Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 308 Tracking in the Forest

What happened on the battlefield was the same as in memory, Sirius was surrounded by several werewolves, they locked Sirius' limbs, and were about to tear his body apart!

Harry and Hermione, who were lurking in the open ground, trembled nervously. They held their breath and stared at an area full of lush trees. Under the condition of high tension, Harry heard the roaring and hissing all around. It suddenly disappeared, and the Forbidden Forest was as quiet as under the deep sea.


At the same time, Harry and Hermione saw a wizard who was about the same height as them, but a little fatter than Neville, appearing behind a tree as if suddenly growing out of the ground.

With the sudden flash of green light, Harry also saw the appearance of the man clearly - matted thinning hair in a mess, a bald spot on the top of the head, an ugly face, a pointed nose and mung bean eyes with obvious mouse marks feature!

History has not changed.

Peter's Killing Curse was blocked by Snape, and he was stunned, as if he couldn't accept his failure.

Harry stood up eagerly, but Hermione quickly held his head down so that it wouldn't come out from under the cloak.

"Wait a minute, Harry, we can't show up here again!" Hermione said in a hurried voice.

Harry stared at the short figure in the forest, and before he knew it, a little blood came into his green eyes. Since he was born, he has never hated anyone as much as he does now.

leave here

Peter's reaction was quick. When everyone was still stunned by who used the Unforgivable Curse, Peter realized that it was completely impossible for him to kill Sirius tonight. Peter turned and shrank his body into a mouse, and sprinted into the fallen leaves.

As he did so, Harry and Hermione immediately stood up under the invisibility cloak, their eyes fixed on the traces of the fallen leaves, and they swished out like rabbits.

Amosta stretched in mid-air. He glanced into the distance, and after confirming that the horsemen were on their way back, he smiled softly and followed the two little guys.

At this moment, Harry regretted not bringing his Firebolt with him. If he had the Firebolt, he could catch up with Peter in the blink of an eye, but now, he had to rely on two legs to jump in the complicated terrain. In the forest, you have to take care of Hermione's speed.

After about ten minutes, there was no sound other than the snapping of branches and the rustling of leaves. Around them, the ancient trees that had grown for centuries became denser, and the stars and moon above their heads were no longer visible. Harry was extremely grateful for his excellent eyesight. If it weren't for this, they might have lost Peter long ago.

"We're .hoo."

While panting, Harry asked Hermione beside him.

"Oh, that's all right, Harry, I don't think the situation should matter—"

Hermione had had enough of running fast while wearing the cloak.

The moment he got the permission, Harry lifted off the invisibility cloak above his head, and roared angrily, causing many dark creatures to commotion in the dark and quiet Forbidden Forest.

"Stop, you shameful traitor!!!"

Peter is running for his life with all his strength, but in fact, he doesn't know where he should go now, the Weasleys can't go back, and he is now a dead man in name, and next, he may be wanted by the Ministry of Magic Criminals, there is no place for him in the wizarding world, and it will not be safe to hide there.

Obviously the plan is going well, but why are there so many accidents all of a sudden?

Peter was full of sadness.

Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore, who is about to know the truth, will not give up looking for him. In front of these people, his strength is insignificant, and he cannot protect himself at all.

But who can protect themselves?

It is said that the Dark Lord is currently dormant in the forests of Albania, and he may be able to rely on him. This is, according to the rumors, the Dark Lord has lost his great power. Now, he himself is lingering. What's the use?

While running for his life, Peter was frustrated with his bleak future, but at this moment, an angry roar behind him made his limbs lose his balance, and his body suddenly jumped forward and rolled several times on the ground, hitting the ground with a bang. It was only on the roots of the tree that the charge was stopped.

But when he turned over and stood up, seeing Harry who was striding forward and holding his wand high, he suddenly showed horrified eyes.


Peter jumped up in fright, and he was about to run for his life instinctively, but the two cursed lights that predicted his route blew up his way forward, and his weak body was blown out by the expanding air, and , hit the tree trunk hard.

Peter, who fell to the ground in a mess, tried to shake his head, but before he could wake up, a gust of wind suddenly came, and Peter found himself being lifted up suddenly, and a pair of green glasses that were almost fire-breathing were staring at him, wishing he could To eat him alive.

"We did it, Harry, and it was easier than I thought!"

Seeing the mouse held in Harry's hand like a snitch, Hermione cried out in surprise.

However, Harry didn't have any happy thoughts in his heart. He stared at the mouse desperately pricking the needle in his hand, and said through gritted teeth,

"I want to talk to this traitor, Hermione, is there anything you can do!"


Hermione cried out in embarrassment,

"Animagus is a profound transformation magic, and the reduction techniques I learned in Professor McGonagall's class are not enough—"


The mother and father who died because of the betrayal of the person in front of them, stayed in Azkaban for twelve years, the normal timeline, Sirius who was seriously injured, and Professor Lupine who was also seriously injured and still missing, think of these people, haha Leigh couldn't control his anger. He threw the mouse to the ground hard, put one foot on his tail, and growled,

"Change back to your original form, hurry up, or I'll kill you immediately!"

Peter, who was struggling to get up, froze and didn't dare to move.

"Come on, Harry, he's not worth it, and your parents wouldn't want you to kill—"

Hermione held Harry's arm and said sadly with tears in her eyes.


Harry laughed angrily.

"I will never know what my parents will think, will I!"

Without giving Hermione a chance to interject, Harry shoved his wand into Peter's mouth and threatened again,

"Change back, you bastard, or I promise I'll kill you!"

Then, Harry felt a force repelling his trampling. Peter quickly grew his hands, feet and head as if he drank a growth potion. Suddenly, a dirty and ugly wizard appeared in front of them.

"Harry Harry"

As soon as he showed his original shape, Peter burst into tears. He knelt down in front of Harry and Hermione, his body twitched and howled loudly,

"I don't want to do that, Harry, but I'm too scared, Harry, you don't know how powerful the Dark Lord is, he killed a lot of people, and all those who resisted him ended badly. I've been regretting it .”


Harry gritted his teeth,

"You have never repented, and you still want to kill everyone tonight."

"I didn't do that, Harry—"

Peter glanced at the wand pointing at his forehead in fear, tremblingly,

"I just wanted to run away, Harry, for that little Malfoy boy to send me out of school and I swear I wasn't trying to hurt anyone"

"You liar."

Harry said bitterly.

Peter threw himself at Hermione's feet again, causing Hermione to scream,

"Smart girl, you must be able to figure it out. I never thought of harming you, and I never thought about it. I have been following Ron. If I wanted to do this, I would have done it long ago."

Hermione shrank back in fear, she looked at the furious Harry,

"Don't let him turn you into a murderer, Harry, we'll take him back and he'll be punished."

"I am willing to accept the punishment!" Peter shouted excitedly,

"I am willing to go to Azkaban, and I am willing to forgive sins!"

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