Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 174 What is your superpower? Dudley: Super rich?

Chapter 174 172. What is your superpower? Dudley: Super rich?

He was different from Lucius, Lucius had a way to get himself out, it was nothing more than spending more Galleons, if it was Lockhart, no matter how much money he donated, no one would help him.

Attacking wizards, stealing experience, and using their experience to make money is a very bad thing no matter how you look at it.

Perhaps it is possible to get rid of the crime only by dissipating all the wealth.

The point is that even if he can get away, as long as this incident gets out, he will be ruined.

What would his readers think of him, what would other wizards think of him?

So how should he live?

"Let go of me, I'm not guilty!"

Lockhart argued loudly, taking advantage of the Auror next to him not looking, knocking him down hard and drawing his wand.

Gadwin hadn't expected Lockhart to resist at all, and neither had the Aurors expected Lockhart to resist.

Lockhart actually escaped in a purely physical way.

'This is the quality of an Auror? Feel a bit stretched'

'It's not the first time to cast a spell to bind the opponent, but to do it'

Dudley shook his head as he watched.

'And there was no evacuation of the crowd.'

If Lockhart is really strong, then he violently hurts people, and the ones who are in danger are the little wizards in the classroom.

"Put down your arms, what do you want to do?"

Gadwin immediately became nervous after the opponent drew out his wand, and the surrounding Aurors also quickly searched for cover.

It looks ridiculous.

But after thinking about it carefully, I can understand that Lockhart's reputation can be said to be a household name in the wizarding world. Looking at his experiences, all of them prove that he is a powerful wizard.

"Stop! Don't force me! Yes, I'm strong!"

Seeing that the Aurors were afraid of him, Lockhart tried to find a chance to escape.

Never get caught, that's the end of it.

If you run away, you can find a way to come back.

It is possible to arouse public opinion to build momentum for oneself.

"I can do it alone"

Suddenly, the red light of the curse flashed past, Lockhart's wand came out of his hand, and it fell firmly into Dudley's hand, and his man also flew out.

"I think Professor Lockhart has one more charge of assaulting an Auror with intent."

In the end, Lockhart was still taken away by the Aurors, and the little wizards who were halfway through their tears were very confused. Didn't they say goodbye to them just now? Why did they suddenly commit a crime?

But this is just a small episode for the little wizards of Hogwarts.

The time will soon come to the day when the results will be announced.

Unsurprisingly, Dudley was number one again, followed by Hermione, followed by Harry, Malfoy, Ron and Neville, and the members of the disciplinary team took the top six in the same year.

The newcomer to the discipline group, Cedric from Hufflepuff, also got the first place in the fourth grade.

The disciplinary group once again proved them with their strength.

"You must come to our house to play this holiday."

On the Hogwarts Express back to Kingdom Cross Station, Ron invited Dudley and the others again. Last year they went to Neville's house, and only Harry came to his house. This year, it should be his turn.

Malfoy was a little unwilling, he really wanted to invite him to his manor, but his father's matter

To go will only lead to greater contradictions.

Unless he becomes the speaker of the Malfoy family.

"I think maybe you guys should come over to our house for the holidays."

Dudley opened a small pink suitcase and stuffed box after box of things into it. Hermione's luggage was getting more and more heavy, because it was mostly books.

Once there are more books, it will definitely be lifeless.

Otherwise, how can you say that books have power?

Carrying this pile of books on your back and running around Hogwarts a few times a day, as long as you persevere, you will be full of strength in a short time.

Fortunately, there was such a thing as the Untraceable Stretching Charm, otherwise Hermione's luggage would definitely be as heavy as Dudley's pile of fitness equipment.

"Experience the life of a Muggle?" Ron's eyes lit up: "It's not bad, I haven't tried living in a Muggle's house before, I heard Fred say that Muggles have a small box called a motor, which can move like a portrait Get up, I really want to see you."

"My grandma would certainly agree," said Neville.

As long as he said it was with Dudley, Mrs. Longbottom was absolutely in favor.

Malfoy frowned slightly, he really wanted to go, but Lucius tsk, it's so annoying.

Old fashioned antiques.

"No, I mean as a wizard's home."

Dudley shook his head: "I bought a property in Godric's Hollow, right next to Potter's old house."

As soon as this remark came out, Ron, Neville and Malfoy all stared at him blankly.

"Brother D, you mean, you bought a house?"

Ron seemed unsure, and emphasized it again.

"Yes, I need to redecorate Potter's old house and new home this holiday season."

"Want to help?"

Almost all the materials needed have been shipped over, and the rest just needs to be packed.

A place like home must be as safe as possible.

In fact, not only two houses, but several kilometers around were bought by him.

It's just that the ordinary decoration can't satisfy Dudley anymore, he is going to make a complete overhaul of the house with magic costumes, and build it into the strongest fortress.

Otherwise, Dudley would always feel that something was missing and insecure.

"Cool" even Malfoy couldn't help saying.

Even if he is as rich as Malfoy, it is unthinkable to buy his own house casually.

The landlord's family has no food left.

As for the few members of Ron's family crowded into one house, I don't know what language to use to describe it at this time.

Ron swallowed, and couldn't help asking: "Brother D, how rich are you now?"

Dudley thought about it for a while: "It's just endless."

If someone asked him what his super power was, Dudley would definitely answer him - super rich.

To put it simply, he didn't know much about it. He only knew that an account he had opened in Gringotts was already full of several caves.

The goblins saw him like dung beetles saw big. Tsk, this adjective is indecent, change it.

As if seeing their biological father, they served him carefully, not to mention how good that attitude was, they almost knelt down and licked his toes.

Maybe his biological father didn't have this kind of treatment.

After all, goblins are all about money.

"By the way, there is a project to earn pocket money recently, do you want to participate?"

The first World's No. 1 Wizard Card Competition has achieved a lot of success. Carlo is already planning to promote this event to the whole of Europe. The next World's No. 1 Wizard Card Competition will definitely set off a wave of public opinion.

Now it is preparing to open a new card pool gift pack, this time Dudley intends to present the card packs of modern well-known wizards.

Because of the design of portrait rights, the consent of wizards is required.

Professors from Hogwarts College, as well as powerful or evil wizards are all in this card pack plan.


The three looked at each other and said in unison.

No one would dislike Gold Gallon.

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