Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 332 Sharp Questions

Before today, Amosta Bryan had never entered the public eye, so it is conceivable that in an era of peace, a young wizard who was not well-known before wiped out an entire werewolf group by himself. What a shock this incident brought to the magic world!

"Mr. Blaine!"

After Amosta's brief self-introduction, a woman reporter with a graceful figure, wine-red curly hair, and a job card for "Roar of the Gargoyle", which is very important in France, raised her hand and said reverently,

"Minister Fudge just announced to the wizarding world that you will receive the Order of Merlin First Class, and that the British Ministry of Magic will hire you as a senior advisor. Does this mean that you will leave Hogwarts and turn to politics?"

"I don't think-"

Without the slightest hesitation, Amosta replied with a slight smile,

"Although it is a very noble job to be an official of the Ministry of Magic and serve the residents of the wizarding world, I would rather stay at Hogwarts and be more willing to get along with the children, cultivate their skills and brains, and make They grow into a qualified adult wizard, which makes me feel more meaningful."

Amostar's answer received warm applause, and some senior officials of the Ministry of Magic secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

One carrot and one hole, if Amosta Bryan tried to join the Ministry of Magic with the power to exterminate werewolves, with the support of public opinion, they probably would not be able to refuse, and it was impossible for them to use a random position to deal with a A great wizard with extraordinary strength, at that time, someone will definitely step down.

Today, Amosta has seen how difficult it is to deal with the newspaper reporters that Fudge fears like a tiger. The question asked by the female reporter of "Gargoyle Roar" can only be regarded as a test of the water. Such tricky questions emerge in endlessly.

Some asked whether Amosta had been appointed as the next headmaster of Hogwarts by default, some asked who had better mana power, he or Dumbledore, and some asked whether Amosta, a Muggle-born wizard, would be the next headmaster of Hogwarts. The rights of half-blood wizards speak out.

A reporter from the American "New York Elf" on the other side of the Atlantic even asked Amosta what he thought of the jailing of Gilderoy Lockhart, a well-known best-selling author in the European magic circle and co-professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts with him last year. matter.

How else can I see it, go to Azkaban to see it.

"Mr. Blaine, this is Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet--"

Generally speaking, the atmosphere of the press conference is still very friendly. After all, the Ministry of Magic and Amosta Bryan eliminated the gang of werewolves who did many evils. Even for the sake of this, no one will be here to celebrate Always destroy the atmosphere. But there are exceptions.

It was a female reporter from the Daily Prophet, and she had done her hair into delicate, stiff, and weird curls, which looked particularly twisted with her big-jawed face. Wearing a pair of bejeweled glasses, clutching a crocodile handbag in her fat fingers, her nails were two inches long and painted bright red, her hand was held high at this moment, and a green shorthand The quill was writing rapidly on the parchment spread across his lap.

"Oh shit, I knew she was—"

Fudge's face tensed up suddenly, and the nervous grunt sounded accurately into Amosta's ear.

It seems that this is the Daily Prophet who is known in the magic world for his gossip and vicious rhetoric, and he is anxious about Rita Skeeter.

Rita Skeeter is very famous in the industry. When she raised her hand to ask a question, the noisy reporters around her fell silent. They stared at the grinning mouth with interested eyes, showing three big gold teeth Rita seemed to be expecting something.

"Ms. Skeeter, you can state your problem—"

Amosta said gently.

"Oh, Mr. Blaine, there is no doubt that you have made remarkable achievements. It is really amazing. I can't imagine that a wizard who is only a little famous can try nearly a hundred ferocious werewolves in a head-to-head confrontation. -"

Rita Skeeter was smiling, her lips moving quickly, but her eyes behind the bejeweled frames had an inadvertent flash of light,

"Yeah, I wondered about that, so me and my lovely colleagues who are persistent in their pursuit of the truth visited some of the Hogsmeade villagers who witnessed the scene that night, and oh, there's some weird stuff going on out there, of course , it may also be that those villagers can't understand your powerful magic—”

Amosta patiently maintained a listening posture,

"What kind of strange statement?"

With a sly smile on her lips, Rita Skeeter stood up from her stool so that the cameras could get a better picture of her,

"This is a terrible identification, but, Mr. Blaine, it seems that someone thinks that the powerful fire magic you used that night seems to be... Fiendfyre?"

When the name 'Fiendfire' appeared in the front hall of the Ministry of Magic, in a trance, a gust of cold wind blew over the heads of those muttering reporters, and all of them shrank their necks.

In the UK, the public may not know much about the Fiercefire Curse. After all, this is a powerful magic that only a few wizards are capable of mastering. However, journalists from France and Germany will not forget that when a wizard was active, His curse has caused so much damage to their country and their city.

Although not as famous as the Unforgivable Curse, the Fiercefire Curse is also on the list of spells that are absolutely prohibited by the Ministry of Magic of various countries. Of course, it is not unreasonable to use extraordinary means to deal with werewolves. Therefore, although many reporters I have already grasped some information, but I still haven't raised this point.

However, this is still a disgraceful thing, isn't it?

It was the same for Amosta Bryan and the Ministry of Magic, and scandal-seeking Rita Skeeter slyly saw through it, so she threw the question out.

Foggy Khan rained down, and Amelia frowned.

On the contrary, Rufus Scrimgeour, who was also present at the press conference, flashed a gleam of joy in his pale yellow lion-like eyes. He didn't like Amosta Braine not only because he overwhelmed the Aurors, Instead, he, who has been fighting crime all the year round, smelled a smell on Amosta, which was the smell of crime.

Rufus Scrimgeour, who has been dealing with dark wizards for half his life, knows very well that a powerful wizard who is so good at using Fiendfyre cannot be faultless, but in the department, several of his immediate superiors collectively lost their voices and chose to turn a blind eye to this .

Everyone stretched their necks and waited for Amostar to give a reasonable explanation. People guessed what explanation Amostar could give --- either flatly denying it, or showing a special order from the Ministry of Magic, of course, It would embarrass himself and the Ministry of Magic, and that was Rita Skeeter's plan.

Looking at the faces staring at her eagerly, Amosta smiled slightly

"Before I answer this question, I would like to ask you--"

Amosta looked around and asked unhurriedly,

"Why is Fiercefire Curse listed as an illegal and banned spell by various countries?"

The sudden question made everyone confused, even Rita Skeeter, who asked the question, couldn't see through Amosta's intentions for a while, but she quickly reacted and pressed her step by step,

"Sir, I thought we were discussing whether the magic that killed Greyback was the Fiendfyre Curse, not the academic question of why the Fiendfyre Curse was banned."

Amosta Blaine wanted to muddy the waters and muddle the issue.

Rita Skeeter asked herself that she had guessed Le Amosta Brain's mind, and she ignored Fudge's angry stare, showing a happy expression.

"The reason why Fiercefire Curse is regarded as black magic and banned by various countries is nothing more than three points"

Glancing at Rita Skeeter, who seemed to be taking this question to task, Amosta calmly explained.

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