Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 114 Chapter 112

Chapter 114: 112. Out of nowhere——'Wizard Card'

"There's nothing a game of Gwent can't solve!"

Overhead Gwent card in the "Witcher" game world series is the most impressive item for every player who has played the "Witcher" series.

The Wizard card is a board game that Dudley compiled based on the Gwent card.

Like Gwent, The Wizard also divides the rarity of cards into four levels: Common, Excellent, Epic, and Legendary.

The original leader cards were changed by Dudley to well-known wizards in the history of magic.

This board game has two features, it is easy to play and suitable for all ages.

This board game has two elements, one is collection and the other is battle.

There is no need to explain further.

The charm of Gwent is that everyone who has played it knows that they are playing the 3A masterpiece "The Witcher", but in fact everyone is a card player, and there are even people who play "The Witcher" specifically for the Gwent card .

Haven't you seen that the president of Haima next door is addicted to cards, and he doesn't hesitate to spend huge financial and material resources to go to the underworld to play cards with Pharaoh?

That's the beauty of poker.

The most important point is that with the blessing of magic, the original rigid card characters can be given a specific image, and phantom images of characters attacking will also appear during the battle, so that playing cards is more enjoyable.

The crappy video games in the world of ordinary people can easily become addictive, not to mention that this kind of card game that can be called a dimensionality reduction blow appears in the wizarding world where entertainment is scarce.

Just imagine, under your call. Legendary wizards have served you and fought for you. What an interesting thing it would be.

And collecting. That is the key to making money. "Witch and Poison Publishing House" only sells the basic version of the wizard card, that is, the rarity of the card is ordinary. The basic version only needs three Sigrams, even if it is poor. Little wizards have money to buy. If you want more powerful characters, you can only buy special card packs for drawing.

The price of a pack of bonus codes is not expensive, it is also three Sigrams, but there is only one card in it.

As for whether you can get the character you want, it can only depend on luck or krypton gold

Of course, you can also exchange.

But to exchange, the premise is that the other party has a card, right?

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, one hundred pass one thousand

Once the wizard card was released, it immediately caused a huge response, covering the whole of Europe in a crazy manner in just one month.

In fact, the wizarding world also has something similar to collecting cards—chocolate frog cards.

It's just that it was a pure collection, without further extension, just like the little raccoon simply surfaced the "Water Margin" card back then, it was all the rage, and it was only for a while.

Everyone finds that even if they are all collected, it doesn't make much sense, and it will be nothing over time.

But the wizard card is different.

"Let's have a wonderful and exciting game of wizard cards!"

This sentence has almost become the first sentence that wizards meet now.

"My turn, draw a card!"

This is the second sentence.

There is no problem that a game of "Wizard Card" cannot solve. If so, come to two rounds.

For this reason, the attention of Quidditch has dropped by many percentage points.

At Dudley's suggestion, Carlo even proposed to the Ministry of Magic to hold a wizard card contest, which is said to be under consideration.

No way, who told wizards that there are too few entertainment activities.

At this time, it has been a month since Dudley and the others came to Godric's Hollow. Part of the old house of the Potter family has been repaired, and the first floor is ready for occupancy. The old house has a history of hundreds of years, and some materials are still magic products, which cannot be repaired with ordinary people's materials.

Also, Dudley couldn't fix the house all day, and he had other things to do, so he stopped after the first floor was finished.

Anyway, Potter's house is big enough, even the first floor is big enough for the three of them to live in.

In the past few days, Dudley has always felt that there seems to be someone or something in the house, but when he looked for it, there was nothing, but the data magic eye seems to have found some information.

On this day, two owls descended at the same time, bringing two invitation letters from friends, Ron and Neville, inviting them to play at Weasley's and Longbottom's house respectively.

"There's not enough time for us to be in two places at the same time, Harry."

To say yes to one means to say no to the other.

No matter which side you choose, the other side will be sad.

"So Harry, you go to Ron's side, and Hermione and I go to Neville's side."

Coincidentally, Dudley also wanted to talk to Neville's grandmother, Mrs. Augusta, about something.

When he heard that he was going to be separated from Dudley, Harry was very unhappy.

But finally agreed.

'For Brother D's happiness' thought Harry.

You can't let Hermione go to Ron's or Neville's alone, he and Dudley go to the other house.

"Around August 15th, Hogwarts should send out the book list needed for the second grade, and we will meet at Lihen Bookstore."

Dudley and Harry said so.

By the way, both Harry and Dudley's birthdays this year were spent in Potter's old house, and Hermione gave him a bag with a larger space without accident. Petunia and Vernon have been mysterious recently, as if Hiding some secrets.

He was unexpectedly happy to hear that they were not going back.

The same thing happened to Hermione's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

If you ask them directly, you will pretend that nothing is wrong.

Really confusing.

When the three of them left Potter's old house, Dudley clasped his hands together, and a formation pattern gradually emerged on the ground, but it disappeared soon after.

The three parted in front of the fireplace of a wizard's shop in Godric's Hollow.

Meanwhile, Malfoy Manor.

"Father, why do you keep refusing to invite Dursley and Potter to your house?"

Malfoy looked at his father, hoping that the other party could give him an explanation.

"Now they've accepted Weasley's and Longbottom's invitations."

Lucius sat upright in the chair, and instead of answering Malfoy's question directly, he asked rhetorically.

"Draco, I heard that when you were at Hogwarts, you dated someone like Hagrid, the Warden of the Forbidden Forest."

"Is there such a thing?"

Although the voice was flat, there was a trace of unique accent in the flatness, he lowered his head so that he could look directly into Draco's eyes.

If it was the old Draco, seeing his father like this would definitely cringe.

But the first year of college life changed Draco a lot.

'Damn Goyle, damn Brack for blaming me! '

"Father, I think they should be invited."

"This is very important to my future and to the Malfoy family."

You can answer irrelevant questions, then I can also answer irrelevant questions and continue to ask questions.

"We are pure blood, I think I should have told you, don't associate with such dubious people."

The words 'don't associate with such dubious people' seemed to remind Draco of something.



Malfoy's mother, Narcissa, a tall, slender woman with astonishingly white skin, who always had an arrogant look on her face, interrupted Draco: "Don't question your father's decision."

"For so many years he has never made a mistake."

Nothing wrong?

Draco looked odd.

Brother D told me that the stupidest decision Malfoy ever made was to openly side with the Mysterious Man and stand against Dumbledore. This unwise behavior almost ruined the entire Malfoy family.

That is to say, Professor Dumbledore has a good temper, otherwise.


Lucius' voice sounded again, still in a slow and unhurried manner, still with a unique greasy emphasis.

"Just watch it carefully."

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