Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 448: Cutting out the Heart and Bones

The Sorting Hat flashed its headlights, shining light into the distance.

Ms. Rosmerta was photographed and panicked and went into the house.

"Oh, the Three Broomsticks are so cute," it muttered, correcting Harry.

The words were not finished.

Hermione took out her wand, tapped it on the dashboard, and coughed heavily with a threat.

The Sorting Hat was startled.

It twisted the handle awkwardly: "Oh, my God, there's something wrong with my headlights! I just replaced the xenon lights, damn the shady businessman!"

"Let's go to the bar quickly."

"I also want to have a cup of warm motor oil."

Grindelwald nodded: "That's fine. I haven't been to a bar for a long time. Let's go."

"I'm not familiar with this place, Mr. Dumbledore, could you please lead the way?"

Dumbledore nodded: "Of course."

He walked forward, Grindelwald beside him.

The Sorting Hat wanted to fly away. It felt that as a hat, it shouldn't be in this place, but Hermione was still on him and it couldn't carry Hermione away.

Slowly, Toto pulled out a long and narrow line on the snow.

Harry stopped talking.

The three of them walked to the Pig's Head Bar in silence.

A sudden change occurred in Hogsmeade, Gringotts was attacked by goblins again, and the wizarding world was in turmoil. Although the Hog's Head Bar was still open, there were no customers. Only Aberforth was resting on the counter.

"We have guests." Harry waved his wand, a stone flew up and knocked on the door.

Aberforth raised his head and frowned: "Harry, why don't you worry about Hogwarts?"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the two people beside Harry and stopped abruptly.

"Grindelwald!" Aberforth slapped the table, glared, and gritted his teeth.

He is very old.

Haven't seen him again for decades.

But his face has long been pierced deep into the bone marrow, and is closely connected with this broken life.

Grindelwald looked at him openly.

Dumbledore dodged a little, stepping to one side and half hiding behind Harry.

"Don't be so excited, Mr. Aberforth," Harry said softly.

Aberforth tilted his head, his eyes fixed on Harry: "Mr. Potter, don't do this kind of thing on your own, it's boring."

"It's closed now. The Pig's Head Bar will not be open today."

Harry interrupted: "No, not in the way you think."

"Now Grindelwald is a homeless stray dog."

Even if he was scolded with unpleasant words, Aberforth remained unmoved.

In his mind, these words could even be said to beautify Grindelwald.

Grindelwald opened his mouth and took the initiative to explain: "Harry is right, I am a homeless stray dog ​​now."

"Voldemort came to find me for the whereabouts of the Elder Wand."

"I am no match for him. Fortunately, my Third Eye gave me a warning so that I could prepare myself and escape from his pursuit."

"Now in the whole world, only Hogwarts can protect me, so I have to escape here."

At this point, he paused.

"Mr. Potter, and Principal Dumbledore don't seem to fully trust me yet. They don't plan to let me into the castle at this time. They can only find a bar to sit down and have a good talk."

"The Three Broomsticks are closed."

The Sorting Hat came in, awkwardly twisting the handlebars, and the engine roared slightly.

Aberforth raised his wand and pointed it at Grindelwald: "It would be better for you to go to the Shrieking Shack than to come to me."

"You know."

"I can also cast the Unforgivable Curse."

Grindelwald stood without speaking or making any movement, and his eyes met Aberforth's.

Aberforth's auburn gaze dug deeply into the look in those blue eyes.

He wanted to capture something.


Be frank and forthright.

No guilt.

Grindelwald felt guilty, but that was only for Albus Dumbledore, not Aberforth, the Dumbledore. He doesn't regret what he has done in his life, he just feels guilty for breaking his lover's heart.

Blue is a color that makes people calm.

But as Aberforth watched, his anger grew stronger and stronger.

He didn't feel guilty.

In front of yourself! In front of him, who killed his sister, wife and children, there was no guilt in his eyes.

"Avada Kedavra!"

He roared out the spell, and a green light flashed——

Grindelwald stood up straight. He could react to the slow speed of the incantation, but he did nothing.

Dumbledore subconsciously raised his hand and already raised his wand.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Harry pressed his hand down.

Hermione's eyelids trembled subconsciously.

Boom - the curse hit the threshold above Grindelwald's head, sawdust flew everywhere, and the old, ugly pig's head was overwhelmed and fell hard, hitting the ground with a splash of snowflakes.

Aberforth looked at Grindelwald with hatred. He did not choose to kill him, but why didn't he even hide?

Hide for a while!

Even if his body reacts subconsciously like his brother did.

Just a moment, just a moment.

He can convince himself that he is standing here not to apologize or reconcile, but to take advantage of this situation and force himself to choose to expose it.

As long as you convince yourself, you can really make up your mind to kill him.

But he didn't, why not?

Grindelwald looked at Aberforth quietly. He accepted all his fate, whether he died here or not.

"Heart-piercing and bone-cutting!" He chanted the spell again.

Grindelwald still did not dodge, and the power of the Cruciatus Curse spread throughout his body. He did not choose to resist, and endured this spell. No matter how his mind was, his body was honest. He fell to the ground in pain, twisted and struggled.

Dumbledore turned his head and couldn't bear to look.

Harry walked into the room, waved his wand, cast a cleaning spell, wiped the old dusty table clean, shoveled away the dirt on the floor, turned to look at Hermione: "What would you like to drink?"

"Butterbeer would be fine," Hermione replied.

Harry looked at Dumbledore: "Albus, are you still honey water?"

Dumbledore sighed, how could he be in the mood to drink at this time, but there was nothing he could do.

Even if Aberforth killed Grindelwald, it was a matter of course.

Fate does not favor his brother.

And the culprit who caused all the disasters and messed up his innocent brother's life was Grindelwald.

Harry waved his wand and the levitating spell pulled Dumbledore, forcing him to sit down at the table.

Two glasses of whiskey and a glass of butterbeer drifted from the counter.

Dumbledore held up the wine glass and tasted this alcoholic drink, which he had not drunk for a long time. The bitter and spicy taste of the drink rolled into his throat and intestines, stimulating him to tears.

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