is much more popular than the Daily Prophet in terms of audience level alone, and the effect of finding them for publicity must be better than the Daily Prophet.

The Daily Prophet often criticizes naysayers as lunatics, but in fact, why not themselves?

Rita Skeeter's kind of bullshit can be the number one reporter.

Excluding some fools who have no brains and blindly believe in the content of the Daily Prophet, many people know that her articles are very watery, but they feel that the relatives and friends around them think that the Daily Prophet is true, and it is not easy to publish other opinions if they have different opinions.

"If Mr. Bagman is not satisfied with this, the Daily Poison and Antidote is also happy to help you. How about an exclusive interview with the Ministry of Magic for you?"

"Poisons and Cure Daily?"

"Under Witches and Poisons."

Bagman was immediately attracted by Dudley's words. If you want to say what is most sought after by young people in the entire European magic world, it is not the wizard cards and novels published by Witch and Poison Publishing House.

"Are they planning to publish their own newspaper?"

"Yes, in addition to some news, there is also a new novel section, which contains the serial content of the second part of the Dragonlance Chronicle, and of course there are wizard card skills and detailed explanations of card characters. By the way, you like wizard cards Is it?"

"Who isn't! Everyone loves wizard cards."

Bagman has now put the Daily Prophet behind him and is preoccupied with the interview.

"I don't care about it after all, what does Mr. Lucius think?"

As an old fritter, Bagman decisively threw the problem to others.

Lucius spoke slowly with his unique accent, and looked at Dudley with deep meaning: "Supporting emerging industries is what the Ministry of Magic should do, and I am happy to hand over the contents of the Triwizard Tournament to the Daily Poison and Cure take full charge of."

Dudley also responded to his meaningful sentence.

"It couldn't be better, Mr. Lucius, I would like to say hello to you on behalf of Mr. Carlo, and we have a pleasant cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."


Hogwarts, breakfast time.

"It's too much, it's too much!!!"

There was a roar full of anger, and the little wizards almost lost their grip on the spoons in fright. Hermione walked over aggressively holding today's Daily Prophet. Frightened by the imposing manner, very consciously get out of the way.


Hermione walked up to everyone in the disciplinary team, threw the newspaper on the table angrily, her chest was heaving up and down, she had never hated anyone so much before.

"How can she fabricate these false contents out of thin air?"

"How can she talk nonsense! Doesn't she know that she is responsible for what she writes?"

"I'm furious!!!"

On the largest page of the Daily Prophet, three headlines were displayed in bold and enlarged fonts.

"Rude vulgar boy."

"Shocking, love triangle between Warriors."

"The Untold Secret of Hogwarts Warriors."

The content of the first title is basically a slander against Dudley. An article composed of some very outrageous words criticizes Dudley and describes him as a bad embryo.

The content of the second title is more bloody. It says that Dursley and Potter finally met their first love at Hogwarts. They are inseparable from a girl named Hermione Granger. Yes, the two The brothers fell in love with the amazingly beautiful Miss Granger at the same time. To describe it in one sentence, it is a love triangle mixed with a lot of bloody plots.

As for the content of the third title, it is quite outrageous. It is said that the crazy old lunatic Dumbledore was bewitched by the conspirator Dursley to set up many strange organizations in Hogwarts, messing up the whole school. Future Dursley Li also planned a bigger conspiracy.

Well, it's outrageous. There's a problem with the details of the process, but maybe she's right.

Although the newspaper quoted about holding the Triwizard Tournament, there was no mention of what the Triwizard Tournament was, and in fact, it only mentioned two Hogwarts warriors - Dudley and Harry. , with a particular focus on Dudley, while Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are just passing by.

If you're a reader, you don't even know who the warriors of these two schools are.

The content of the newspaper is mixed with many ambiguous words in the subjective sense such as possible, perhaps, etc., and there are few definite words. A collection can be said to be a name at the beginning, and the content depends entirely on editing.

Rita Skeeter has always done this before, and even if she publicly DISS Fudge, the Ministry of Magic has nothing to do with her.

You can't keep others from making normal guesses.

Do you have ghosts in your heart?

No ghost, why are you so anxious to cover everyone's mouths?

That's how Rita Skeeter's fame grew.

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