Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 153: Chapter 151

Chapter 153

"Something did happen, Connelly."

"Then I'm sorry, Dumbledore." Although Fudge was apologizing, his expression was unnatural: "So the Ministry of Magic has to take some necessary measures-this has been contacted with the school board in advance."

Dumbledore frowned slightly. He didn't know anything about the school board. It was obvious that someone was doing some tricks behind his back.

Or coercion, or inducement, or use other methods.

As for who that person is, do I still need to ask?

"Dumbledore, these are the elite of the Auror Office. I think they can help Hogwarts deal with dangerous things."

As Fudge spoke, he began to introduce the adult wizards who came with him.

Aurors can be understood as the law enforcement brigade of the wizarding world.

Theoretically speaking, every Auror is an elite among wizards, who are best at fighting against dark wizards and black magic.

However, in fact, this elite needs to be preceded by quotation marks.

But there's no doubt that Aurors are great.

"I think Hogwarts can handle this themselves."

There was a flash of anger in Dumbledore's blue eyes.

The Ministry of Magic stretched its hand a bit too far this time.

It's the School Board, the Minister of Magic, and an Auror. Its purpose couldn't be more obvious. It's forcing the palace.

Forcing the palace to Dumbledore.

If someone dared to force Dumbledore into the palace decades ago, his fate must have been miserable.

The title of greatest white wizard is no joke.

I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, I have more worries, my heart has softened, and I have less desire to fight.

The current Dumbledore is actually quite easy to 'bully'.

"Professor, no, Audrina is missing."

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but just at this moment, a little witch pushed open the door in a panic and shouted at the professor's seat.

Then everyone looked at her in unison.

Hearing what the little witch said, the smile on Lucius' face became even bigger, and he almost laughed out loud: "Oh, Dumbledore, I don't think Hogwarts is capable of handling this well, you see, not only the little wizard There have been attacks and people have gone missing."

"Life and death are uncertain!"

Lucius emphasized the word deliberately.

"I doubt very much whether you have the ability to manage Hogwarts well."

Although there was a respectful title in his tone, there was no trace of respect on Lucius' face or demeanor.

"It was just an accident." Professor McGonagall couldn't bear it anymore and said out loud.

Except for Snape, who had an inexplicable smile on his face, the other professors glared at Lucius.

"The situation is terrible now." Lucius lazily interrupted Professor McGonagall, and while taking out a long roll of parchment, he said: "The board of directors thinks you should leave. This is the removal order — all twelve directors signed it."

"We don't think you have the talent you deserve. Since you have no ability to stop the terrible things that are happening at Hogwarts. Then we should replace someone with talent. For example, the head of Slytherin I think is very suitable."

"You must know that my child is also a student of Hogwarts. I hope that the headmaster of Hogwarts is a truly caring and responsible wizard."

"Mr. Lucius, wait. This is different from what you said." The first person who jumped out to oppose Lucius turned out to be Fudge, who almost shouted, with a panicked expression on his face: " It's just asking the Aurors to assist in the investigation and Dumbledore to cooperate, not to say that he should be dismissed."

"Remove Dumbledore. No, no. That's definitely not what we want in front of so many children."

It's not that Fudge found out with conscience, it's just that he didn't want to bear the consequences of causing bad influence.

It may be the only one in history that the Minister of Magic dismissed the headmaster of Hogwarts, but it is certain that it is definitely notorious.

Even Phineas Black, the most unpopular Hogwarts headmaster, has never been dismissed by the Ministry of Magic.

Maybe some parents of little wizards don't like Dumbledore's "madness" from time to time, but there is no doubt that they all believe and recognize Dumbledore's ability. The title of principal is not just talk.

In fact, Fudge didn't say a word, you Lucius dismissed Dumbledore, so who will solve the problem?

You can't let him, the Minister of Magic, come forward, right?

If the problem is not resolved, who will bear the responsibility?

This question alone made Fudge very dissatisfied with Lucius.

If you want to tell me sooner, I won't come with you.

Lucius can't control what Fudge is thinking now, he has never looked at the nominal Minister of Magic at all, anyway, his goal has been achieved

Holding the parchment, Lucius took a step forward, almost at eye level with Dumbledore.

"Lucius, you have no right to dismiss Dumbledore." Professor McGonagall stepped forward and said angrily, "Dumbledore is the headmaster chosen by Hogwarts!"

"I think. I have Professor McGonagall."

Lucius shook the parchment in his hand, there were twelve school directors including him.

This means that the content on this parchment scroll is officially certified and complies with the laws and regulations of the wizarding world.

Although Lucius can't make any changes to the contract of Hogwarts Castle, maybe Dumbledore can still exercise the power of the headmaster of Hogwarts Castle, and still has the authority of the headmaster of Hogwarts Castle, but in name he has was deposed.

Unless Dumbledore intends to turn the tables and not recognize the joint name of the twelve school managers.

But obviously, he won't do it because he's Dumbledore, because he's the greatest white wizard and because he won't hang out with 'dark wizards'.

Even if Dumbledore wants to flip the table, the first person who refuses to agree is not Lucius, but the Ministry of Magic. The power of the school manager is given by the Ministry of Magic. If you don’t recognize the school manager, you don’t recognize the legitimacy of the Ministry of Magic. .

That's why Fudge was so dissatisfied.

Either way, Lucius can achieve his goals.

Lucius looked haughty, and Dumbledore was completely 'determined'.

And if these Aurors can solve this incident smoothly, then Dumbledore's prestige will be greatly suppressed.

Thinking of this, Lucius' eyes flashed a gleam.

That is great news.

And if the situation has not changed, then the culprit of this incident is the youngest daughter of the Weasley family - Ginny Weasley.

He had put the book with her in the first place.

It can also frame the old enemy Weasley family.

Hiding black magic items. Tsk tsk, this crime is not a small one at all.

Kill two birds with one stone, brilliant plan.

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